WEST OXFORDSHIRE DISTRICT COUNCIL NOTICE OF REVIEW OF POLLING DISTRICTS AND POLLING PLACES West Oxfordshire District Council (the Council) is conducting a review of polling district and polling...
Parish Council
Planning Appeal Decision – Land, The Square, Church Enstone
Uplands planning appeal decision for Land Formerly Known As The Square, Church Enstone - 23/00860/FUL Appeal allowed. Click here for the full appeal decision by the Planning...
New Noticeboard for Enstone
On Saturday, a new noticeboard was erected in place of the old one adjacent to The Green in the centre of Enstone. Councillor Glendinning signed off the installation on behalf of the Parish Council....
Enstone Spring Clean
The annual 'litter-pick' organised by the Parish Council and Enstone Eco Group, involving more than 25 people, took place in Enstone at the weekend as part of the Great British Spring...
Vacancy for a Parish Councillor – Enstone
NOTICE OF VACANCY IN OFFICE OF COUNCILLOR PARISH OF ENSTONE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Pursuant to section 87(2) of the Local Government Act 1972, that Tom Gilbert, formerly a Member of the above...
Enstone Parish Council Survey 2023
This is a short survey to find out your views as a resident of Enstone and takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Please respond by 26 October by clicking...
CONSULTATION – Enstone, Cleveley, Gagingwell, Lidstone & Radford – proposed 20mph & 30mph Speed Limits
Oxfordshire County Council wants to make our built environments safer and more attractive places to walk and cycle. To enable this, 20mph speed restrictions are being used to help promote alternative...
Parish Council Open Morning – Saturday 16th Sep – Parish Hall 10am-12pm
This is an informal and friendly opportunity to meet your councillors. Come and have a cuppa and chat about ... Any concerns and queries you have See what the council has been up to Find out...
Notice of Poll – District Council Elections
NOTICE OF POLL (Click here for pdf version) Election of a District Councillor for the Kingham, Rollright and Enstone Ward Notice is hereby given that: A poll for the election of a...
Candidate Nominations for District and Town & Parish Council Elections for West Oxfordshire – 4 May 2023
West Oxfordshire District Council Elections (Click here for pdf version) Statement of Persons Nominated for election in the Kingham, Rollright and Enstone Ward: BEANEY, Andrew Clive, 1...