
2024 June Minutes

EPC Minutes Uploaded on July 10, 2024



Held in Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday

27th June 2024 at 7.00 pm

PRESENT: PCs. N. Knott, P. Shaw, C. Glendinning, N. Peart, M. Gomm, C. Millar, A. Ward, D. Robottom, DCs Alex Wilson & Andrew Beaney and three residents.

APOLOGIES:  Cllr. H. Bourne-Taylor and CC G. Saul (work)

IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Beth Sinclair, clerk, Mr. Julian Ferguson-Davie, Trustees from the Enstone Relief in Need Charity, Managers from Heythrop Park and Mr. Cummings & Mr. Crozier from Alpine F1 Racing (Whiteways Technical Centre, Enstone).


Cllr. N. Knott declared an interest in Item 11 (Planning Applications) regarding Whiteways Technical Centre (24/01297/FUL) and Broad Close, Little Tew Road, Church Enstone (24/01142/HHD).   Cllr. Shaw Chaired these two items.


The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 23rd May 2024 and the Annual Council Meeting held on 16th May 2024 were circulated, approved and signed by Cllr. Shaw.


Mr. Ferguson-Davie attended the meeting, to be Co-opted onto the Parish Council, following

his interest In this position last year.  He duly signed his Declaration of Office form and was

welcomed onto the Parish Council.  The clerk will inform the Monitoring Officer at WODC.


Mr. Marc Coombs attended the meeting to introduce himself and explained that a planning

application would shortly be submitted to the planners at WODC for a single-dwelling house

in Chapel Lane next to where the old Parish Hall was situated.   The property will be 2,200

square feet.   He was thanked for attending and the Parish Council awaits the application.



Messrs. Martin Cummings and James Crozier attended the meeting to introduce themselves

and gave detailed explanations of the three planning applications.   Questions were

answered and the Parish Council then voted to approve all three planning applications.


The General Manager and Hotel Manager attended the meeting (due at July’s meeting) to

introduce themselves following a meeting with Cllr. Peart who visited Heythrop Park

recently.  There are now 150 staff on site and 300 staff in total.  The Hotel has now been

open for 18 months as a Warner Leisure site.  There are 200 golf members and the leisure

centre is now open to all residents, as are the hotel facilities and restaurants.  The Hotel will

be working with the Eco Group regarding ecology such as sampling the water.  It is also

donating an afternoon tea voucher to Enstone Primary School’s summer fete.

Cllr. Ward expressed concern about staff members speeding along The Drive and a staff

member on an electric scooter.   He was asked to provide registrations numbers or make

and model of cars and this will be investigated.   The Managers were thanked for attending

and will return for July’s meeting.


  • The Trustees attended the meeting to update the Council on its plans following the report at the Annual Parish Meeting.  The Trustees stated that they were not going to answer any questions at this meeting.
  • In order to make the Charity viable for the future, the Trustees have decided to sell all the parcels of land held by The Charity.  The proceeds will be put into the funds of the Charity for future use.  The allotments and orchard will be sold as one plot.
  • The allotments are not being used to their full potential and they should be run autonomously but there seems to be little interest with only 17 residents using the allotments.
  •   Contrary to the Trustees’ Report read at the Annual Parish Meeting, the current

  Trustees confirmed that no other Trustees are needed.


  • Parish Transport Representatives Meeting at OCC – Cllr. Robottom agreed to attend this meeting online on 16th July.
  • Enstone Quarry – Cllr. Millar explained that it is currently quiet at the site.
  • Cleaning of Highways’ signs – Cllr. Glendinning had liaised with Mr. Josh Hunt with a list of signs that could be safely cleaned.  It was queried that OCC should be cleaning the larger signs.  The clerk explained that recent communication stated that OCC were not undertaking this work due to financial restraints.

54. Public Discussion:-

  • “Unsuitable for HGVs” signs – Cling Clang Lane – the two signs have been received and Cllrs. Knott and Gomm will liaise regarding the replacement of these with the current signs.
  • New Bench – Cleveley Road – Cllr. Knott thanked Cllr. Gomm and Mr. Sean Morris, the landscaper, for all their work involved with the installation of this new bench.
  • Wig Wag Sign – Lidstone Road – Cllr. Knott thanked Cllr. Millar and Mrs. Rachel Hunt for their expertise in the installation of the new sign and its programming.
  • New noticeboard – Cllr. Knott thanked Cllr. Glendinning and Mrs Rachel Hunt for co-ordinating the replacement of the new noticeboard and to the clerk for her work involved with this.
  • Cling Clang Field – Cllr. Knott reported that the 56-day enforcement had finished today.  DC Andrew Beaney will follow up on the Article 4 regulations.  Regarding Plot 1 which had recently been refused at planning, it is noted that the footpath goes through the corner of this plot.
  • BumbleBee Border – Cllr. Bourne-Taylor had requested funding towards equipment to keep the bumblebee border maintained.   This was unanimously approved at a cost of circa £115.00.
  • Climate Action – Cllr. Glendinning reported the Climate Action Report as detailed in the May edition of the OALC update (Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils).  This demonstrated that Enstone has an F-plus carbon footprint relating to the airport and amount of vans and lorries travelling through Enstone.   The clerk will forward this report to the Eco Group.
  • “Pedestrians in Road” sign – Cllr. Shaw requested that the Parish Council agrees to funding this sign, to be placed between the bridleway from Cleveley to Gagingwell.  This is popular with Duke of Edinburgh students.    This was unanimously approved.
  • Air B & Bs – Cllr. Peart reported loud music from an Air B & B in Enstone during unsociable hours and queried whether the Parish Council has any powers to intervene.  DC Andrew Beaney will investigate this.   Cllr. Ferguson-Davie reported the same concerns in Church Enstone.   Members recommended that Air B & B is contacted to report these concerns and an article put into the Ensign.
  • Allotments – Cllr. Peart requested that concerns around the possible sale of the allotments be discussed at July’s Parish Council meeting.
  • Overgrown vegetation A44 – Cllr. Glendinning requests that a “thank you” be put into the Ensign magazine for those residents who are cutting back vegetation.
  • Cllr. Ivings’ Thankgiving Service – The clerk and Cllr. Glendinning had attended Cllr. Ivings’ Thanksgiving Service which was well attended and demonstrated how much Cllr. Ivings had relished her role as Parish Councillor.

55. County Councillor’s Report:-

  • Cllr. Saul had sent apologies due to work commitments before the General Election on 4th May.

56. District Councillor’s report:-

  • With the forthcoming General Election, the majority of committees were unable to take place for the past six weeks apart from Planning Committees.
  • The Scrutiny Committee meets on 17th July when the Local Plan Consultation period will be discussed.


West Oxfordshire District Council:-

  • Community Orchards – Grants are available for organisations to plant community orchards.   There is no Parish Council land where this can be done.   Noted.

Oxfordshire County Council:-

  • Highways’ site visit – Cllrs. Glendinning, Knott and the clerk will organise a site visit and DC Alex Wilson also offered to assist.

Parish Council – Correspondence:-

  • Enstone Playing Field Association – soakaway – Cllr. Millar agreed to write a report on his recommendations and will discuss this with the EPFA.   There is no permeability on the car park site at Enstone Primary School.
  • Draft Biodiversity Policy – Cllr. Peart was thanked for all his work on this.  He will collate all the responses from the Parish Council and produce a draft report at July’s meeting.
  • New Community WhatsApp – Cllr. Peart and Mrs. Rachel Hunt were thanked for their work on this.  Several people are testing out this new community WhatsApp group and will update the Parish Council at July’s meeting.
  • Communityled housing & Housing need – Cllr. Ward had attended an online event in February concerning rural social housing difficulties.  It was agreed to invite Community First Oxfordshire to July’s meeting to update the Council on this.
  • Sports Club Draft Lease – The draft lease had been circulated to all members prior to the meeting.  It was agreed to change the Parish Council’s address from the clerk’s private address to the Enstone Parish Hall address.   The clerk will contact the solicitors to update the draft lease, to then be circulated to the Sports Club for approval.  Once this has taken place, the formal lease will be drawn up for both parties to sign.
  • Lack of volunteers – At the Annual Parish Meeting, there was clear evidence that volunteers were needed for all the local organisations.  The annual Enstone Show had been cancelled due to a lack of volunteers.   Mrs. Rachel Hunt explained that the Parish Hall Management Committee is organising a dog show with BBQ, tombola and a bar on 24th August when the flower and produce show also takes place at the Parish Hall.   She will advertise this on Facebook and in the Ensign magazine.   Cllr. Ward will mention this date to the Sports Club.   
  • OALC May’s update – This was circulated to all members.  The clerk drew the council’s attention to the OALC’s AGM which takes place in person and online on Monday 15th July.  The subject of increased subscriptions will be discussed and the OALC is requesting that a Parish Councillor attends the meeting in order to vote on this topic.   Cllr. Knott will see if she is able to attend online.  The clerk has booked her place online for this event.   The clerk had booked Cllr. Peart on the online training course “Councillor Fundamentals” on 2nd October and will also book Cllr. Ferguson-Davie onto this.   Cllr. Millar had recently attended the course “Roles & Responsibilities” of Parish Councils.
  • Donation request Marie Curie – It was agreed not to donate at this time.
  • Donation request Clean Slate/Domestic Abuse – It was agreed to donate £100.00 to this Charity as it has supported several residents in the parish.

58. Planning Applications:-

  • Whiteways Technical Centre, Enstone, 24/01162/FUL – Construction of a new open-air plant platform over an existing single-storey R and D building, including installation of louvre screening and associated works.   No objection
  • Whiteways Technical Centre, Enstone, 24/01297/FUL – Construction of a temporary staff car park for a period of three years, including the formation of a pedestrian and vehicular link across an existing bridleway to link the new temporary car park to the existing site earth bunding for the storage of topsoil for future reinstatement temporary drainage works, low-level wayfinding lighting and associated works.  No objection
  • Whiteways Technical Centre, Enstone, 24/01410/FUL – Two-storey infill extension to the existing main factory building and associated works to create additional production and plant room areas.  No objection
  • Fulwell Farm House, Fulwell, 24/01382/FUL – Refurbishment works to two existing dwellings to include reconfiguration and extension to provide a single detached dwelling.  No objection
  • Broad Close, Little Tew Road, Church Enstone, 24/01142/HHD – Erection of a single-storey garden room.  Formation of a new vehicle access for existing ancillary buildings.  No objection
  • Forge Cottage, Church Enstone, 24/01543/HHD – Extension of existing ancillary accommodation with internal and external alterations.  No objection

Decisions Received:-

  • Land & Building (E) 439518 (N) 226211 Enstone Airfield North, Banbury Road, Enstone, 24/00686/FUL – Approved.  Following the Uplands Committee’s discussion of this application, it was agreed to report back to WODC on the Parish Council’s concerns.  Cllr. Shaw and Mr. Ferguson-Davie had spoken at the meeting and thanked DC Andrew Beaney for supporting the Parish Council and all is work involved.  The Uplands Committee supported the application.  Of major concern, is the unregulated flying activity – Mr. Phil Shaw, Development Manager commented that this activity was less than five per cent of the permitted level on the grass strip but was unable to give specific details when asked.  The Parish Council is concerned that there was no legal representation as it was deemed not to be necessary by WODC.  It was agreed that Cllrs. Shaw and Ferguson-Davie will compile a letter asking for evidence on what the permitted activities are and evidence that it is less than five per cent.
  • Taillards Barn, Gagingwell, 24/00272/FUL & 24/00273/LBC – Approved
  • Upper Farm, Cleveley, OX7 4DX, 24/00854/HHD & 24/00855/LBC – Approved

59. Finance:-

a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-

  • Clerk’s Salary     £1,014.10
  • NEST Pension Scheme (er)  £30.42
  • NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £40.56
  • Vodaphone £18.16
  • Quarterly Office Expenses £78.00
  • Stationery £19.94
  • J.R. Hunt, bus shelter £40.00
  • Thomas Fox £540.00
  • Complete Weed Control £368.40
  • Signway Supplies £166.80
  • Magnetic Strips for noticeboard        £21.13
  • OALC, training, Cllr. Peart £72.00

b)  Annual Governance & Accountability Return 2023/2024 – Regulation 15 (2), Accounts &  Audit Regulations 2015 Act.   All the information relating to the AGAR 2023/2024 has been put onto the website and the clerk was thanked for this.

60. Dates of Next Meetings:-

  • Thursday 18th July
  • Thursday 15th August
  • Thursday 19th September

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00 pm.  Cllr. Knott thanked

everyone for attending.