Held in Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday
19th September 2024 at 7.00 pm
PRESENT: PCs. N. Knott, P. Shaw, C. Glendinning, N. Peart, A. Ward, M. Gomm, H. Bourne-Taylor and DC Andrew Beaney
APOLOGIES: PCs J. Ferguson-Davie, C. Millar, D. Robottom & DC Alex Wilson
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Beth Sinclair, Clerk
The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 15th August 2024 were circulated, approved and signed by Cllr. Knott.
- Pedestrians in Road sign, Gagingwell – awaiting response from OCC
- Wig wag sign Lidstone Road – this has been repaired and Cllr. Glendinning will arrange for Rachel Hunt to check the date and time settings for when it flashes, to be reinstalled
- Coxs Lane sign – ongoing with WODC
- Bus stop survey – ongoing
- Financial software & new financial regulations – ongoing
- Overgrown vegetation at The Planks – Cllr. Knott has received no response from the solicitor. Cllr. Knott will seek the help from OCC for advice on how to find out who owns the footpaths
- Overgrown footpath from the corner of Radford Road to Gagingwell – OCC had responded saying that this area had not been cut back due to technical issues with equipment and that this work will be carried out next year. The clerk to respond explaining that this is unacceptable and that the work needs doing this year
- Overgrown Himalayan balsam on private land around Enstone – ongoing
- Highways’ issues following site visit – A “stop” sign at the Little Tew Road is not possible. Awaiting other responses from FixMyStreet and Highways
- ERINC – awaiting response from the Charity Commission.
- Draft biodiversity policy – ongoing
- 20s Plenty signposts – awaiting response from CC Geoff Saul on why there is not a 20 mph sign on the left hand side of the road as you enter Enstone from Oxford
95. Public Participation:-
- Thames Water – installation of Monitoring Station by the Hoar Stones – This unsightly monitoring station has been installed in an unsafe position at the Charlbury Road/Fulwell junction. Cllr. Knott confirmed that it will be removed next week by Thames Water.
- The Neospora Caninum parasite – Cllr. Glendinning requested that an article be put into the Ensign magazine regarding this and to ask residents to pick up dog mess whenever they are out in the countryside. This was agreed and the clerk will do this.
- Dog Poo bin Cleveley Road – A resident has requested an additional dog poo bin close to Cleveley – Cllr. Knott will request more information on the exact location requested.
- Hoarstones – Cllr. Knott reported that the Ditchley Estate has finalised the QR Code and the recording will take place in the next few weeks, explaining the history of the Hoarstones.
- OALC, Councillor Forum 8th October – No one is able to make this zoom meeting. The clerk will send apologies.
- Gagingwell pond – Cllr. Shaw explained that recent works at the pond may have created damage to the watercourse. The District Council and Environment Agency have been informed.
- Weed Control – Following the recent visit from Weed Control, Cllr. Bourne-Taylor had found two dying hedgehogs the same day. The clerk will forward details of what herbicide is used to Cllr. Bourne-Taylor.
96. County Councillor’s Report:-
- No report had been received
97. District Councillor’s report (DC Andrew Beaney):-
- Publica update – The new structure for the planning department is underway.
- Local Plan – WODC’s housing number requirements have increased from 550 to 890, meaning the need for an additional 330 houses per year. The Local Plan will be out for consultation within the next few months.
- Uplands Committee – Cllr. Knott requested that if the planning application by Gleesons for houses on the Burford Road/Lidstone Road junction is being discussed before 19th October, that DC Beaney explains that residents in Enstone are concerned about the increase in traffic that will be generated, should it be approved.
- Enforcement matters – Cllr. Shaw asked about planning rules associated with access to properties. He explained that the property, Willowfield in Radford – the owners had changed the entrance to the property without planning permission – is this allowed? DC Beaney asked that Cllr. Shaw send photos so that he can investigate this further.
- Enforcement Department – New policies will be implemented by December which will improve how enforcements are managed.
West Oxfordshire District Council:-
- Business Matters Special – This had been circulated to all members. Noted
- New Executive Member for Local Plan – Cllr. Hugo Ashton has been appointed. Noted
- West Oxfordshire SPARK and ACCELERATOR – Information about these initiatives had been circulated. Noted.
- New partnerships will accelerate nature and carbon-reduction projects in West Oxfordshire – Noted.
- Invitation to Attend Your District’s Digital Infrastructure Webinar – This takes place on 9th October. No Councillors are able to attend.
Oxfordshire County Council:-
- Winter Preparedness 2024/2025 – It was agreed that no further grit bins were required. PCs will check the current bins to see if any of them need refilling by OCC and will inform the clerk. Cllr. Knott explained that she still has a plentiful supply of salt for residents.
Parish Council – Correspondence:-
- Enstone Playing Field Association – The Parish Council unanimously voted to fund the drainage survey (approximately £1,500.00) on the premise that any works required will be funded by the EPFA.
- New WhatsApp – This item to be taken off the agenda as it is up and running.
- OALC:-
- August’s update – this had been circulated to all members
- Oxfordshire Councils’ Charter – the PC will sign this once the information has been received
- Subscriptions 2025/2026 – the Parish Council unanimously approved the increase in subscription – this would cost an additional £25.00.
- Appraisals’ training update – Cllr. Knott had undertaken the training on appraisals. It is recommended that two PCs undertake the appraisal and it must not take place in a public place. Cllrs. Knott & Shaw will arrange this.
- Neighbourhood Plan/Housing Needs Survey – Cllrs. Millar, Glendinning & Ferguson-Davie will be attending the online training arranged by the NALC on Wednesday 25th September. Following the last meeting, Cllr. Ward queried with DC Beaney why the WODC had advised PCs against devising Neighbourhood Plans in 2020. This was because if due to the Local Plan, at that time, requiring amendment which would then result in Town and Parish Councils having to amend their Neighbourhood Plans. Cllr. Peart queried whether Enstone Parish could be described as a conservation area.
- Sports Club:–
- The Solicitors have sent the Lease to the Sports Club. Cllr. Ward will chase this up with the Sports Club
- S106 monies for recreation. The clerk had forwarded the list of equipment needed to enhance recreation facilities to WODC for comment. WODC has requested a meeting with the Parish Council and Sports Club and this will be arranged, once the Sports Club have replied to WODC’s queries. Cllr. Ward and the clerk will liaise further.
- Overgrown trees – A resident had contacted the Parish Council asking for consent to her contacting the sports club to have trees reduced in height at her expense. This was agreed and the clerk will contact the resident and sports club. The last tree survey undertaken in 2023 did not report that any trees needed the height reduced due to Health & Safety. The clerk will establish when the next tree survey is due.
- Enstone Airfield – Response from Uplands Committee
A response had been received from Cllr. Hugo Ashton that the Parish Council felt had not answered its queries. Cllr. Knott reiterated that there is a Certificate of Lawfulness relating to the grass strip which is different to the other runways. The letter to the WODC had asked for information on the flying activity at the Airfield but this was not included in the response. There was no information on the results of WODC’s data when monitoring the airfield had been undertaken. The request for specific information about what the flying restrictions are were not included in the response.
Cllr. Shaw had listened to the recording of the meeting and did not recognise what was in the letter from what was said (the recording of the meeting will be circulated to the Parish Council).
At the Uplands Committee meeting, Cllr. Shaw explained that no helicopter movement is permitted at the airfield but there is photographic evidence that this is taking place.
A definitive statement from WODC on what is and is not allowed at the airfield is required.
DC Beaney suggested that the Parish Council requests a meeting with members of the Uplands Committee towards the end of October. The clerk will contact Cllr. Ashton requesting this meeting.
- Request for Dragons Teeth
Enstone PC unanimously voted to request Dragons Teeth at both entrances to Enstone along the A44 along the B4022. Cllr. Glendinning will contact OCC for this request.
- Annual Defibrillator Maintenance
A letter from Defib4Life had been received, offering to maintain and inspect the defibrillator at an annual cost of £75.00. This was agreed and the clerk will acknowledge and request this.
- Noticeboard, Church Enstone
The PC has budgeted for a replacement noticeboard at Church Enstone. A sale is on from the company that supplied the noticeboard in Enstone. It was agreed to ask for quotes. Cllr. Knott will ask residents where the noticeboard could be located.
- Royal British Legion – Remembrance Wreath
The clerk will order a wreath and Cllr. Knott will attend the Remembrance Service on behalf of Enstone Parish Council.
- Churchyard & grass maintenance 2025 season
The clerk will send letters out to tender for the 2025 season, ready for October’s meeting.
- Community First Oxfordshire
The latest newsletter had been circulated to all members.
99. Planning Applications:-
- Glyme Bank, Lidstone, 24/02015/HHD – Conversion of part of garage to create utility room (retrospective) – No objection
- Barn Cottage, Chapel Lane, Enstone, 24/02042/HHD – Removal of existing single-storey side extension, erection of two-storey and single-storey rear extension, new dormer and alterations to create open-sided entrance porch both to side (south) election. Provision of plant/boiler room and reopen pedestrian access to front elevation and solar panels to front roof slope – No objection
- Whiteways Technical Centre, Enstone, 24/02206/FUL – Erection of test building together with associated development – No objection
Decisions Received:-
- Appeal – Land Formerly Known As The Square, Church Enstone – 23/00860/FUL – Approved
- 2 Braybrooke Close, Enstone, 24/01898/NMA – Erection of replacement porch – Approved
- Fulwell Farm House, Fulwell, 24/01382/FUL – Refurbishment works to two existing dwellings to include reconfiguration and extension to provide a single detached dwelling – Approved
- Enstone Post Office & Adams Stores, Enstone, 24/01691/FUL & 24/01692/LBC – condenser unit – Withdrawn
100. Finance:-
a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-
- Clerk’s Salary £1,264.60
- NEST Pension Scheme (er) £42.15
- NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £50.58
- Clerk’s Quarterly Office Expenses £78.00
- Vodaphone £19.72
- Expenses £3.62 (Vodaphone)
- NALC, Neighbourhood Planning £156.12
- Thomas Fox (5th and final cut of verges) £1,107.00
- Netwise ` £158.40
- McAVee LiveSafe£109.99
- Wellers Hedleys, Sports Club Lease £1,507.20
- EPHMC, webmaster £300.00
102. Dates of Next Meetings:-
- Thursday 24th October
- Thursday 14th November, Finance Meeting
- Thursday 21st November
- Wednesday 11th December
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.30 pm. Cllr. Knott thanked everyone for attending.