DRAFT MINUTES – Click here for PDF version
Held in The Litchfield Room, Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday
25th August 2022 at 7.00 pm.
PRESENT: Cllrs N. Knott (Chair), P Johnson, P Shaw, A Ward, H Bourne-Taylor,
DC A Beaney
Minutes Cllr C Glendinning
APOLOGIES: Cllrs Parker, Baggaley, Robottom and Gilbert, Mrs Beth Sinclair, CC Saul
and DC A Wilson
Cllr Knott Welcomed everyone to the meeting.
79. DECLARATION OF INTEREST AND MEMBERS’ REGISTER OF INTERESTS:- there were no declarations of interest.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 28th July, having previously been
circulated and read, were approved and signed by Cllr N Knott.
81. Matters Arising:-
* Caravans – Green Lane – It was reported that more rubbish has been deposited at this site – ongoing.
*Sports Club lease – ongoing.
*Litter Bins – It was confirmed by WODC that the bin by the shop is not for dog waste. A
note to this effect will be put in the Ensign. This is an environment health issue and
residents will be asked not to use this bin for dog waste. There is another bin near the
village notice board which is suitable.
* Maintenance of the bus shelters – One resident responded to the request for volunteers
re-decorate the bus shelters. She is unable to attempt this on her own and a further
advertisement will be placed in the Ensign – ongoing.
* Quarry Close – CC Saul was not present to provide an update – ongoing.
* Cycle Ways – ongoing.
* S106 monies – recreation – ongoing.
82. Public Discussion:-
Chapel Lane – Following the meeting of the Uplands Committee on the 22nd August and
irregularities that occurred at that meeting, DC Beaney reported that because WODC has
only a 3.6 year land supply, instead of 5 years, all WODC policies and strategies are
no longer relevant. They are no longer allowed to rely on the land supply, (some brown field
land can be included). Thus the planning meeting procedure was changed. DC Beaney put
in a complaint that it was unreasonable to change the meeting
a. immediately before the meeting and b. without prior notice.
The Chapel Lane application had been turned down partly due to the fact that it was an
outline application. The final design could be quite different. The lack of parking
was also a factor and the lack of a green field site was also a factor.
Cllr Knott had received an invitation from Alpine to tour their establishment. She will ask
Alpine for a suitable date and report back.
Cllr Knott reported that Lady Wills had died. She is the mother of Lady Wills who died
earlier this year.
Cllr Knott reported that Ditchley had responded positively to the suggestion of a ‘permissive
right of way’ which would provide a safe walking link between Enstone and Charlbury.
Cllr Knott advised that she had been asked to join a working party looking into the planning
application for a mansion to be built at Little Tew. This is not in the parish and she has
declined the offer.
Cllr Glendinning reported that, following an offer from the local police community support
officer to meet with the residents of the parish, when she had suggested someone attend
the Enstone Show, it did not appear that anyone had been able to attend. She has
written again and suggested a parish council meeting.
83. County Councillors report:- CC Saul had sent his apologies.
84. District Councillors report:- DC Beaney reported that the local plan is up for review and
WODC have sent out a questionnaire ‘Have Your Say & Help Shape the Future of West Oxfordshire’ which is available online on the parish website to seek residents views on what key issues the new Council Plan and Local Plan should focus. It is open until the 21st September There is the possibility of reducing the number of houses to be built but WODC have a duty to co-operate with local areas and this has to be backed up.
85. Correspondence
West Oxfordshire District Council:-
The Cabinet are to tour the district to build local community engagement. They will visit Charlbury Community Centre on the 14th September at 2pm and Chipping Norton, Lower Town Hall on the 16th November at 2pm for public engagement. Residents are recommended to attend.
Oxfordshire County Council:-
* Parish Transport Representatives Meeting – The next meeting will be held remotely
on the 19th October – a volunteer from the PC will be asked to attend.
*OCC – Councillors Priority Fund – CC Saul was not present to provide details.
* TTRO (T10294) Temporary Road Closure; No waiting – Church Enstone, B4022
Banbury Road – Please note that this road closure was previously mentioned in the last Ensign. The road closure will be in place from the Tew crossroads (intersection of B4030/B4022), heading north to the delivery entrance for Soho Farmhouse on the Banbury Road (B4022). The closure will be in place from 5th September 2022 and is anticipated that the work will be completed by 7th October 2022. This is being highlighted to confirm that the B4030 through Church Enstone itself will remain open.
TTRO (T10749) Temporary Road Closure, Lidstone, road running through Lidstone – noted
To be posted on the website.
TTRO (T10753) Temporary Road Closure, Lidstone, road from Lidstone to the A44 – noted
To be posted on the website.
Parish Council Correspondence:-
* Recruitment of Clerk/RFO – Cllr Johnson has arranged for two interviews to take place on Thursday next, 1st September. A third interview will be held the following week.
* Sports Club repair to wall – the working party will arrange a meeting.
* Parish Improvements – the working party will arrange a meeting.
* OALC July update highlighted the importance of councillors having a parish council email account.
They highlighted Financial Controls training to be held on the 20th October via zoom from 10 am to 11.30 am or 1pm to 2.30 pm and recommended a councillor attend this. Cllr Glendinning agreed to attend this.
OALC are recommending councils sign up to the ‘Civility and Respect Project’ to encourage better standards of behaviour. Cllr Shaw will study this and report back to the next meeting.
PC handbook – Cllr Shaw will adapt this for Enstone and circulate in due course.
* A request for a donation has been received from Chipping Norton Theatre, the council agreed to make a £100. donation.
* Enstone Show and Horticultural Society Flower and Produce Show – Mrs Anita Rowsell reported on the success of the Enstone Show this year.
The Show was opened by Graeme Garden, a great supporter of the Show, and attendees included Heythrop Zoological with some of their amazing animals, a climbing wall, childrens’ Octopus ride, classical Indian dancing, Morris men and food to suit every taste. The Dog show, as ever, proved a great success. The Horticultural Show was hugely supported. Philip Shaw, the Chairman, awarded the cups. This was followed by the raffle draw. It is the first Show since 2019. Funds raised are in excess of £1,600 which will enable a donation of £1,000 to be made to School. A full report is on the website.
* Cllr Knott reported that she had received an apology from Warner Leisure for the confusion regarding the official opening of Heythrop. She had been asked to ‘cut the ribbon’ at the official opening but declined as she will be away. She had put forward Cllr Parker to represent the pc.
* Winter preparedness – maps of the locations of the salt bins will be provided to councillors so they can check the bins in their area and report back to the next meeting.
* Water Quality in the Evenlode 2021-2022 – Wild Oxfordshire had provided infographic information on the water quality of the Evenlode, which they admit does not make good reading. Phosphorous is the main pollutant, about 65% of which comes from sewage effluent and 28% from agricultural run off. Much of the data had been collected by volunteers. Cllr Bourne-Taylor has applied for a kit to monitor the water quality.
* Eco Group – Cllr Ward had met with Mrs Sawyer and advised her that it was not necessary for the Group to report to the parish council. They are a completely independent body and not constrained by the parish council.
They wish to provide Jubilee trees to the hamlets in the parish with accompanying plaques. The question was raised about who would ensure the trees flourish during the early months/years? A request for a funds to cover additional expenditure has been received. The Parish Council is extremely supportive of the Eco Group, however they regret that they are unable to assist on this occasion. It was recommended that the Group apply for a bank account which will give them the opportunity to raise funds in their own right. Cllr Bourne-Taylor recommended they contact Community Action Group Network (CAG Oxfordshire) which would provide support, advice and expertise.
* SAAA 2022 Opt-out Communication – the Council confirm they do not wish to opt-out.
86. Planning Applications:-
* Church Cottage, Church Enstone, 22/02234/LBC & 22/02017/HHD – no objection.
* Land and Building (E) 439518 (N) 226211 Enstone Airfield North, Banbury Road, 22/01915/FUL – No Objection: Enstone Parish Council does, however,
acknowledge the ongoing concerns of some residents regarding increased activity at the airfield and suggest that West Oxfordshire District Council consider under taking a comprehensive flight activity analysis to establish the extent of aircraft movements as this is an issue that is regularly raised by parishioners.
* The Old Coal Yard, Gagingwell, 22/02111/FUL – no objection.
* 2 Manor Farm Barns, Chapel Lane, Enstone, 22/02058/HH – no objection.
Decisions Received:-
* The Wells, The Drive, Enstone, 22/01796/CLP – Certificate of Lawfulness – erection of single storey side extension – Approved
* Woodford Cottage, Banbury Road, Enstone, OX7 4AA, 21/02268/HHD – Erection of
a replacement ancillary store with home office and accommodation (amended plans) – Approved
87. Finance:-
a. To agree the following accounts for payment:-
Santander Account (normal parish account):-
* Mrs Beth Sinclair £611.95
* NEST Pension Scheme (er) £19.12
* NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £25.50
* Thomas Fox, verges & churchyard £919.80**
* Thomas Fox, Parish Hall £163.80
* Complete Weed Control £72.00
* Microsoft Office, yearly subscription £59.99
* Kallkwik (Eco Group) – printing £36.59
* Leaflet Frog (Eco Group), leaflets £54.00
** A query to Thomas Fox on the grass cutting, as many grass areas are brown.
12. Dates of next meetings:-
* Thursday 22nd September 7 pm – Parish Council Meeting.
* Thursday 27th October 7 pm – Parish Council Meeting.
* Thursday 17th November – Finance meeting
The meeting concluded at 8.45 pm