Held in Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday
21st November 2024 at 7.00 pm
PRESENT: PCs. P. Shaw, A. Ward, M. Gomm, H. Bourne-Taylor, J. Ferguson-Davie, C. Millar, D. Robottom, DC. Andrew Beaney and six residents
APOLOGIES: PC. C. Glendinning (unwell), N. Peart (work), N. Knott (unwell), DC Wilson (unwell) and CC Geoff Saul (work)
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs. Beth Sinclair, Clerk and two members from the Enstone Eco Group
Appeal, Land Parcel South East of Manor Field, Church Enstone, 24/00037/Appeal – Permission in principle for the construction of one single storey two bedroom stone dwelling.
- Six residents attended the meeting addressing their concerns on this planning application including that it could set a precedent for the additional 25 plots, should the application be approved and the negative impact towards biodiversity.
- PC Ferguson-Davie reiterated that the original application was turned down for multiple reasons. A resident had suggested whether the MP or media should be contacted but it was agreed that this would not be necessary.
- DC Andrew Beaney reiterated that in any response, to mention the planning policies that are being contravened.
- PC Gomm suggested that a further response should include the significant representation from residents at the PC meeting.
- After discussion, it was agreed that PC Ferguson-Davie would construct a further response to the Appeals Officer and circulate this to all members before sending it to the Appeals Officer and was thanked for this.
The minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on Thursday 24th October 2024 were circulated, approved and signed by Cllr. Shaw (one spelling correction will be made).
- Overgrown vegetation at The Planks – there had been no response from the solicitor or OCC about who owns the land. The clerk will contact OCC for advice.
- Overgrown Himalayan Balsam on private land around Enstone – No response had been received from the land owner. A further letter will be sent asking for a reply by 10th December.
- Dragons Teeth – both entrances to Enstone and B4022 – Cllr. Glendinning has requested this to OCC and a response is still awaited.
- S106 monies for Art – It was agreed to concentrate on this in the New Year.
- Marshalls Fountain – Cllrs. Ferguson-Davie & Robottom will be obtaining preliminary quotes and contacting a water engineer. There are National Lottery and Heritage Funds available.
- Gagingwell signs – Awaiting response from OCC regarding funding.
- Neighbourhood Plan/Housing Needs Survey – ongoing
- Information for the website – ongoing
- Noticeboard for Church Enstone – for December’s meeting
- Enstone Playing Field Association – drainage report – PC Millar will chase this up.
- Dog Poo/litter bin Church Enstone – DC Andrew Beaney explained that if the PC wishes the bin to be reinstalled to its original position, it will cost the PC circa £500.00 per year it would be on private land. It was agreed to leave it where it is.
115. Public Participation:-
- PC Robottom explained that the fallen wall outside the school had still not been repaired by OCC. The clerk will follow this up. PC Ward stated that the bollard had been removed and not replaced.
- Enstone Quarry – PC Millar reported that a pre-application report had been sent to WODC for comment. The site is to be used as a depot for vehicles. PC Millar will invite representatives from Enstone Quarry to December’s meeting.
- PC Ward expressed concern that staff from Heythrop Park are still driving along The Drive over the speed limit and also saw a staff member on an electric scooter with no lights or reflective gear using the main road along The Drive which is illegal. He will contact Heythrop Park.
- PC Knott queried whether the PC wishes to meet with MP Sean Woodcock concerning rural issues and the PC agreed with this idea. (PC Knott was not present at the meeting but had asked the clerk to ask the PC).
116. County Councillor’s Report:-
- No report had been received.
117. District Councillor’s report (DC Andrew Beaney):-
- The consultation period regarding the updated Local Plan will be advertised in the coming weeks.
- The legal agreement concerning the Mullin Project has been signed and work on the subsequent planning application details will now commence. DC Beaney will circulate the information for December’s meeting.
West Oxfordshire District Council:-
- Coronation Community Orchards and the Local Nature Recovery Strategy – The clerk will forward this information to the Enstone Relief in Need Charity, Enstone School, Enstone Playing Fields Association, The Parish Hall Management Committee and Heythrop Park. The deadline for applying for saplings is 31st January 2025.
Oxfordshire County Council:-
- Local List of Information Requirements – Noted
- Parish Transport Representatives Meeting – PC Robottom had attended this meeting:-
- He had completed all the information required for the County-wide bus survey where the OCC will produce a database regarding all the bus stops and what is needed in the future. There are 12 bus stops within Enstone Parish with only one bus stop having the real time information displayed.
- There was a presentation by Our Bus Bartons, run by the community which is used by 300 passengers per month, much of it helping with the social aspect of living in a rural area. It had recently won a National Award, beating Stage Coach.
- The minutes of the recent meeting will be circulated in due course.
- Oxfordshire’s draft Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) consultation – Mr Ian Cave from the Enstone EcoGroup explained how the group had responded to the consultation, using the map and flags to pinpoint areas that can be used to aid biodiversity. PC Bourne-Taylor will respond on behalf of the Parish Council.
- TTRO (T14861) Temporary Road Closure, Lidstone, road through Lidstone – 11.2.25-13.2.25 – Noted. The clerk will put this into the Ensign magazine.
Parish Council – Correspondence:-
- Draft Biodiversity Plan – The Parish Council unanimously approved the Plan and the clerk will place it onto the website. PC Bourne-Taylor agreed to write an article for the Ensign magazine. PCs Bourne-Taylor and Peart will be the Biodiversity Ambassadors on behalf of the Parish Council and were thanked for this.
- Sports Club:–
- Registering the Lease – The Lease has now been registered.
- S106 monies – A meeting took place at the sports club, with members of the sports club, Cllr. A. Ward, Ms. Nicola Mellings from WODC and Mr. Andy Earnshaw, Andy Earnshaw, Head of Football Operations at Oxfordshire Football Association. Cllr. Ward explained that many of the items requested from the S106 funds available could be funded by the Football Association. It was a very positive meeting, particularly as the lease has recently been renewed for a further 25 years.
- Pavement from the Parish Hall to the Sports Club entrance. Ms. Nicola Mellings will discuss with the S106 team at WODC whether funding towards a pavement is allowable as part of recreation facilities.
- Annual Risk Assessment of the Sports Field – the clerk will contact OALC regarding this.
- Cllr. Ward was thanked for all his work on this.
- Enstone Airfield – A recent meeting at WODC with DC Andrew Beaney, PCs Knott and Shaw, Mr. Phil Shaw, Business Manager at WODC and Cllr. Hugo Ashton, Executive Member in charge of Planning took place to discuss Enstone Airfield. An historical document detailing the regulations had been circulated – the grass strip is covered by these limits except for a stretch of land which is not. There are blanket restrictions throughout the Airfield with 200 movements per day and 40 per hour. DC Beaney reiterated that it is an unregulated airport – there is no way of managing or controlling it but the Parish Council now has greater clarity on the restrictions.
- Dog poo/litter bin request in Cleveley – Two residents from Cleveley had responded to the request in the Ensign magazine concerning a bin and it was agreed not to fund this as there was little support for it.
- Salt Bin Gagingwell – It was noticed that this has been damaged – the clerk will contact OCC requesting a replacement bin.
- Defibrillator checks – A resident has agreed to do the 6-8 weekly checks on behalf of the Parish Council and was thanked for this. PC Millar confirmed that neither the case nor cabinet was in need of replacement.
- OALC:–
- October’s update had been circulated to all members.
- Two PCs had recently attended the training on Planning.
- It was noted that everyone should be careful of GDPR rules before forwarding emails.
- 2025/2026 Budget – highways’ issues – This had not been discussed at the finance meeting. It was agreed to await the draft budget before allocating monies to highways’ issues.
- Proposed Meeting Dates for 2025 – This had been circulated to all members.
119. Planning Applications:-
- Honister, Chapel Lane, Enstone, 24/02662/HHD – Erection of a single-storey extension to the west elevation and a two-storey extension to the east elevation together with associated works. No objection and suggest have swift bricks.
- Methodist Chapel, Chapel Lane, Enstone, 24/02711/FUL – Conversion of former Methodist Chapel into a dwelling. No objection
- Appeal, Land Parcel South East of Manor Field, Church Enstone, 24/00037/Appeal – Permission in principle for the construction of one single-storey two-bedroom stone dwelling. A further letter objecting to this application was sent to the Planning Inspectorate
- Appeal, Broad Close, Little Tew Road, Church Enstone, 24/00041/Appeal – Erection of single-storey garden room. Formation of a new vehicle access for existing ancillary buildings. Noted
Decisions Received:-
- Whiteways Technical Centre, Enstone, 24/02206/FUL – Erection of test building together with associated development – Approved
Licensing Application:-
- The Harrow Inn, Enstone, W/24/01255/PRMA – A license application regarding the new proposed opening hours had been received by WODC. PC Shaw explained that he is in favour of supporting local businesses but businesses must be good citizens and follow the law regarding planning and licensing applications. The Parish Council’s concern is that if The Harrow Inn operates outside the licensing application hours, how will this be managed by WODC? The enforcement team is already dealing with several issues regarding past planning applications at The Harrow. After discussion, it was agreed that PC Millar will invite the owner of The Harrow to the next meeting on Wednesday 11th December – the closing date for comments to WODC is Thursday 12th December.
120. Finance:-
a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-
- Clerk’s Salary Personal
- Back-pay 1.4.24-31.10.24 Personal
- NEST Pension Scheme (er) Personal
- Back-pay Personal
- NEST Pension Scheme (ee) Personal
- Vodaphone £19.72
- Thomas Fox £352.80
- Thomas Fox £187.20
- Netwise, events calendar £140.72
- OALC, training, clerk £72.00
- OALC, training, clerk £60.00
- IFO, data protection £40.00
- Defib4Life, defibrillator pads £66.00
- HMRC – £100.00 Penalty Notice Cancelled
- Understanding Reserves for Town/Parish Councils – Following the Finance Meeting, this information was subsequently circulated to all members. Noted
121. Dates of Next Meetings:-
- Wednesday 11th December
- Thursday 23rd January
- Thursday 20th February
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50 pm. Cllr. Shaw thanked everyone for attending.