DRAFT MINUTES – Click here for pdf version.
Held in The Litchfield Room, Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday
15th December 2022 at 7.00 pm.
PRESENT: PCs. N. Knott (Chair), P. Johnson, P. Shaw, D. Robottom, A. Ward, H. Bourne-Taylor, C. Glendinning, DC Alex Wilson & CC Geoff Saul
APOLOGIES: Cllrs. T. Gilbert, R. Parker, M. Baggaley & DC Andrew Beaney
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Beth Sinclair, Parish Clerk
Cllr. Knott welcomed everyone to the meeting.
There were no declarations of interest declared.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 17th November were circulated prior the meeting, read and approved by Cllr. N. Knott. A correction was made in that PC Ward had not been asked to obtain quotes for the repair to the wall at the sports club.
120. Matters Arising:-
* Cycle ways – Ongoing
* Heythrop Park – awaiting details from the Manager with regards to what offers will be available to Enstone Parish residents from January 2023. Ongoing
* Cleveley – overgrown footpath – CC Geoff Saul explained that this work will be carried out in Summer 2023. The Chair requested that the work be carried out earlier than this. The clerk will inform the resident
* Christmas Tree – The PC expressed its disappointment that the plan to install a Christmas tree on The Green had not been actioned. The clerk was asked to contact PC Gilbert to ask for an explanation.
* PC Handbook – PC Shaw circulated the draft handbook to all members for everyone’s comments before February’s meeting. PC Shaw was thanked for all his hard work on this.
* One Way System village shop – Ongoing – awaiting quote from Highways
* School Safety – Following the finance meeting, the clerk will contact OCC for advice on how the £5,000.00 budgetted for school safety in 2019 can be best utilized – ongoing
* Cloudy IT – ongoing
* Victoria County History Christmas Lecture – Cllr. Shaw had attended this
121. Public Discussion:-
- Ice in Lidstone – Following the recent icy weather, a resident had contacted the PC regarding compacted ice coming from a resident’s driveway. PC Knott has been in contact with OCC regarding this. The resident has subsequently contacted the PC to say that the situation is resolved.
- Chapel Lane – Collapse of wall – PC Robottom drew concern over the two walls that had been damaged along Chapel Lane. CC Saul asked that photographs of the site be forwarded to him, so that OCC can contact the owner.
- Damaged Bus Shelter – PC Johnson commented that the bus shelter opposite Worths’ Garage had been damaged. This will be discussed further in January and monies will be added to the precept towards repair/replacement bus shelter. Cllr. Knott will seek advice from OCC.
- Damaged Chevron in Gagingwell – PC Shaw reported that a driver had collided into the chevron post. PC Shaw will send photographs of this to CC Saul.
- The Harrow Inn – Following reports of late night noise, DC Wilson agreed to contact the relevant department at WODC regarding the licence agreement.
- Water Leak on A44 – This has now been repaired by OCC.
122. County Councillor’s report:-
- None
123. District Councillor’s report:-
- Budget for 2023/2024 – This will be discussed at a Full Council meeting in February.
- Waste Collection Contract – The contract is up for renewal in 2024.
- Waste Collection during Christmas period – The bins will be collected one day later than normal w/c 26th December and on normal days w/c 2nd January.
- Botley West Solar Farm – The closing date for online comments has been extended to 22nd December, regarding this major infrastructure project.
124. Correspondence
West Oxfordshire District Council:-
- More than a thousand new trees to be planted in honour of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth – Noted
- Boundary Commission for England: Final Consultation Partner Toolkit – Noted
- Sustainable Warmth Grant – Noted
- Waste Bin Replacement & Renewal Programme – This document confirms that the PC is not financially responsible for any of the waste bins that have been installed in the parish.
- Solar to cut reliance on fossil fuels – Noted
- Council moves to strengthen sports provision for residents in West Oxfordshire – PC Robottom will discuss this with the Sports Club.
- Cost of Living Crisis – Noted
Oxfordshire County Council:-
- Cost of Living Support – Noted
- A44 Corridor Strategy Workshop – CC G.Saul, PC C. Glendinning and the clerk attended this online workshop concerning the short, medium and long term proposals for traffic safety along the A44, including Woodstock to Chipping Norton. CC Saul commented that the plan is too general and needs far more specific input. Views on the need for further traffic calming at the A44, Enstone, was expressed during the workshop.
Parish Council:-
- Sports Club:-
- Business Plan – Cllr. Robottom will meet with the Sports Club to help the club put together a business plan. Ongoing
- Repair to wall – Quotes awaited
- Copies of the current leases were circulated
- It was agreed to appoint Mr. Roger Taylor from Wellers Hedleys, Solicitors, regarding the preparation of a new lease – the proposed fee will be £1,200.00 + VAT. Wellers Hedleys were recommended by the OALC as they are Solicitors who deal with Parish & Town Council matters.
- Heythrop Park/Warner Leisure – Signage – Correspondence between Heythrop Park/Warner Leisure and the Highways Department regarding improved signage had been circulated to all members for information. Noted.
- The Mullin Project:-
- PC Shaw argued that Enstone will experience the greatest impact of increased traffic and that S106 monies should be allocated towards traffic calming/traffic management in the Parish.
- Gagingwell will be closest to the 56 homes and museum and this needs to be acknowledged.
- Currently, (as part of the approval of the outline proposal), the S106 monies have been ring fenced for low cost housing and a car park in Tew, £50K towards the Bartons Bus and specific traffic calming measures in Enstone and neighbouring parishes.
- CC Geoff Saul confirmed that S106 monies must be used for capital infrastructure only which could include road widening and signage but not for the filling of pot holes.
- It was mentioned thalow cost housing by Clay Hill Close.
- Cllr Knott is arranging a site visit with Mr James Wright from OCC and requested further suggestions from PC members on how S106 monies could be reallocated. Suggestions included a roundabout at the Tew Crossroads; the construction of a footpath at Clay Hill Close; a one way system off the Bicester Road onto the A44; chevrons along the A44; traffic calming at the Worths’ junction.
- The planning application 22/03415/FUL has been received with over 100 documents.
- It is estimated that there could be circa 1500 vehicles travelling through Enstone on a daily basis.
- Queries about the restriction of times on the exercise track were raised including the operation of the exercise track and health & safety measures i.e. members driving their own cars around the exercise track.
- That all members send their comments regarding the response drafted by neighbouring parishes to Cllr. Knott in order for her to feed back by the end of December.
- That all members submit a wish list regarding the reallocation of S106 monies to Cllr. Knott.
- The Parish Planning Meeting to discuss the application will be held on Tuesday 17th January at 7.00 pm in the Parish Hall and this will be advertised.
- CC Saul had received a request from OCC’s Transport Planners asking for information from Parish & Town Councils on transport needs. Cllrs. Knott and Shaw will compile this information for CC Geoff Saul.
B4030 Signage – Cllr. Knott reported that £1K will be donated by Warner Leisure and £1K by Soho Farmhouse. The application for £1K from The Councillor’s Priority Fund had been submitted. OCC will be invoicing the PC £3K for the work to commence regarding 50 mph speed restrictions from Enstone to Gagingwell.
Botley West Solar Farm – The deadline for comments is 22nd December.
OALC:- November’s update and training dates for 2023 were circulated prior to the meeting.
125. Planning Applications:-
- Church Enstone Hall, Little Tew Road, Church Enstone, 22/03109/HHD – Proposed partial basement below pool pavilion for plant equipment – No objection
- Rose Cottage, Church Enstone, 22/03153/HHD & 22/03154/LBC – Erection of a single storey rear extension and the construction of two dormer windows along with insertion of roof light to rear roof slope and replacement windows. Internal & external alterations to include erection of a single storey rear extension, replacement windows and the construction of two dormer windows, along with insertion of roof light to rear roof slope. Internal alterations to include changes to each floor layout, reinstate an original fire place, replacement of existing ground to first floor staircase and re-siting of staircase from first to second floor – No objection
- WODC App Ref: 22/02693/FUL, Glyme Bank, Lidstone – An email had been received from the planning officer at WODC regarding this planning application. Enstone Parish Council had no objection to the application but the planning officer recommends that the application be refused on the grounds that the proposed building would be tantamount to the creation of a new dwelling in an unsustainable location. Enstone Parish Council will respond, requesting that the application be heard at the next Uplands Planning Committee.
- Land at Chapel Lane, Enstone – A report written by Cllr. Bourne-Taylor had been circulated to all members for a request for an ‘overturn’ to the Highways Department regarding this application. After discussion, it was agreed that this document be emailed once the paperwork from the Appeals’ Officer is received from the Secretary of State.
Decisions Received:-
- Land South Of Oxford Road, Oxford Road, Enstone, 22/02217/CND – split decision
- Land South Of Oxford Road Oxford Road Enstone Oxfordshire, 22/01962/CND – Approved
- The Old Coal Yard, Gagingwell, 22/02111/FUL – Approved
126. Finance:-
a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-
* Mrs Beth Sinclair £1,483.53
* NEST Pension Scheme (er) £43.71
* NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £58.28
* Vodafone (mobile two months) £30.00
* Webmaster Honorarium £250.00
* Travel expenses, clerk £21.60
* Thomas Fox, Parish Hall £81.90
* Kopyrite, copies of Sports Club Lease £22.50
* Information Commissioner £35.00
- PC World, reimbursement, faulty new laptop £100.00
- Sports Club, rent 2022/2023 £500.00
b) To confirm Precept for 2023/2024 – The precept figure of £39,284.00 was unanimously approved by all members. The clerk will inform WODC.
127. Dates of Next Meetings – 7.00 pm – Enstone Parish Hall
* Tuesday 17th January – Planning Meeting – The Mullin Project
*Thursday 19th January
* Thursday 16th February
* Thursday 23rd March
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20 pm. Cllr. Knott thanked everyone for