Enstone Ensign

Enstone Ensign


Number 474 July 2024

Newsletter for Enstone Parishioners


Sunday 7 July     8am       Enstone (BCP)

                                10am    Spelsbury

Sunday 14 July   8am       Chadlington (BCP)

                                10am    Ascott

Sunday 21 July   8am       Spelsbury (BCP)

                                10am    Enstone

Sunday 28 July   8am       Ascott (BCP)

                                10am    Chadlington

Sunday 4 August    8am       Enstone (BCP)

                                10am    Spelsbury

Celebrate St Kenelm’s Day!

Who was St Kenelm? Find out on Saturday 20 July at a St Kenelm’s Day Afternoon Tea in the church from 2.30-4.30pm. Artist Nick Mynheer, will talk about the mosaic he created to tell the legend of St Kenelm. Tea/coffee, sandwiches, scones, and cakes will be served, and there will also be a raffle. Proceeds are in aid of the church.

All items for the August Ensign in by 27th July (or sooner, if you have it ready) please, to Hillside (blue door opposite the Harrow Inn) or ring 677231 for shorter items.  You can also email me at info@andreabates.co.uk



Enstone PC sends its congratulations to Cllr. Julian Ferguson-Davie who was Co-opted onto the Council on 27th June.

Planning Applications:-

  • Whiteways Technical Centre, Enstone, 24/01162/FUL – Construction of a new open air plant platform over an existing single storey R and D building, including installation of louvre screening and associated works.  No objection

Whiteways Technical Centre, Enstone, 24/01297/FUL – Construction of a temporary staff car park for a period of three years, including the formation of a pedestrian and vehicular link across an existing bridleway to link the new temporary car park to the existing site earth bunding for the storage of topsoil for future reinstatement temporary drainage works, low level wayfinding lighting and associated works.  No objection

  • Whiteways Technical Centre, Enstone, 24/01410/FUL – Two storey infill extension to the existing main factory building and associated works to create additional production and plant room areas.  No objection
  • Fulwell Farm House, Fulwell, 24/01382/FUL – Refurbishment works to two existing dwellings to include reconfiguration and extension to provide a single detached dwelling.  No objection
  • Broad Close, Little Tew Road, Church Enstone, 24/01142/HHD – Erection of a single storey garden room.  Formation of a new vehicle access for existing ancillary buildings.  No objection
  • Forge Cottage, Church Enstone, 24/01543/HHD – Extension of existing ancillary accommodation with internal and external alterations.  No objection

Decisions Received:-

  • Land & Building (E) 439518 (N) 226211 Enstone Airfield North, Banbury Road, Enstone, 24/00686/FUL – Approved
  • Taillards Barn, Gagingwell, 24/00272/FUL & 24/00273/LBC – Approved
  • Upper Farm, Cleveley, OX7 4DX, 24/00854/HHD & 24/00855/LBC – Approved

Overgrown Vegetation onto public rights of way ….

Please remember to cut away overgrown vegetation from your property should it be overhanging onto public rights of way and pavements.  Thank you to those who have undertaken this work in the past few weeks.

Heythrop Park

The Hotel & Business Managers will be attending July’s Parish Council meeting with updates on the past 18 months and how it can work with the Parish Council and the community in the future.

Dates of Next Meetings – 7.00 pm Enstone Parish Hall

  • Thursday 18th July
  • Thursday 15th August
  • Thursday 19th September

Parish Website …..

The parish website is for information from all organisations within the parish so please let me know if you wish to have any information put onto the website (https://enstone-pc.gov.uk).  The Parish Council thanks Mrs Rachel Hunt, webmaster honorarium, for all her dedicated and hard work relating to the management of the website.

Mrs Beth Sinclair, Enstone Parish Clerk, Briery Cottage, 9 Alexandra Square, Chipping Norton, OX7 5HL

Tel: 07896 150265 Email:- clerk@enstone-pc.gov.uk


As we head into the final half term of the academic year, there is still plenty to do and plenty to look forward to at Enstone Primary School.  Hopefully, the sunnier weather will mean even more chances for outdoor learning, and the perfect opportunity for all age groups to use our fabulous new outdoor learning zone.  This space has been further enhanced with the addition of special orienteering markers, which will keep everyone moving as they approach learning in a variety of subjects from a very different perspective.  We have sports day, music concerts, “Footy Kids” lunchtime club, school trips, a cricket tournament, and transition (roll up) days to look forward to.  For our Year 6’s in particular this is a very special term where they enjoy “Year 6 privileges” such as use of the “Six Patch” at break times, being able to wear their leavers’ hoodies, a chance to complete their cycling proficiency training, and of course the end of year/end of primary school celebrations.  It’s a lot to pack into half a term, and time flies when you’re having fun, so the weeks are sure to whizz by!

Sarah Mann, Headteacher


In June Tim Pocock, a retired magistrate, gave an excellent and informative talk about the requirements and work of a magistrate. He also explained the type of crimes which he would encounter and those that would go onto a higher court. On Thursday 11th July we will be holding our annual barbecue. If you would like to find out more about our WI please contact Angela 01608 677728


Visit to Kingham Lodge, West End, Kingham, OX7 6YL

Sunday 14 July 3pm, cost £8.00 to include refreshments

An amazing garden of more than five acres. Proceeds go to a charity promoting art in local primary schools. Please email or text the secretary to let us know if you would like to join the group or to request transport enstonehorticulturalsociety@gmail.com or 07771 594927

2024 Annual Flower and Produce Show

The annual show will take place in Enstone Parish Hall on Saturday 24 August. The full schedule of classes for exhibition is included in this Ensign and is also available on the Parish website. Set up will be in the morning before 11.00 and the hall will be open in the afternoon from 1.30.

The Club is anxious to locate four missing trophies that have gone missing since before the pandemic when the show was suspended. We would be grateful to know if anyone might have any of these trophies shown below.

A large cup 17.7 cm engraved ‘National Westminster Bank Limited Rose Bowl’

A small cup, 12.9 cm engraved ‘Enstone Horticultural Society Awarded for Photography’

A small pewter brandy glass cup, 8.8 cm engraved ‘Enstone Juniors’.

A small plain rose bowl, 13.8 cm   

Establishing Wild Flowers in the Garden 

Monday 21 October 7.00, Enstone Parish Hall, Litchfield Room

An illustrated talk by ecologist and Oxfordshire wild flower expert Craig Blackwell organised in conjunction with the Enstone Eco Group.

Willow Weaving Workshop

Saturday 16 November 3 – 6 pm Enstone Parish Hall

Instruction by renowned Warwickshire willow artist Rachel Harwood. The expected cost will be £55.00 for the three hour session, to include all materials and refreshments. More information about Rachel’s work at: https://www.rachelharwoodwillow.co.uk/

To book a place please contact enstonehorticulturalsociety@gmail.com or 07771 594927.


The Enstone Dog Show returns with a wuff on Saturday 24 August in the grounds of Enstone Parish Hall. The Dog Show will run alongside the Garden Club’s Plant & Produce Show. Dog registration will be at 1.30 pm with the show starting at 2.00 pm.

The following categories will be judged:

  1. A puppy under 12 months
  2. Best conditioned dog over 1 year
  3. Best conditioned bitch over 1 year
  4. Best veteran over 7 years old
  5. Winner of classes 1 to 4
  6. Best child handler under 14 years old
  7. The dog that looks the most like its owner


To celebrate the Enstone Garden Club’s Plant & Produce Show with the Dog Show on 24 August the Parish Hall will provide a BBQ with wine & beer. There will be a tombola to raise money for the upkeep of the hall and any prize donations would be gratefully received.


Guided Walk around Heythrop Park Grounds with Refreshments!

Thursday 25 July, 2-4pm – Suggested Donation £10

Heythrop Estate Manager, Paul Young, will take us around the grounds and explain the environmental work they are doing and show us some of the great floras on the estate. This will be followed by tea and coffee in the beautifully restored hotel, and some of their yummy cake! This event has a suggested donation of £10 cash per person. Enstone Eco are trying to raise funds to help deliver projects in the parish, so any extra donations are gratefully received above the suggested amount. Booking is essential so please see the events section of our website www.enstone-eco.co.uk/events and click RSVP to reserve your place.

This is a key fundraiser for Enstone Eco, so please take some time out of your busy schedule to join us and enjoy stunning scenery, while supporting our environmental efforts!

Discover the Hidden World of Lichens 9th August 10-12.30

Join us and for a free guided walk at St Kenelm’s Church. Dr Nicholas Carter, from the University of Oxford will be taking people around the Church yard to identify lichens. He is happy for anyone who is interested to come along and hear him explain all about these amazing plants as he walks around. It’s a free event and has been organised by Enstone Eco in association with St Kenelm’s Church. Please bring a magnifying glass with you if you have one, so you can get to see the intricacies for yourself. Please also RSVP through our website events page so we can get and an indication of numbers attending.

Do you want to plant a community orchard?

West Oxfordshire District Council is distributing £50,000 to support community orchard projects, to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. Your community orchard must be publicly accessible, or accessible to a significant number of people (as in the case of schools). Applications close on 31 July 2024 for the 2024/25 planting season in which planting must be completed between September 2024 and March 2025. Search online for “WODC Coronation Community Orchard Scheme”

Enstone Eco – Helping Enstone Parish make a difference! www.enstone-eco.co.uk   

Contact us at: enstoneeco@gmail.com

Enstone Sports & Social Club

Sky sports

New members welcome

Charity Six-a-side cricket  – Thanks to all that came played, watched and helped out,  another great year amongst the showers!, it was won for the first time by Old & Young captained by Jonathan Watts.  Together we raised £400 for Alzheimers.uk.

Henry Hawtin cup – starts 18th July, followed by matches throughout July and August on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.   Full details of fixtures will be on our Facebook page.


Enstone cricket  – most Sundays, anyone interested in playing can contact Jonathan Watts on 07818697752

Meat draw every Friday.

The club is open every Friday 7pm-11pm, Saturday 3pm till close and Sundays from 12pm to 3pm

Sky sports on every Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

All welcome, The club is open to everyone.

Club meetings 7.15pm AGM July 15th.


July 11 WI Annual BBQ   

14 Garden visit to Kingham Lodge 3pm

18 Parish Council 7 pm PH

20 St Kenelm’s Day Afternoon Tea 2.30-4.30pm.

25 Guided Walk around Heythrop Park 2-4pm

27 Final Date for Copy

August 9   Hidden World of Lichens St Kenelm’s 10-12.30pm

24 2024 Annual Flower and Produce Show PH 1.30pm

Current & previous Ensigns as pdf.