To download a pdf copy click here: EPHMC AGM 21 Jun 22
Enstone Parish Hall Management Committee – AGM
Date: Tue 21 June 2022
Present: Martin Juckes, Rachel Hunt, Sharon, Hutchinson John Vincent, Amanda Robinson
Item | Action |
1. Apologies:
Ronald Bridger, Freda Seath, Karen Williams, Paul Johnson |
2. Minutes of last Meeting
Agreed and signed previous minutes as a correct record. |
3. Matters Arising
None. |
4. Election of Officers
Paul Johnson, Anthea Williams and Bridget Zan resigned from the committee. Martin Juckes and Amanda Robinson joined the committee, Martin now acting as secretary, Amanda as Treasurer. John Vincent now acting as Vice Chair. Andrew Lee, Rachel Hunt, Sharon Hutchinson, Karen Williams and Freda Seath all remain as committee members. |
5. Chairman’s Report
This is the first Enstone Parish Annual General Meeting since the last one on the 29th of April 2019. The following year, March 2020 the UK when into lockdown due to the Covid 19 Virus pandemic. The hall was shut mostly for that year and between the first lock down and the second limited use of the hall. From March 2020 to March 2021, due to a number of reasons, the hall was not used by the parish. The main reasons being the practicality of the managing the hall under the restricted and the lack of interest of the parish hall users. Occasional meetings were held at the hall at the mid to end of 2021. Covid had a huge impact on the hall for at least 2 years. The latter end of 2021 and going in to 2022 we have seen a much better interest and attendance at the hall. This year 2022, we have seen our income and the hall attendance improve but not yet to the level of 2019. This year we have been involved in planning a bee-gardens and jubilee tree. We are planning to organise more social events at the hall for the remains of 2022. We are also proposing to undertake improvements in the form of general maintenance and replacements due to lake of opportunity over the last 2 years. The committee member has continued with their responsibility and positions without re-election since 2019. |
6. Financial report
1st April 2021- 31st March 2022 Balances as of 31st March 2022: Current a/c £6580.23 Business Premium a/c £46740.10 Income for this period was £38638.47 (£29871.01 on 1st April 2020 -31st March 2021). Hall & Car Park Hire – £16660.36 (£4859.08 20/21) Donations – £14285.90 (largely funds from Parish Council £14215.90 monies not to be used for day to day running of the Hall) WODC grants – £4361.30 (£944.30 in June 21, re-opening Grant, £2667 in August 21 & £750 in February 22 re Covid Restrictions) Ofgem receipts – £2768.49, received quarterly. Film Nights & Misc. Income – £559.22 (Sound system Hire & WODC covering cost of Legionella testing for Election Day) Bank interest received – £3.20 Expenses for the Hall for this period were £17316.71, (£16270.90 1st April 2020 – 31st March 2021), Business rates £333.23 (Nil 20/21) being paid at a reduced rate rather than free (as in 20/21) , Cleaning costs £2423.03 (£1407.02 20/21) increased as the regular weekly cleans resumed. The accounts show we made a profit for the year of £21321.76 (£13600.11 20/21), however this includes the Parish Council funds £14215.90, WODC Grants of £4361.30 and Ofgem payments of £2768.49. After these deductions we had a deficit of £23.93 for the period 1st April 21 – 31st March 22. |
7. Current Activities
Hall usage is very good with up to 70 + events booked in May. Some issues were reported with cleanliness post some events and the payment mechanism for non-locals will be updated. |
8. Future Events
Discussion focussed on maximising bookings in the run up to Christmas 2022, including Film Nights and a Barn Dance. |
9. Date of Next AGM
TBC May 2023 |