On 1st September at 6:00 pm, St Kenelm’s Concerts present Nicolle Uzan and Maurice Delaistier in an evening of Spanish Songs for voice and guitar. The concert will showcase three periods of...
Discover Something New – Heythrop Park Hotel
You don't have to stay at Heythrop Park Hotel to enjoy some of the benefits. Here are some offers: To see a leaflet on the offers click here. Pop into the new Coffee Nest for great coffee and...
Celebrations in Enstone for the Coronation of HM King Charles III on 6 May
CELEBRATE THE DAY IN ENSTONE – OPEN TO ALL Get together with friends and bring a picnic to: Parish Hall – Open 10.30am – watch live events on the big screen, enjoy refreshments, cake,...
The Enstone Incredible Duck Race – A Quacking Success
Despite the awful rain the race went ahead on the 31st March. Great support of welly clad school families and locals went to the river bank to cheer the ducks on as they...
The Enstone Incredible Duck Race – 31 March
At 2.30pm on Friday, 31 March, half way up Heythrop drive over 200 Ducks will start an incredible race heading downstream towards Enstone. Bring the kids to watch the ducks paddle their way through...
Fireworks – New Years Eve
The following organisations have provided this information: Heythrop Park Hotel – a few fireworks before dinner at 5.30pm Soho Farmhouse – at midnight for 8 to 15 minutes Maplewood...
What’s On This Christmas – West Oxfordshire
In West Oxfordshire, there are a great variety of events and activities taking place in the run up to Christmas, please take a look at the listings by clicking the images or link...
Fireworks at Soho Farmhouse and Heythrop Park Hotel
This is prior warning that both local attractions will be holding Fireworks Displays on the 5 November for their guests: Heythrop Park Hotel at 5.30pm for approximately 15 minutes. Soho...
Warner Leisure Hotels re-open Heythrop Park
Today, 19th October 2022, Warner Leisure Hotels officially opened Heythrop Park after a multi million pound refurbishment. The opening ceremony of cutting the ribbon was undertaken by...
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations in Enstone
Here is the programme for Enstone Sports & Social Club and Parish Hall events: ESSC - opens at 2.00 pm 2 - 2.45 pm – Face Painting 3.00 pm – Pass the Parcel 3.30 pm –...