DRAFT MINUTES – (Click here for pdf version)
Held in The Litchfield Room, Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday
20th October 2022 at 7.00 pm.
PRESENT: PCs. N. Knott (Chair), P. Johnson, P. Shaw, A. Ward, M Baggaley, R. Parker, D. Robottom, DCs. Alex Wilson & Andrew Beaney, CC Geoff Saul and one resident
APOLOGIES: Cllrs. C Glendinning, T. Gilbert and H. Bourne-Taylor
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Beth Sinclair, Parish Clerk
Cllr. Knott welcomed everyone to the meeting and the clerk who had returned after a period of absence.
Cllr. Baggaley declared an interest in Item 9. Planning Applications relating to Glyme Bank, Lidstone, 22/02693/FUL.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 29th September will be approved at November’s meeting.
100. Matters Arising:-
* Caravans – Green Lane – DC A Beaney reported that the site has now been cleared and was thanked for all his work on this.
* Sports Club Lease – ongoing.
* Maintenance of bus shelter opposite Worths + litter in bus shelters – DC Beaney reported that from next year the cost of WODC emptying litter bins, paid for by the Parish Council, will rise from £20 pa to £8.34 per week or £400 pa. He will forward the Cabinet email on this and also a map of the litter bins covered by this cost in the village. Ongoing
* Regarding the re-decoration of this bus shelter, it was decided to ask the person who originally volunteered to do this work, if he would give a price for a one off re-decoration in the Spring – Ongoing
* Cycle ways – Cllr Baggaley is awaiting details of the meeting he is attending with CC G Saul. Ongoing
* Visit to Apline – ongoing.
* Civility & Respect Project – Ongoing
* PC Handbook – Ongoing
101. Public Discussion:-
• King’s Coronation – 3rd May 2023 – Anita Rowsell attended the meeting asking for the Parish Council’s support to celebrate the King’s Coronation on 6th May 2023. This was following the great success of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee earlier in the year. It was agreed that this was an excellent idea and the Parish Council gave its full support to Anita to arrange for a group to organize the King’s Coronation. The Enstone Show agreed to manage the financial transactions and a contribution of £1,500.00 from the Parish Council was requested. This will be discussed at the Parish Council’s Finance Meeting on 3rd November.
• Bus Shelters – Anita commented that there was an escalation of bottles, rubbish and leftover sandwiches inside the bus shelter since the litter bin had been removed by WODC earlier in the year and not replaced. DC Andrew Beaney asked Anita to forward photographs of the litter to him.
• Enstone Sports Club – Following a meeting between the Sports Club and Enstone PC earlier in the year regarding the possible renewal of the Sports Club Lease in September 2023, Cllr. Robottom explained that a further meeting has been organized with the Sports Club next week to discuss this further.
• Age UK – AGM 4th November – the clerk had circulated details of this meeting to all members of the Council. Noted.
• Badger Group Conference – 12th November – the clerk had circulated details to the Parish Council regarding this.
102. County Councillors report:-
• CC Geoff Saul forwarded information regarding dates to discuss Cycle Ways to Cllr. Baggaley. There had been delays due to Operation London Bridge.
• CC Saul circulated forms for the Parish Council to complete in relation to a grant from the Councillor’s Priority Fund. The Parish Council agreed to apply for £1,000.00 towards signage to reduce speed between Hopcrofts Holt and Enstone.
• Posters displaying “Where to find community food services in West Oxfordshire” will be placed onto the noticeboards and website.
103. District Councillors report:-
• There was nothing to report
104. Correspondence
West Oxfordshire District Council:-
• Cabinet Meeting at Chipping Norton Lower Town Hall – 16th November at 2.00 pm – noted
• A Consultation on residents’ views on how developer contributions should be spent is on the website and will be advertised in Ensign. Noted
Oxfordshire County Council:-
• National Highways and Transport Online Survey – Noted
• Overgrown footpath in Cleveley – The clerk explained that she had contacted OCC on several occasions, with no response. CC Geoff Saul will take this forward.
Parish Council:-
• Adoption of Code of Conduct & Register of Interests – The clerk circulated letters from the Monitoring Officer at WODC for completion and return to WODC by 1st November.
• Sports Club:-
1. Rent for 1.9.22 to 31.8.2023. The Sports Club had contacted the PC asking how much the rent will be for the coming year. The PC agreed to ask the Sports Club how much it is able to pay and the reasoning why, before making any decisions.
2. Repair to wall – For November’s meeting
• Community Improvements 2022/2023 – Cllrs. P. Johnson, A. Ward and H. Bourne-Taylor will meet and report to the Parish Council at its Finance Meeting on 3rd November.
• Middle Barton Signage – The clerk will contact Heythrop Park, Soho Farmhouse and Alpine Ltd requesting £1,000.00 funding.
• Village Shop Parking – A resident had contacted the Parish Council, concerned about vehicles parking illegally on the portion of Chapel Lane as it exits onto the A44 by the village shop. There are also difficulties parking outside the village shop and by the church in Church Enstone. The resident queried whether the Parish Hall car park could be available to help alleviate these difficulties and asked that the Parish Council finds a solution:-
(a) The Parish Council does not have the Power of Authority to deal with vehicles parking irresponsibly/illegally. The Parish Council has contacted the Police to ask them to visit these areas as well as monitor the situation outside the school.
(b) The clerk has contacted the Parish Hall Management Committee – the car park is only available for those who pay for the use of the hall which is used most mornings, afternoons and evenings. The Hall’s Insurance dictates that the gate must be locked when the hall is not in use.
(c) DC Andrew Beaney has advised that any future concerns be directed to him and he will forward all information onto the Cabinet Officer at WODC who deals with parking issues.
• S106 monies for recreation – for discussion at November’s meeting.
• Parish Council equipment – The Parish Council has agreed to the funding of a mobile ‘phone and new laptop for the sole purpose of Parish Council business.
• OALC – September’s update was circulated to all members. A questionnaire following Operation London Bridge was circulated before the meeting and the clerk will complete this.
• Heythrop Park – Opening Ceremony:-
Cllr. Richard Parker formally opened Heythrop Park at its Opening Ceremony on Wednesday 19th October. There had been an excellent turn out, with a tour of the Hotel. The clerk will thank Mr Dean Saunders, General Manager, for his kind hospitality. Cllr. Ward mentioned that there had been a marked increase in traffic since its opening and the Parish Council will monitor this situation. It was agreed that the clerk will contact Mr. Saunders regarding the Hotel’s policy on special offers for the residents of Enstone Parish regarding recreation facilities, the use of restaurants and footpaths.
• Parish Transport Representatives Meeting:-
Cllr. David Robottom attended this meeting via zoom. The priorities for OCC are to make the County zero carbon and for cars to be taken out of the major towns. There is a Transport Hub Strategy concerning rail, cycling and bus routes in rural areas and the OCC wishes to collaborate with Parish & Town Councils on this project. There is also a Strategic Active Travel Network plan regarding improved walking and cycling routes across the County and the OCC is currently creating a map of all the cycle routes within the County. There is a need for more people to use buses and there will be a £2.00 fare cap from January 2023. Cllr. Robottom was thanked for attending on behalf of the PC.
• Mullin Project – Update:-
There is an Open Day at Enstone Parish Hall on Saturday 29th October and the event has been widely advertised. This is for residents to meet members of the Mullin Project regarding the forthcoming planning application at the Mullin site. Cllr. Knott explained that she has met with the Chairs of neighbouring parishes including Middle Barton, Steeple Barton and Great Tew. All agree that the Transport Plan will need revising as the area will be doubled in size (56 properties) and will affect traffic around the parishes, particularly during big events.
105. Planning Applications:-
• Land off Green Lane, Great Tew, MW.0118/22 (OCC) – Temporary borrow pit for the extraction of limestone, building stone, walling stone, block stone and erection of temporary plant & storage areas along with associated uses at Land off Green Lane, Great Tew – No objection
• Cleveley Mill, Cleveley, 22/02691/LBC & 22/02690/HHD – Erection of single storey extension to East elevation and installation of bay window to North Elevation. Internal and external alterations to include erection of single storey extension to East elevation, changes to internal layout and fenestration, together with the installation of a bay window to North elevation. No objection
• Glyme Bank, Lidstone, 22/02693/FUL – Erection of a detached building to provide storage and garaging and first floor ancillary living accommodation and associated works. No objection
Decisions Received:-
• Fairytale Farm, 22/02298/FUL – Erection of replacement accessible play equipment – Approved
• 2 Manor Farm Barns, Chapel Lane, Enstone, 22/02058/HHD – Conversion of existing structure to annexe ancillary to main building – Approved
• Lime View, Bicester Rd, Enstone, 22/02151/HHD – Proposed rear extension – Withdrawn
• The Nordibank, Lidstone 22/02199/CLP – Certificate of Lawfulness – Replace thatch roof covering with slates – Approved
106. Finance:-
a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-
* Mrs Beth Sinclair £863.15
* NEST Pension Scheme (er) £26.30
* NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £35.06
* Quickfix, repair of PC laptop faulty cable £75.00
* Travel expenses for repair to laptop £21.60
* HMRC, NI 2nd quarter payments £117.69
* Complete Weed Control £344.40
* Enstone Parish Hall, rent £90.00
* Thomas Fox, Parish Hall £163.80
* Liquid Web, Event Calendar £110.08
* OALC, training £66.00
* PC world, printer £39.99
• Mrs Beth Sinclair, NI employee contributions £41.37
b) Quarterly Statement of Affairs to 30.9.2022:-
• The Quarterly Statement of Affairs and the accounts as at 30.9.2022 had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council prior to the meeting. All agreed and approved these as a correct record.
107. Dates of Next Meetings – 7.00 pm – Enstone Parish Hall
* Finance Meeting Thursday 3rd November
* Thursday 17th November
* Thursday 15th December
* Thursday 19th January
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.40 pm. Cllr. Knott thanked everyone for