
2024 December ERINC Minutes

EPC Minutes Uploaded on January 8, 2025

D R A F T  M I N U T E S


Held in Enstone Parish Hall on Wednesday 11th December 2024 at 8.15 pm

following the Parish Council Meeting

PRESENT: PCs. N. Knott, P. Shaw, C. Millar, D. Robottom, J. Ferguson-Davie, M. Gomm, C. Glendinning and DCs. Andrew Beaney & Alex Wilson

APOLOGIES: PCs. N. Peart, A. Ward and H. Bourne-Taylor

IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Beth Sinclair, clerk,


PC. Millar declared an interest in the allotments and is unable to vote.


To consider passing a resolution, in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to   Meetings) Act 1960 that the public and press be excluded from the meeting for the following item by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted:-

  • Enstone Relief in Need Charity – the Parish Council unanimously agreed to this resolution.


  • A response had been received from the Charity Commission confirming that it was not taking any further action.  The letter conflicted with the advice given over the telephone. It was agreed that it would be helpful to contact the Charity Commission to seek an explanation for its apparently inconsistent advice. Cllr Shaw agreed to follow this up.  No response had been received
  • After discussion it was agreed that a meeting with the three Trustees be organized, facilitated by DC Andrew Beaney who agreed to be mediator and Chair.  PCs. Knott, Shaw and Ward agreed to attend on behalf of Enstone Parish Council.  The meeting has been arranged for Monday 16th December at 7.00 pm at the Parish Hall with the Trustees of ERINC.
  • A letter from the Trustees had been circulated to all members prior to the meeting. It was noted that this had been sent to the incorrect email address for the Chair of Enstone Parish Council.

Date of Next Parish Council Meeting:-

  • Thursday 23rd January 2025

There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30 pm.