Welcome to Enstone Primary School
We are a busy, friendly school with lots going on! Our school day starts at 8:55am and finishes at 3:15pm, with an hour for lunch from 12:00 – 1:00pm. We value active, creative and investigative learning and constantly review our curriculum offer and practices to ensure we are meeting the needs of our pupils and giving them the best experience of primary education that we can.
For a taster of the school, as well as providing up to date information for parents, pupils and the wider community, click here for the Enstone Primary School website.
Enstone Primary School is a Partner School in the Oxfordshire Teaching Schools Alliance. Click for more information.
Our Vision and Values
Our Mission Statement: We are all different. We are all special. We are all achievers.
At Enstone Primary School we aim to:
- Create a happy and caring school.
- Provide opportunities for everyone to reach their full potential.
- Encourage and celebrate achievement.
- Recognise and respect individuality.
- Value and protect our environment.
- Engage and work with the wider community
Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have.
Enstone Primary School
Oxford Road
Chipping Norton
Telephone/Fax: 01608 677 268
Headteacher: Mrs Sarah Mann
Enquiries – Office Administrator/Bursar: Mrs Julie Letch
Email: office.2103@enstone.oxon.sch.uk
Enstone Pre-School – Survey – March 2021
The Governors of Enstone Primary School are currently investigating the possibility of opening a Pre-School for children aged 3-4 years, run and managed by the school, using the existing Pre-School building and play area. Our ideal scenario is to get the Pre-School open again for September 2021.
An important consideration is whether this provision would be welcomed and used by families in our locality. We would appreciate your feedback and ask you to follow the link below and complete a quick online survey.
Click here to take part – https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk
If you have children who are currently eligible or will become eligible in the near future, to attend a Pre School setting, please complete the survey for us. We will only know whether we can get the Pre School up and running again when we have an understanding of demand for places.
Many thanks,
Mrs S. Mann
Enstone Primary School, Enstone, OXON, OX74LP
Tel: 01608 677268