Held in Enstone Parish Hall on Wednesday
11th December 2024 at 7.00 pm
PRESENT: PCs. N. Knott, P. Shaw, M. Gomm, J. Ferguson-Davie, C. Millar, D. Robottom, C. Glendinning, DCs Andrew Beaney & Alex Wilson and sixteen members of the public
APOLOGIES: PCs. N. Peart, H. Bourne-Taylor & A. Ward
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs. Beth Sinclair, Clerk and two owners of The Harrow, Enstone
The Harrow, The Drive, Enstone, W/24/01255/PRMA
- Two owners of The Harrow and sixteen members of the public attended the meeting. The Chair asked Mrs. Nunes Vaz to introduce the application and her husband explained that the only difference to the previous license was an increase in the opening hours on a Thursday evening by 30 minutes. They have been opening the pub currently using a Temporary Events Notice as they do not have a premises license.
- If there was an objection, it will mean that the above license application will not be approved before Christmas and The Harrow will only be able to open on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve, the remaining three days of the 21 day Temporary License.
- A query about information provided on the Companies House website detailing several names as to who owns the business was raised by the Chair – Mrs Hannah Nunes vaz is applying for the license on behalf of the company “We Sell Beer Ltd.” Mr Ben Nunes vaz confirmed that he was one of the owners of the company alongside a business partner.
- The Parish Council explained that there were local concerns around the timings of the opening hours. Friday and Saturday nights have late opening hours to 2.00 am. These hours have not changed in ten years.
- Mr Nunes vaz stated that he has a license for live music.
- It was requested by the Parish Council that the outside area be tidied up.
- A member of the public explained that The Harrow is a central hub for the community and that if it closes at 11.00 pm, people will travel to Chipping Norton or Oxford instead. The lease holders have transformed The Harrow into a community space making it an integral part of the community and the residents of Enstone should embrace this.
- A resident asked about the license for live and played music. Mr Nunes Vaz explained that they already have a license for this and there were not changes to it.
- It was agreed that it is very important to support local businesses whilst protecting local residents. The Parish Council voted and had no objection to the license and requested that the outside area is not used after 10.30 pm.
The minutes of the Parish Council Finance Meeting held on Thursday 14th November 2024 were circulated, approved and signed by Cllr. Knott and the subsequent Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 21st November 2024 were circulated, approved and signed by Cllr. Shaw.
- Overgrown vegetation at The Planks – Wait until Spring
- Overgrown Himalayan Balsam on private land around Enstone – Wait until Spring
- Dragons Teeth – both entrances to Enstone and B4022 – Awaiting quote
- S106 monies for Art – New Year
- The Marshall Fountain – Cllrs. Ferguson-Davie & Robottom will be obtaining preliminary quotes and contacting a water engineer. There are National Lottery and Heritage Funds available. Ongoing
- Gagingwell signs – Awaiting response from OCC regarding funding.
- Neighbourhood Plan/Housing Needs Survey – ongoing
- Information for website – ongoing
- Enstone Playing Field Association – drainage report – ongoing
- Sports Club & PHMC – S106 monies and updates – New Year
- Enstone Quarry – Smiths invited to attend January’s meeting
- Actions from Finance Meeting – ongoing
- Fallen wall outside school – OCC had put protective fencing around this
125. Public Participation:-
- PC Robottom reported that the road sign “Cleveley Road” and adjoining speed restriction sign at the corner of Cleveley Road junction had both been damaged. The speed restriction sign had been reported onto FixMyStreet and the road sign to WODC by PC Glendinning.
- PC Robottom reported that the recent storms had caused damage to the planks. The clerk will contact OCC.
- PC Knott reported that all 560 residents staying at Heythrop Park had to be sent home due to a power cut during the recent storms. It was also reported that vandalism to cars in Heythrop Park had occurred on a separate occasion amounting to £30,000.00 worth of damage.
- PC Ward had contacted the clerk prior to the meeting explaining that a resident was interested in becoming a Super User, reporting defects to the OCC on FixMyStreet, on behalf of the Parish Council – this would accelerate the works and repairs being undertaken. The Parish Council unanimously agreed to this and PC Ward will contact the resident.
- PC Ward had also circulated information prior to the meeting reporting a fallen tree along Coxs Lane in the recent storms – the storm had uprooted the tree stump which was on Highways Land. The tree had been sawn into pieces and placed on top of the wall along Coxs Lane, adjacent to the Sports Field. PC Ward will liaise with the sports club who will need to contact OCC explaining that the tree is on Highways land but has damaged the wall belonging to the Parish Council but now maintained by the Sports Club.
- The clerk had received an email from a resident of The Paddocks concerning a street lamp that was “on” permanently. It transpired that the road has not yet been adopted by Highways and so all the lamp posts are still the responsibility of The Paddocks’ Management Company. The resident thanked the clerk for her help.
- The Parish Council will ask the PHMC when the front of the Parish Hall might be repainted. It is now ten years since the opening of the Hall and is in need of this.
126. County Councillor’s Report:-
- No report had been received.
127. District Councillor’s report (DC Andrew Beaney):-
- Following the formation of the new Government in July, the District Council is awaiting the updated National Planning Policy Framework (NPFF) regarding housing needs.
- The deadline for public comments on the first draft of the budget for 2025/2026 is 15th December, following which it will be discussed at the Executive Committee.
- DCs Beaney and Wilson were thanked for all their ongoing support and hard work with Enstone Parish Council throughout the year.
West Oxfordshire District Council:-
- Nature Recovery Conference – Noted
- Business Matters – Noted and put onto the website
- Budget Consultation – Noted and put onto the website
Oxfordshire County Council:-
- Latest News – noted and put onto the website
- Highways’ questionnaire – PC Glendinning will complete this online questionnaire regarding the recent site visit in Enstone during the summer
Parish Council – Correspondence:-
- New Noticeboard, Church Enstone – It was agreed that PC Glendinning contacts the Company for updated quotes.
- Chipping Norton Theatre – Donation Request – It was agreed to donate £100.00.
- Cleanslate – Donation Request – It was agreed to donate £100.00.
- Grass Cutting Contract for 2025 Season – Ubico at WODC was too expensive. The clerk will contact Thomas Fox for further information.
- OALC:-
– November’s Update – this had been circulated to all members
– Consultation on Remote Meetings – The consultation deadline is 19th December. It was agreed that in person meetings are preferable and Central Government will not fund Parish or Town Councillors with computers and that the expense would need to come out of the Parish Council’s precept.
- The Mullin Project – PC Knott explained that the legal agreements have been approved and will be signed by 31st January 2025. Work will then commence on the discharge of conditions. It is expected that the project will commence at the start of 2026. Enstone Parish will be benefitting from S106 monies for various projects including traffic calming and affordable housing.
129. Planning Application:-
- Southcombe Farm, Oxford Road, Southcombe, 24/02674/FUL, Construction of replacement dwelling and associated works. No objection
Licensing Application:-
- The Harrow Inn, Enstone, W/24/01255/PRMA – see above
Decisions Received:-
- Land West Of Chapel Lane Chapel Lane Enstone Oxfordshire, 24/01570/FUL – Erection of a detached self-build dwelling with new access and associated works. Approved Subject to Legal Agreement
- Whiteways Technical Centre, Enstone, 24/02563/FUL – Erection of an extension to the Wind Tunnel Building together with associated development – Approved
130. Finance:-
a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-
- Clerk’s Salary Personal
- NEST Pension Scheme (er) Personal
- NEST Pension Scheme (ee) Personal
- Vodaphone £19.72
- Quarterly office expenses £78.00
- Stationery & printing £33.96
- Webmaster Honorarium £500.00
- HMRC, refund £100.00
- To confirm Parish Precept & Council Tax for 2025/2026 – Following the finance meeting, Cllr. Glendinning and the clerk worked together to produce the draft budget and precept calculation for 2025/2026. This was unanimously agreed and confirms a 4.83 % increase. The budget and precept calculation will be put onto the website. Cllr. Glendinning and the clerk were thanked for all their work with this.
131. Dates of Next Meetings:-
- Thursday 23rd January
- Thursday 20th February
- Thursday 20th March
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15 pm.