
2024 November Finance Minutes

EPC Minutes Uploaded on November 25, 2024


E N S T O N E   P A R I S H    C O U N C I L – F I N A N C E   M E E T I N G

A meeting of the Council was held on:-

Thursday 14th November 2024 at 7.00 pm in Enstone Parish Hall

PRESENT: Parish Councillors N. Knott (Chair), P. Shaw, D. Robottom, A. Ward, C. Millar, N. Peart and J. Ferguson-Davie

IN ATTENDANCE Mrs B Sinclair, Clerk

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1. Apologies for Absence had been received from Cllrs. H. Bourne-Taylor, M. Gomm and C. Glendinning

2. Review of minutes from Finance Meeting held 2nd November 2023:-

  1. The One-Way System at the shop had now been implemented at a cost of £3,045.00 (£10K budgeted)
  2. Road safety along the Lidstone Road cost £3,376.00 (£5K budgeted)
  3. Renewal of sports club 25-year lease cost £1,256.00 (£2,500 budgeted)
  4. With regards to the building of a pavement from the Parish Hall to the junction of the Charlbury Road, Cllr. Ward explained that at a recent meeting with the sports club and WODC, there may be S106 monies available towards this from the boundary of the parish hall to the sports club entrance.  The Parish Council is awaiting confirmation of this.

The remaining monies can be earmarked towards the funding of this pavement from the entrance of the sports club to the junction of the Charlbury Road.

3. NALC Staff Pay Award 2024/2025

  • An increase of 2.5 % has been agreed backdated to 1.4.2024 – this is equivalent to an increase in the clerk’s salary of £26.81 per month as well as a 2.5 % increase in the employer’s pension contributions.

4. Asset Register

  • The clerk had circulated the asset register as at 31st October 2024. Discussion took place on the required maintenance of these assets in the future.   The clerk was thanked for all her work on Register.

5. Review and adoption of NALC Model Financial Regulations 2024

  • The clerk had circulated the latest Model Financial Regulations.  Members discussed and adapted certain aspects of this to reflect Enstone Parish Council and resolved to approve these.  The clerk was thanked for all her work, will amend the document and put it onto the website.

6. Scribe Financial Software

  • At a recent meeting of the Chairs and OALC, it was recommended that Parish & Town Councils work with financial software rather than relying on Excel spreadsheets.   The Parish Council has agreed to implement the Scribe Financial Software at a cost of £12.99 per month. The clerk and Cllrs. Glendinning & Peart will work together to set up the cost codes and cost centres and implement the financial figures, ready for use from 1st April 2025.  The clerk and Cllr. Glendinning both attended the online training on forecasts, budgeting and setting the precept, organised by Scribe.  All the training events are free of charge.

7. Grass Cutting Contracts 2025

  • The clerk had only received one tender and was having great difficulty in obtaining two other quotes.  The WODC had asked to tender but no information has subsequently been received, despite several reminders.  Ongoing

8. Preparation of draft budget 2025/2026

  • The draft budget was discussed and included the following:-
  1. Donation to Ensign to increase from £600.00 to £1,000.00
  2. Following residents’ requests, to look into the repair of Marshalls’ Fountain – £2,000.00
  3. Work to improve biodiversity which is now a statutory requirement – £2,000.00
  4. Monies to begin work on a Neighbourhood Plan – £5,000.00.  The clerk will contact OAlC for advice on how to apply for a Locality Grant
  5. Contingency fund – an additional £7,500.00
  6. To ensure that reserves are 3-12 months’ worth of net expenditure, as is the recommendation for all Councils

The clerk and Cllr. Glendinning will work together to draw up the draft budget and precept calculation, to present to the Council at its meeting on Wednesday 11th December.

9. Date of Next Meeting – Thursday 21st November at 7.00 pm

The chair thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 9.00 pm.