
2024 September Agenda

EPC Agendas Uploaded on September 13, 2024


Summons to attend a meeting of Enstone Parish Council, to be held on

Thursday 19th September 2024 in Enstone Parish Hall at 7.00 pm

Beth Sinclair, Clerk

13th September 2024



Recording of Meetings

Under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014, the council’s public meetings

may be recorded, including filming, audio-recording, and photography.

  1. Apologies for Absence
  2. Declarations of Interest
  3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
  4. Matters Arising
  5. Public Participation – the meeting will adjourn for this item
  6. County Councillor’s Report
  7. District Councillor’s Report
  8. Correspondence:-

West Oxfordshire District Council:-

  • Business Matters Special
  • New Executive Member for Local Plan
  • West Oxfordshire SPARK and ACCELERATOR
  • New partnerships will accelerate nature and carbon-reduction projects in West Oxfordshire
  • Invitation to Attend Your District’s Digital Infrastructure Webinar

Oxfordshire County Council:-

  • Winter Preparedness 2024/2025

Parish Council:-

  • Enstone Playing Field Association
  • Draft Biodiversity Policy
  • New WhatsApp
  • OALC:

– August’s update

  Oxfordshire Councils’ Charter

  Subscriptions 2025/2026

  Appraisals’ Training – update

  • Neighbourhood Plan/Housing Needs Survey
  • Sports Club:-

– Lease

– S106 monies

– Overgrown trees

  • Response from Uplands Planning Committee – Enstone Airfield
  • Request for Dragons Teeth – Enstone
  • Annual Defibrillator Maintenance
  • Noticeboard, Church Enstone
  • Royal British Legion – Remembrance Wreath
  • Churchyard & verge maintenance 2025/2026 season – letters to tender
  • Community First Oxfordshire-Newsletter
  1. Planning Applications:-
  • Glyme Bank, Lidstone, 24/02015/HHD
  • Barn Cottage, Chapel Lane, Enstone, 24/02042/HHD
  • Whiteways Technical Centre, Enstone, 24/02206/FUL

Decisions Received:-

  • Appeal – Land Formerly Known As The Square, Church Enstone – 23/00860/FUL – Approved
  • 2 Braybrooke Close, Enstone, 24/01898/NMA – Approved
  • Fulwell Farm House, Fulwell, 24/01382/FUL – Approved
  • Enstone Post Office & Adams Stores, Enstone, 24/01691/FUL & 24/01692/LBC – Withdrawn

10. Finance:

a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-        

  • Clerk’s Salary             £1264.60
  • NEST Pension Scheme (er) £42,15
  • NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £50.58
  • Office Expenses £78.00
  • Vodaphone £19.72
  • Expenses £3.62  (Vodaphone)
  • NALC, Neighbourhood Planning £156.12
  • Thomas Fox               £1107.00
  • Netwise £158.40
  • McAVee LiveSafe  £109.99
  • Wellers Hedleys, Sports Club Lease £1507.20


  • EPHMC, webmaster £300.00
  1. Dates of Next Meetings:-
  • 24th October
  • 14th November – Finance Meeting
  • 21st November