DRAFT MINUTES – Click here for pdf version
Held in The Litchfield Room, Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday
17th November 2022 at 7.00 pm.
PRESENT: PCs. N. Knott (Chair), P. Johnson, P. Shaw, R. Parker, D. Robottom, T. Gilbert, DC Andrew Beaney and three residents
APOLOGIES: Cllrs. C Glendinning, A. Ward, M. Baggaley, H. Bourne-Taylor, DC Alex Wilson & CC Geoff Saul
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Beth Sinclair, Parish Clerk
Cllr. Knott welcomed everyone to the meeting. The Parish Council sent its condolences to the Worth family following the death of Mr. Richard Worth.
There were no declarations of interest declared.
The minutes of the Parish Council meetings held on the 20th October and the Finance Meeting held on 3rd November were circulated prior the meeting, read and approved by Cllr. N. Knott. Cllr. P Johnson signed the minutes from 29th September at the recent Finance Meeting.
Public Discussion:-
Three residents who live at Quarry Close attended the meeting, concerned about a family who has recently moved into Quarry Close, organized by Cottesway Housing. It is a large family who own several vehicles so parking has become an issue. The residents have witnessed antisocial behaviour and now feel intimidated. DC Andrew Beaney will contact Cottesway Housing and the Housing Officer at WODC. Cllr. Knott will contact the police for advice. The clerk will keep the residents informed.
110. Matters Arising:-
* Maintenance of bus shelter opposite Worths + litter in bus shelters – DC Beaney reported that from next year the cost of WODC emptying litter bins, paid for by the Parish Council, will rise from £20 pa to £8.34 per week or £400 pa. He will forward the Cabinet email on this and also a map of the litter bins covered by this cost in the village. Ongoing
* Cycle ways – Cllr Baggaley is awaiting details of the meeting he is attending with CC G Saul. Ongoing
* Visit to Apline – ongoing.
* Heythrop Park/Warner Leisure – awaiting details from the Manager with regards to what offers will be available to Enstone Parish residents from January 2023. One query is whether Enstone Parish residents are allowed to walk up the main driveway? Ongoing
* Mullin Project – Cllrs. Shaw and Knott updated the Council on the recent meetings that had taken place with neighbouring Parish Councils and the Mullin Project team. The revised planning application is due to be submitted to WODC Planning Department before the New Year – the Parish Council will then arrange a public meeting to discuss the planning application.
* Cleveley – overgrown footpath – ongoing
* Mobile ‘phone – The clerk now has a dedicated mobile ‘phone for Parish Council usage. This will be displayed in the Ensign magazine and website.
* Remembrance Wreath – Cllr. Shaw had laid a wreath on behalf of the Parish Council on Remembrance Sunday.
* One Way System village shop – The clerk will contact OCC for an updated quote for this work to be undertaken at the expense of the Parish Council. This was as a result of the Parish Questionnaire in 2020.
* School Safety – Following the finance meeting, the clerk will contact OCC for advice on how the £5,000.00 budgetted for school safety in 2019 can be best utilized.
111. Public Discussion:-
- Cllr. Knott queried why Chapel Lane had been closed off.
- Cllr. Knott reported that the springs at Lidstone have been repaired following damage caused by Gigaclear. The clerk will put this into the Ensign magazine.
- Eco Group – Cllr. Shaw reported that three plaques will be ordered for the silver birch trees placed at the Sports Club, Parish Hall and Enstone School to mark the Queen’s Jubilee. The Parish Council agreed the cheapest quote of £112.00 for all three plaques – there are monies left within the Queen’s Jubilee budget for this. There are 30 trees left and Cllr. Shaw has offered to plant them on his land and this was unanimously agreed.
- Cllr. Parker reported that trees are currently being planted at the allotments and appreciation was expressed for this.
- Enstone Relief in Need Charity – questions were asked as to how the Charity can help residents with the cost of living crisis. Cllr. Parker explained that only individuals can apply for funding and the Charity status cannot be changed.
112. County Councillors report:-
- None
113. District Councillors report:-
- None
114. Correspondence
West Oxfordshire District Council:-
- Waterways Day – this takes place on 18th November at WODC. The PC sent apologies.
- Rural businesses invited to submit ideas for future funding – noted
- Helping residents with the cost of living – the deadline had passed for applying for a grant.
Oxfordshire County Council:-
- Vision Zero Summit – The Parish Council has sent apologies – noted
- Councillors’ Priority Fund – the clerk had completed the form which was signed by Cllr. Knott – this is a request for £1,000.00 towards signage between Gagingwell and Enstone.
- TTRO – Temporary Road Closure, Gagingwell – the carriageway repairs take place on 16th December.
- 20s Plenty – update – the works in Enstone will take place in 2023/2024
Parish Council:-
- Civility & Respect Pledge & Handbook – The pledge has been signed and Cllr. Shaw is working on the handbook – Cllr. Shaw was thanked for this work.
- Sports Club:-
- Rent for 1.9.22 to 31.8.23 – It was agreed to request £500.00 rent due to the cost of living crisis
- Business Plan – Cllr. Robottom will meet with the Sports Club to help the club put together a business plan.
- Renewal of lease – Discussion took place on the future of the sports club – Cllr. Gilbert wishes the Parish Council to offer a peppercorn rent from 1.9.23. Cllr. Knott will circulate the current lease agreement outlining the Sports Club’s obligations. This will be an item at December’s meeting.
- S106 monies – there is confusion with the S106 monies available as the wording in the S106 contract states that monies can be used for recreation at Enstone Parish – DC Beaney explained that this wording should be WODC i.e. upgrades at Chipping Norton Leisure Centre but as the wording states “Enstone Parish”, Cllr. Beaney will check with WODC. The clerk will contact the Playing Fields Association for ideas and quotes on how to utilize the S106 monies.
- Repair to wall – Cllr. Gilbert explained that Cllr. Ward is obtaining quotes for this.
- Cllr. Robottom had met with members of the Sports Club for their views on a MUGA pitch on the sports field. The complex issue is that residents pay an annual membership fee of £10.00 – this means that many residents are unable to access the sports field as they are not members. The Parish Council needs to seek legal advice as the sports club needs to generate far more income to be sustainable.
- Christmas Tree on The Green – Cllr. Gilbert agreed to organize this. The clerk and chair reiterated that the Highways’ Department at OCC must agree to the siting of the tree on The Green before work can be done. This is due to ensuring safe visibility for vehicles and to comply with the Parish Council’s insurance policy.
- Community Improvements 2022/2023 – As discussed at the Finance Meeting the £10K allocated for community improvements will go towards a one way system outside the village shop.
- Resident’s concerns A44/B4022 junction – A further letter of concern had been received relating to the safety of this junction. The clerk will invite the Highways’ Officer to revisit the junction to see what safety measures can be put in place.
- Signage on B4030 between Enstone and Middle Barton – The Parish Council is still waiting to hear from Soho Farmhouse (rather than the Mullin Project), Heythrop Park and Alpine Ltd for funding towards the 50 mph signs.
- Land South of Oxford Road, Orbit Homes – The S106 agreement states that the Public Open Space around the perimeter of the development can be transferred to the Parish Council for the ownership and management of this green space. The Parish Council agreed not to do this and that Orbit Homes Management Company will undertake this work.
- Community First Oxfordshire – Planning Consultancy – CFO is able to help Parish and Town Councils with completing S106 applications and neighbourhood plans – noted
- OALC:-
- October’s Briefing – circulated to all members – Noted
- Chair’s Briefing – Cllr. Knott explained that at the recent OALC/Chairs’ meeting, the topic of website and email security was raised. Many Parish/Town Councils use a company called Cloudy IT and OALC recommends that other Parish Councils look into this to cover them for GDPR issues and security. Cllr. Robottom agreed to investigate this further.
- Tablets – Many Parish & Town Councils purchase tablets for the Chair & Deputy Chair. It was agreed not to do this.
- Generic email addresses – the importance of this was discussed once more.
- Victoria County History Christmas Lecture & Receptio – 7th December – Cllrs. Robottom and Shaw agreed to attend this as it will include the history of Enstone.
115. Planning Applications:-
- Forge Cottage, Church Enstone, 22/02825/HHD – Erection of single storey extensions. Alterations to include the construction of two rear dormers and conversion of garage to games room with first floor above (part retrospective) – No objection (residents had been unaware of this application as no yellow posters had been erected by WODC)
- Lime View, Bicester Road, Enstone, 22/02944/HHD – Proposed rear extension – No objection
Decisions Received:-
- Enstone Airfield – Erection of a detached building to provide administration, welfare and storage facilities for the aircraft maintenance business, flying school and resident pilots – Refused
- Land East of The Drive, Enstone – Construction of one custom-build detached carbon-neutral house, together with associated works and formation of vehicular access – Withdrawn
116 Finance:-
a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-
* Mrs Beth Sinclair £878.07
* NEST Pension Scheme (er) £26.30
* NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £35.06
* Curry, PC laptop £449.00
* ‘Phone case for mobile £10.29
* Thomas Fox (verges) £919.80
* Thomas Fox (Parish Hall) £163.80
b) To note the NALC’s revised cost of living salary scale for 2022/2023, backdated to 1.4.22.
c) To confirm Precept for 2023/2024 – this will be discussed at December’s meeting.
117. Dates of Next Meetings – 7.00 pm – Enstone Parish Hall
* Thursday 15th December
*Thursday 19th January
* Thursday 16th February
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00 pm. Cllr. Knott thanked everyone for