
2024 July Agenda

EPC Agendas Uploaded on July 13, 2024


Notice of the Parish Council Meeting to be held on

Thursday 18th July 2024 in Enstone Parish Hall at 7.00 pm

            Beth Sinclair

_________________ Clerk

12th July 2024


  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Minutes of the Previous Meetings
  4. Matters Arising
  5. Public Discussion
  6. County Councillor’s Report
  7. District Councillor’s Report
  8. Correspondence:-

West Oxfordshire District Council:-

  • Westhive
  • Local Authorities to consider moving forward with plans to take greater control of council services

Oxfordshire County Council:-

  • Formal consultation on the proposal by OCC to designate certain streets as traffic-sensitive
  • OCC is requesting volunteers to clean Highways’ signs
  • Community emergency plans and Beat the Heat advice
  • Parish Transport Representatives Meeting – feedback
  • OCC News (budget preparation)

Parish Council:-

  • Community-led housing and Housing need – Presentation – Community First Oxfordshire
  • Heythrop Park – Presentation
  • Enstone Relief in Need Charity
  • Draft Biodiversity Policy
  • Safety of Lithium-ion Batteries and e-bikes and scooters
  • OALC – June’s update & Training needs
  • MyVision Oxfordshire’s Community Engagement Project – request for funding
  • National Association of Local Councils -New Model Financial Regulations for Local Councils
  • Financial software – Scribe or Rialtas
  1. Planning Applications:-
  • Land West of Chapel Lane, Chapel Lane, Enstone, 24/01570/FUL

Decisions Received:

  • 2 Braybrooke Close, Enstone, 24/01123/HHD – Erection of a replacement porch – Approved

10. Finance:

a) To agree on the following accounts for payment:-        

  • Clerk’s Salary         £1,014.10
  • NEST Pension Scheme (er)  £30.42
  • NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £40.56
  • Vodaphone £19.27
  • Thomas Fox, June         £1,107.00
  • HMRC, NI £106.02
  • Land Registry Search £17.94
  • Bumblee Bee Border £115.00
  • Netwise UK £7.16
  • S.Morris, (bench) £80.00
  • OALC, Training, JFD £72.00
  • Parish Hall, Rent £64.80
  • Netwise £528.00
  • Website, honorarium £500.00
  • OALC, Training, NK £36.00
  • Thomas Fox, July           £1,013.40

b) Quarterly Statement of Affairs to 30.6.2024

  1. Dates of Next Meetings:-
  • 15th August
  • 19th September
  • 24th October