Held in Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday
15th August 2024 at 7.00 pm
PRESENT: PCs. N. Knott, P. Shaw, C. Glendinning, N. Peart, C. Millar, A. Ward, D. Robottom, J. Ferguson-Davie, M. Gomm, H. Bourne-Taylor (7.15 pm), DC Alex Wilson, CC Geoff Saul and three residents.
APOLOGIES: DC Andrew Beaney (holiday)
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Beth Sinclair, Clerk
Cllr. Knott welcomed everyone to the meeting and the Parish Council sent its
condolences to the family of the deceased following
the recent fatal crash at Enstone Airfield.
The minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 11th July, 18th July and 1st August 2024 were circulated, approved and signed by Cllr. Knott.
- Enstone Quarry – Water testing quality is ongoing and the company will arrange to attend a Parish Council meeting with the results
- Cleaning of Highway signs – Some of the signs had now been cleaned
- Letter to WODC ref: Uplands Committee – Enstone Airfield – The letter will now be sent to the new Chair of the Uplands Committee at WODC, Cllr. Hugo Ashton and also to Cllr. Julian Cooper
- 20 mph signs Enstone – CC Geoff Saul will contact Highways explaining that the 20 mph sign from Oxford to Enstone is only situated on the right hand side of the road and can a further sign on the left hand side be installed? There seem to be a minimal number of signs along the A44. The PC thanked Geoff Saul for all his help with the 20 mph signs. Cllr. Shaw commented that the new signs are already having a positive effect on reducing the speed of traffic travelling through Gagingwell
- Signs Cling Clang Lane – Cllr. Gomm was thanked for installing the new “Unsuitable for HGVs” signs at both ends of Cling Clang Lane
- “Pedestrians in Road” sign for Gagingwell – ongoing
- Co-option of Cllr. Ferguson- Davie – All the forms have been received by the Monitoring Officer at WODC
- New wig wag sign Lidstone Road – The faulty sign has been sent for repair
- Missing Coxs Lane sign – ongoing
- Bus stop survey – ongoing
- NALC – new financial regulations – there will be a further update from the OALC in the Autumn
- Financial software – ongoing
84. Public Participation:-
- FixMyStreet issues – Cllr. Knott has reported the new 20 mph sign that is missing in Church Enstone; the “Unsuitable for HGVs” sign that hasn’t been replaced following the one way system outside the village shop and a request to cut down the overhanging vegetation by the bus shelter which is obscuring the new 20 mph sign along the A44 to FixMyStreet.
- Thames Water – installation of Monitoring Station by the Hoar Stones – This unsightly monitoring station has been installed in an unsafe position at the Charlbury Road/Fulwell junction. It is also next to the national historic monument of The Hoar Stones. CC Saul will notify Highways as this is of real concern. Cllr. Knott will contact Thames Water and the Ditchley Estate agent.
- Overgrown vegetation at The Planks – A resident attended the meeting to thank the Council for its help regarding the overgrown vegetation along the footpaths past The Planks. Cllr. Knott has investigated this further and discovered that the field is owned by an investment company and she will contact their Solicitor.
- Overgrown footpath from the corner of Radford Road to Gagingwell – Photos will be sent to the clerk so that she can forward them to the County Council regarding this overgrown footpath.
- Overgrown Himalayan Balsam on private land around Enstone – Himalayan balsam which is listed on Schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act in England and Wales and also on the Government’s list of Invasive Non-Native Plant Species of concern is abundant inbetween the two river beds at The Planks. This land is owned by several land owners. The clerk will contact the Environment Agency at WODC for advice.
- Eco Group – Mr Ian Cave from the Eco Group attended the meeting to thank the Parish Council for letting him be part of the site visit with Highways. This is regarding the possibility of a wild flower meadow area near the Bicester Road/Great Tew Road Western corner.
85. County Councillor’s Report:-
- CC Saul had no updates.
86. District Councillor’s report (DC Alex Wilson):-
- Phase 1 of the transition of staff being employed by Publica has finished involving the transfer of 87 employees.
- The consultation on the Local Plan will be published in the autumn.
West Oxfordshire District Council:-
- Consultation on the West Oxfordshire Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – Draft Charging Schedule – this had been forwarded to all members. Noted.
Oxfordshire County Council:-
- Report from site visit with Mr. Chris Grain on 1st August 2024. Cllr. Knott & Glendinning were thanked for all their work involved with the site visit. It had been extremely useful and included the following issues:-
- The possibility of renewed red tarmac around the 30 mph signs on the A44; the Traffic Team at OCC will review this
- Paint new Dragons Teeth signage on the A44 at both ends of the village – PC to make request through the OCC website
- Cleaning of signs – use FixMyStreet
- Chicane bollard in Church Enstone – Mr. Chris Grain has raised a defect repair with OCC. Cllr. Ward requested a review of the positioning of the chicane as there was a near accident recently. Could the “Give Way” sign at the Little Tew Road junction be changed to at “Stop” sign? The clerk to contact Highways.
- Japanese knotweed at the Bicester Road/Great Tew Road Eastern corner – to report this on FixMyStreet
- Flooding into garden along the Lidstone Road – to re-report this on FixMyStreet
- Poor drainage at Gagingwell near the pond – to report this on FixMyStreet
- Blocked drains in Church Enstone – to report on FixMyStreet and Mr. Chris Grain will speak to the Drainage Team at OCC on how to improve this.
- Potholes Lidstone Road – These have now been repaired. Mr. Grain also concerned that the Lidstone Road goes from a 60 mph limit to a 20 mph limit and he will discuss this with OCC. He advises that it should be reduced to a 30 mph limit from the Lidstone Road corner at Lidstone heading towards Enstone.
- Overgrown vegetation from private land onto pavements – Mr. Grain will compose a letter for the Ensign magazine.
- Can the verges be cut more than once a year? Probably not due to budget constraints at OCC.
- Damaged bollard outside Primary School – Mr. Grain will arrange for the damaged concrete bollard to be removed and levelled and to remove the temporary barrier.
- Mill Lane Potholes – Mr. Grain will arrange for the pot holes outside The Crown Inn and along Mill Lane to be repaired.
- Parish Transport Representatives’ Meeting – the minutes and presentation documents had been circulated to all members.
Parish Council – Correspondence:-
- Sports Club Lease – the Lease had been signed by the Trustees of Enstone Sports Club and duly signed by Cllrs. Knott & Shaw in the presence of the clerk at the meeting. The clerk will send the documents to the solicitor.
- Enstone Playing Field Association – drainage report. EPFA had requested whether the Parish Council could make a contribution towards the £1,500.00 drainage report. It was agreed that further information was required before committing to this. The clerk will contact the EPFA to establish whether or not it has enough funds undertake the works recommended by the drainage report.
- Draft Biodiversity Policy – Cllr. Peart was thanked for all his work on this. The final version will be approved at September’s meeting.
- New WhatsApp – For discussion in September.
- OALC – July’s update and Chair’ Session – July’s update had been circulated to all members. The Chair’s session included queries on whether local Eco Groups have their own bank accounts, are registered as a Charity and have their own insurance? Also discussed was whether Enstone Airfield should be included in the Emergency Plan but it was agreed that this was not required. There will also be a requests for Parish & Town Councils to include a Climate Emergency Policy in its Emergency Plan – further information will be circulated by the OALC in the Autumn.
- Limestone Law Limited – A letter regarding support and help with Neighbourhood Plans was circulated to all members. Noted.
- Neighbourhood Planning/Rural Housing Needs Survey
- Cllr. Ward had undertaken training on Neighbourhood Plans in May 2020 and the report of this had been circulated to all members. Cllr. Ward explained that Ascott under Wychwood and Milton under Wychwood Parish Councils now both have Neighbourhood Plans. He questioned why the District Council had advised Enstone PC against producing a Plan in 2020 and asked that the District Council be approached about this. Cllr. Ward also explained that Parish Councils would now have to fund NPs through its precept and the cost of producing a NP could cost up to £20,000.00 and a thorough investigation as to the Pros and Cons of a NP would be essential. CC Saul reiterated that the National Planning Policy Framework would supersede Neighbourhood Plans. There would, however, be financial benefits of having a NP in relation to Community Infrastructure Levy payments.
- Cllr. Millar will lead the process of considering a Neighbourhood Plan and work with Cllrs. Glendinning, Shaw and Ferguson-Davie.
- The National Association of Local Councils is organizing an online event on 25th September on Neighbourhood Plans and Cllrs. Millar, Glendinning and Ferguson-Davie are able to attend.
- Cllr. Millar will also contact Kay Sentence from First Community Oxfordshire in relation to the Rural Housing Needs Survey.
- Grass Cutting management at Churchyard – Several members of Enstone Parochial Church Council and Parish Councillors undertook a site visit of the churchyard and agreed changes for the grass cutting season in 2025. The Parochial Church Council will write an article for the Ensign magazine.
- MyVision Oxfordshire – A thank you letter for the £100.00 donation had been received.
- Lithium-ion battery campaign – An update had been received. Noted.
- Overgrown vegetation – It was agreed that the Parish Council has no statutory power to help residents who have problems with neighbours who do not cut down their overgrown vegetation.
88. Planning Applications:-
- Enstone Post Office & Adams Stores, The Green, Oxford Road, 24/01691/FUL & 24/01692/LBC – Installation of condenser unit on an existing front concrete plinth. Alterations to install a condenser unit on an existing front concrete plinth and display internal signage in the form of tinted stickers in windows. No objection
- 2 Braybrooke Close, Enstone, 24/01898/NMA – Erection of a replacement porch (non-material amendment to 24/01123/hhd to allow revised roof tile specification) – No objection
- Willowbrook, Radford, 24/01982/HHD – Erection of attached garage and garden store, air source heat pump and associated works – No objection
- Oathill Lodge, Enstone, OX7 4ED, R3.0022/24 – Change of use from C3 Dwellinghouse to C2 small children’s home for up to four children with external alterations to the fenestration and steps; erection of a roof extension and demolition of existing outbuildings. No objection
Decisions Received:-
- Broad Close, Little Tew Road, Church Enstone, 24/01142/HHD – Erection of a single storey garden room. Formation of a new vehicle access for existing ancillary buildings – Refused
- Forge Cottage, Church Enstone, 24/01543/HHD – Extension of existing ancillary accommodation with internal and external alterations – Approved
- Whiteways Technical Centre, Enstone, 24/01410/FUL & 24/01162/FUL – Two story infill extension to the existing main factory building and associated works to create additional production and plant room areas – Approved
- Construction of a new open air plant platform over an existing single storey R and D building, including installation of louvre screening and associated works – Approved
89. Finance:-
a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-
- Clerk’s Salary £1,013.80
- NEST Pension Scheme (er) £30.42
- NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £40.56
- Stationery £81.93
- Vodaphone £19.27
- OALC, training, NP, BSS £120.00
- OALC, training, NP,CM,JF-D £216.00
- Thomas Fox £1107.00
- Microsoft Office, subscription £59.99
- MyVision, donation £100.00
- Enstone PCC, towards grass cutting £350.00
- EPHMC, towards grass cutting £350.00
To consider passing a resolution, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 that the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted:-
Enstone Relief in Need Charity
Enstone Parish Council unanimously agreed on this resolution.
- After discussion it was agreed that Cllr. Shaw would contact the Charity Commission for further advice, as the Parish Council had only received a response from one Trustee.
91. Dates of Next Meetings:-
- Thursday 19th September
- Thursday 24th October
- Thursday 14th November, Finance Meeting
- Thursday 21st November
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00 pm. Cllr. Knott thanked
everyone for attending.