Held in Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday
18th July 2024 at 7.00 pm
PRESENT: PCs. N. Knott, P. Shaw, C. Glendinning, N. Peart, C. Millar, A. Ward, D. Robottom, H. Bourne-Taylor, DCs Alex Wilson & Andrew Beaney, CC Geoff Saul and six residents.
APOLOGIES: PC Mike Gomm (holiday), Managers Heythrop Park (illness)
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Beth Sinclair, clerk, Ms Kay Sentence, Community Co-ordinator from Community First Oxfordshire
The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 27th June 2024 were circulated, approved and signed by Cllr. Knott. The PC meeting held on 11th July to discuss the Enstone Relief in Need Charity will be signed in August.
- The Chair welcomed Kay to the meeting who explained how CFO is working with Councils concerning housing needs within rural areas. The houses would be built on rural exception sites (for social rent) and would be DEFRA funded. PC Ward had attended a provisional meeting in February and is keen to ensure that the right people within Enstone Parish secure these homes. DC Beaney explained that these houses would stay in perpetuity.
- The Parish Council unanimously agreed with this concept and the initial stage would be to conduct a housing needs survey with the help of CFO.
- DC Beaney explained that this project could be linked alongside the Mullin Development where £1.25 million has been set aside for social housing but should this not happen, the £1.25 million goes back to the Developer.
- Ms Sentence was thanked for attending and the Parish Council looks forward to working with her.
- Land West of Chapel Lane, Chapel Lane, Enstone, 24/01570/FUL, Erection of a detached self-build dwelling with new access and associated works – The applicants attended the meeting to answer any questions. It was confirmed that there are enough parking spaces and the Parish Council commended the applicants on their work ensuring biodiversity would be paramount concerning bat boxes, bird boxes, swift bricks, a permeable boundary for hedgehogs and protection of the beech trees. The Parish Council voted unanimously in favour of the application.
- Enstone Quarry – PC Millar confirmed that investigation works were soon to begin to include bore holes and water testing. Smiths will then attend a Parish Council meeting with a summary of their findings.
- Cleaning of Highway signs – Cllr. Glendinning had cleaned a few signs and confirmed that Mr. Josh Hunt was also cleaning the signs that were safe to clean. CC Geoff Saul explained that there is no specific OCC policy on sign cleaning.
- Site visit with Highways – Date confirmed for Thursday 1st August with Cllrs. Glendinning, Knott and DC Alex Wilson (Mr Cave from the EcoGroup also attending).
- Sports Club Lease – The Trustees of the Sports Club have agreed to the draft lease and the clerk will contact the Solicitors to draw up the formal lease for signing by both parties.
- Letter to WODC ref: Uplands Committee – Enstone Airfield – awaiting to hear from Andrew Beaney – ongoing (new committee waiting to be formed following General Election).
- Co-option PC Ferguson-Davie – the paperwork from the Monitoring Officer had not yet been received (due to General Election workload). The clerk will follow this up.
- Enstone Playing Field Association – PC Millar reported that permeability is not needed and that he will produce an engineering report – PC Millar confirmed that he is acting as a resident and not as a Parish Councillor.
- New WhatsApp group – Ongoing
- 20 mph signs Enstone – The chair queried with CC Geoff Saul why there was such a delay with the installation of the 20 mph signs. He explained that there is no timeline and the OCC is dealing with technical issues. It was queried whether the 20 mph signs could be installed in Church Enstone whilst awaiting for the posts to be installed along the A44?
69. Public Discussion:-
- New bench top of Cleveley Road – The Chair thanked Mr. Sean Morris who gave his time to dispose of the old bench and install the new bench. The clerk will write an article in the Ensign thanking him.
- New wig wag sign Lidstone Road – This had stopped working. PC Millar will report this.
- The “Coxs Lane” sign is still to be replaced – DC Beaney will report this to the Street Sign team at WODC.
- Cutting of vegetation along A44 – A resident had kindly cut back the protruding vegetation but had not cleared the cuttings away.
- New plants Bumblee Bee Border – PC Bourne-Taylor thanked the Parish Council for funding new plants. Sadly, one of the new plants had been vandalised within a few days. The clerk was asked to put an article in the Ensign.
- Verges along The Drive – PC Ward reported that the verges along The Drive had still not been cut this season. The clerk will contact Thomas Fox Landscaping.
- Overgrown vegetation Church Enstone & graveyard – PC Ferguson-Davie reported that the churchyard looks very untidy and he had received several complaints from residents about this. In addition, the triangle at Church Enstone also looks messy following the decision of “No Mow May”. PC Bourne-Taylor explained that there were many positive comments regarding the churchyard & cemetery with more wildflowers growing. It was queried whether another survey be organised and that the Eco Group arrange an open morning for residents to express their views following the “No Mow May”.
- Thames Water Works outside Enstone Primary School – The Chair queried with CC Geoff Saul what information OCC had received concerning these works as it was hazardous particularly during school term with the pavement closed and equipment stored along the Lidstone Road. Could the works not have waited until the end of term? CC Saul will liaise with the relevant OCC Officer and report back.
70. County Councillor’s Report:-
- CC Saul explained that being two weeks into the new Government and an official letter has been received from Angela Rayner, MP.
- There will be devolution across the country with power taken away from Whitehall
- The long-term funding statements are awaited.
71. District Councillor’s report (DC Andrew Beaney):-
- CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) – There will be a consultation on this – The discussion took place as Parish & Town Councils will benefit more if they have Neighbourhood Plans in place with the introduction of CILs, to replace S106 monies as there will be more monies within the Parish. PC Ward will circulate the report from four years ago when he attended a workshop on Neighbourhood Plans. DC Beaney explained that Wychwood Parish Council is currently working on a Neighbourhood Plan should Enstone PC wish to contact them. PCs Millar, Shaw & Glendinning agreed to work on the concept of a Neighbourhood Plan and PC Millar will circulate a proposal document. The possibility of a “survey monkey” on a Housing Needs Survey and Neighbourhood Plan Survey was discussed.
- Publica – DC Beaney explained that 84 employees from Publica will be returning to work as WODC employees.
West Oxfordshire District Council:-
- Westhive – There is community funding for community projects available – noted
- Local Authorities to consider moving forward with plans to take greater control of council services – Noted
Oxfordshire County Council:-
- Formal consultation on the proposal by OCC to designate certain streets as traffic-sensitive – The PC agrees with the proposals
- OCC requesting volunteers to clean Highways’ signs – The PC queried why the OCC were not cleaning its own signs? CC Geoff Saul explained that there was no policy for this. The PC was not prepared to ask residents to help with this as it should be the work of paid members of OCC.
- Climate Survey – Several PCs had completed the survey. The clerk will put this into the Ensign magazine.
- Community emergency plans and Beat the Heat advice – Noted and comments raised that this does not seem to be a good use of OCC’s resources.
- Parish Transport Representatives Meeting – PC Robottom attended the meeting – there was a presentation from Bedfordshire Council on how S106 monies were used to improve bus services. A parish survey will be undertaken on bus stop infrastructure to obtain a greater knowledge of bus stops to produce a database. PC Robottom will be undertaking the survey of bus stops around the Parish.
- OCC news – This included budget preparation for 2025/2026 and asking for views – The Parish Council wishes OCC to fund two cuts of the verges next year as the whole County looks messy and unkept.
Parish Council – Correspondence:-
- Enstone Relief in Need Charity – An article will be put in the Ensign magazine regarding the Parish Council’s duty to appoint Trustees every four years, to fulfil the Charity’s governing document. This has not been undertaken since 2017 which was the last time the trustees were appointed by the PC. The PC recognises that the pandemic had disrupted usual processes when the Trustees were due to be appointed in 2020 but no Annual Council Meetings were held that year. Interested residents will be invited to apply. Residents who rent an allotment or who have family members who rent an allotment will not be able to apply because of the potential conflict of interest. The Parish Council will write to the current Trustees.
- Draft Biodiversity Policy – PC Peart will circulate this to all members once completed.
- Safety of Lithium-ion Batteries and e-bikes and scooters – An email had been received from Mr. Ron Bailey, Parliamentary Advisor to Electrical Safety First concerning the safety of lithium-ion batteries and e-bikes & scooters – The Parish Council supports this campaign and the clerk will respond.
- OALC – June’s update & feedback from the Chair’s meeting – June’s update had been circulated to all members. The Chair had attended the recent Chairs’ Meeting, organised monthly by the OALC, where the importance of training was raised. The clerk had attended, online, the recent OALC’s AGM where there was a presentation regarding the Oxfordshire Charter and Civility & Respect Pledge.
- MyVision Oxfordshire’s Community Engagement Project – Request for funding – the Parish Council unanimously agreed to donate £100.00 to this new Charity, supporting visually impaired residents living in rural areas being able to access services.
- National Association of Local Councils – New Model Financial Regulations for Local Councils – This draft document had been circulated to all members. The clerk awaits further information from the NALC.
- Financial software – Scribe or Rialtas – All councils are encouraged to use financial software rather than Excel documents for accounting purposes. The clerk will look into this further. Burford Town Council uses Scribe. The clerk will seek quotes for three licenses.
73. Planning Application:-
- Land West of Chapel Lane, Chapel Lane, Enstone, 24/01570/FUL, Erection of a detached self-build dwelling with new access and associated works – Enstone Parish Council supports this application.
Planning Decision Received:
- 2 Braybrooke Close, Enstone, 24/01123/HHD – Erection of a replacement porch – Approved
Decisions Received:-
74. Finance:-
a) To agree on the following accounts for payment:-
- Clerk’s Salary £1,014.10
- NEST Pension Scheme (er) £30.42
- NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £40.56
- Vodaphone £19.27
- Thomas Fox £1,107.00
- HMRC, Employer’s NI £106.02
- Land Registry Search (Gagingwell Pond) £17.94
- Hannah, Bumbleebee border £115.00
- Netwise UK (for Julian’s email address) £7.16
- S.Morris, (bench) £80.00
- OALC, Training, JFD (Cllr. Fundamentals) £72.00
- Parish Hall, Rent £64.80
- Netwise (annual fees) £528.00
- Website, honorarium, 1 of 2 £500.00
- OALC, training, NK (appraisals) £36.00
- Thomas Fox, July £1,107.00
b) Quarterly Statement of Affairs to 30.6.2024 – These had been circulated to all members before the meeting and approved by the Council as a correct record. Cllr. Glendinning will check the accounts against receipt and payments to ensure that the finances are all correct as at 30th June, in line with the Parish Council’s Standing Orders.
75. Dates of Next Meetings:-
- Thursday 15th August
- Thursday 19th September
- Thursday 24th October
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40 pm. Cllr. Knott thanked everyone for attending.