
Enstone Eco

Category: Societies

Helping Enstone Parish make a difference!

Are you concerned about our impact on the environment and global warming? Then join us.

We are a small group of friendly, like-minded people who live in the Parish of Enstone in West Oxfordshire. Our aim is to liaise with local groups and find ways in which we can all become more environmentally friendly. We meet to share ideas and new information. This includes raising awareness of local environmental projects, to share concerns, and suggest things we can all do to reduce our carbon footprint and our waste, and how to protect nature & the environment.

“Community has been more important than ever over the past few years.  It’s time to harness this strength to make climate friendly communities. By teaming up, you’ll get more done, and it won’t just be the environment that benefits” –Climate Action Oxfordshire

Join us at our monthly meetings

We are always looking for new members to support green initiatives within our community.

We meet at 7pm on the 3rd Wednesday each month at The Litchfield room, Enstone Parish Hall.  Why not join us? You will receive a warm welcome.
For more information or if you’d like to join Enstone Eco or want to share your ideas with us, please contact us at
or visit our website:

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee - Enstone
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – Enstone Sports & Social Club – Tree Planting by John Hawtin
Enstone Platinum Jubilee
Planting Jubilee Silver Birch at the Parish Hall – Cllr Carole Glendinning

Enstone Eco – Summer Update 2024!
Enstone Eco wanted to share with the village some of the great things we have been doing and seeing recently, with some pictures of nature spots around the village too!
Nature Walk & Wildflower Discoveries: We enjoyed a fantastic walk around Heythrop Park, hosted by the amazing team there and discovered their fabulous wildflower border. We also had some time to connect afterwards over coffee and cake – their coffee shop is now open to the public to drop into!
Beautiful wildflowers: In the village we have seen other wildflowers which support pollinators, particularly along the Drive, Glyme and Churchyard. On a recent survey we found Meadow Vetchling, Bladder Campion a few Chalk Fragrant-Orchids and a stunning Peacock butterfly resting on a Field Scabious! You can see the full survey here –
We hope to see more people attending events in and around the village! Contact us at or visit to get involved.
Enstone Eco - wild flowersEnstone Eco - Peacock butterfly on a Field ScabiousEnstone Eco Group charting the flora