DRAFT MINUTES – (click here for pdf version)
Held in The Litchfield Room, Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday
19th January 2023 at 7.00 pm.
PRESENT: PCs. N. Knott (Chair), P. Johnson, P. Shaw, R. Parker, D. Robottom, A. Ward, H. Bourne-Taylor, DCs A Beaney, A Wilson & CC G Saul;
Cllr Baggaley arrived at 7.45 pm.
CC G Saul left the meeting after 30 minutes to attend another meeting.
Cllr Glendinning taking minutes
APOLOGIES: Cllr. T. Gilbert, Mrs Beth Sinclair, Parish Clerk, due to Bereavement
Cllr. Knott welcomed everyone to the meeting.
There were no declarations of interest.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 15th December were circulated prior the meeting, read and approved by Cllr. N. Knott.
130. Matters arising:-
* Cycle ways – await further information from Mike re meeting – FILE
* Heythrop Park – awaiting details of offers to residents in New Year -ongoing
* Cleveley – overgrown footpath – Geoff to follow up – FILE
* Christmas Tree – awaiting response from Tom – ongoing
* PC Handbook – February meeting – ongoing
* Cloudy IT – under consideration – ongoing
* Damaged Walls – Chapel Lane – chase CC Saul – ongoing
* Harrow Inn – License Agreement – update from DC A Wilson – ongoing
131. Public Discussion:-
– Damaged 30mph sign in Gagingwell – Cllr Shaw has reported this on”Fix My Street”
– Dead tree on village green by shop – Cllr Bourne-Taylor offered to plant a new tree in its place. She was thanked for this.
– Cllr Glendinning asked for confirmation that the PC would reimburse the cost of the new Bushell Velocity speed gun at approximately £200. It was confirmed that this had already been previously agreed.
– The PC would like to thank the residents who have been keeping the bus shelter, near the shop, clean of rubbish and leaves.
– It was reported that when voting in May’s elections, residents will have to produce photo id.
132. County Councillor’s report:-
* Following on from the meeting on Tuesday, CC Saul advised that there is an application for aggregate to be taken from Tew quarry to the Mullin site. A two fold proposal, to have a site by Green Lane for recycling from the quarry to use for infill; and a new site off the Green Lane to provide stone for the Mullin with up to 60 movements per day.
If there is insufficient recycling material at Tew, additional infill will be brought in from outside the area. The application allows for work until 2037. This is a County Council application; there is a transport plan ref MW.0006/23.9.
* There is a report on an application, MW0145/2, to determine the status of the short track between Cuckolds Holt on the B4030 in Gagingwell and Bridleway 28. The conclusion of the report is that the route should be reinstated as a “Byway open to all traffic” ‘BOAT’. Bridleway 28 runs all the way from Gagingwell to Gt Tew.
* Oxfordshire County Council, Enstone Footpath No. 18 (part). This will be reconsidered by OCC. There had been no consultation with the land owner regarding the re-siting of this footpath to what is considered to be a more hazardous position.
133. District Councillors’ report:-
* WODC will be increasing Council Tax this year. For a Band D property it will amount to £5 p.a.
* There will be an increase in the cost of a green bin from £40 to £45 for the coming financial year.
* Discussions are taking place on the pan regional Oxford to Cambridge link. This is intended to increase the economy for the local area and include environment issues.
* The Council now have a new 5 year plan which can be viewed on the website.
* WODC have purchased Marriotts Walk in Witney as an investment.
* Cllr Wilson will be in touch with the resident who queried the siting of the waste bins in the village.
134. Correspondence
West Oxfordshire District Council:-
* Council abolishes Pavement Licences fees for business – noted
* The Branch Trust receive grant funding from West Oxfordshire District Council to create a Community Hub in Chipping Norton – noted
Oxfordshire County Council:-
* The Oxfordshire County Council, Enstone Footpath No.18 (part), Public Path Diversion and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2022 – discussed under County Councillor’s report
* Planting of a Tree – noted
* Application to add a Bridleway at Enstone – discussed under County Councillor’s report
Parish Council – Correspondence:
* Sports Club – Lease agreement – ongoing;
– Cllr Robottom is discussing a business plan with the Chair of ESSC next week;
– Repair to wall – Awaiting a quotation. The stonemason is requested to walk the length of the wall along Coxs Lane to assess the work required;
* B4030 signage – The £3,000.00 required for the 30 mph signage from Steeple Barton, Hopcroft Holt to Enstone has been promised and the work is now underway. Cllr Knott was thanked for raising these funds.
* Site Visit – James Wright OCC – Cllr Knott had a long discussion with James Wright from OCC Highways. He confirmed that the the two affected junctions resulting from the Mullin development, B4022/A44 (Worths) and B4022/B4030 (Tew) are not eligible for any upgrading. Highways have commented that there is no problem with these junctions. There are plans to put ‘Slow’ signs on the B4030/B4022. It is possible to have red painted ‘slow’ signs in the road if they are paid for by Mullin but they will not be maintained by OCC Highways.
The ‘One Way’ proposal by the village shop will be priced up.
A pavement along the Bicester road will also be priced.
Cllr Knott also reported that at the recent Chairs’ meeting it was confirmed that villages being awarded the 20 mph speed limit would be responsible for the changing of the
existing electric/solar ‘slow signs’.
* Damaged bus shelter – An inspection of the damaged bus shelter opposite Worths highlighted problems with the roof as well as the damaged wall. The bus shelter is on private land and the PC will look into this. It will require taking down/removal and checking whether a new (glass?) shelter could go in its place – ongoing
* Green Gym – They have asked the PC to confirm their next visit. They will also revisit the pond in Gagingwell.
* Enstone Senior Residents – tea and cake at the Parish Hall – thanks were given to Cllr Parker and Maureen and Yvonne. As well as tea and cake, there were jigsaws and a book swap. It is planned to hold this event every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month. The PC agreed to cover the cost of hiring the hall.
135. Planning Applications:-
* The Driving Centre, Enstone Airfield, Enstone, 22/03415/FUL – Cllr Shaw read out the concerns expressed at the Public Meeting held on the 17th January. A long discussion ensued with Councillors looking at the pros and cons of the new application.
Cllr Knott reported that she had received several phone calls the day following the public meeting with residents expressing their concerns about the use of the exercise track and other matters.
It has been estimated that of the development only 19% is the museum itself, the remainder houses rooms for members and apartments.
It was suggested that as the track is not a public road they have to provide fire marshalls when it is being used. They will also be required to keep the noise to a particular level.
The Vision Motorsport 2012 permission does not allow competitive racing, usage on Sundays and bank holidays and for only 120 days per annum. It permits 6 vehicles on the track and a maximum of 8 at the side.
The Mullin outline permission allows only cars displayed in the museum to be able to use the track.
The development may lead to over a 1000 traffic movements a day.
The development, it was hoped, would provide employment for the local area.
A vote taken of the councillors found that the majority were against this new application. Councillor Shaw agreed to write up the concerns of the PC and the parish and to circulate a draft before submitting to the planning portal.
* Lidstone House, Lidstone, 22/03003/HHD – Outdoor swimming pool and associated Pool Plant Room/Store. Erection of a workshop – No objection but a Transport plan should be submitted so that vehicles do not go through Lidstone hamlet.
Decisions Received:-
• Church Enstone Hall, Little Tew Road, Church Enstone, 22/03109/HHD – Proposed partial basement below pool pavilion for plant equipment – Approved
• Cleveley Mill, Cleveley, 22/02691/LBC & 22/02690/HHD – Erection of single storey extension to East elevation and installation of bay window to North elevation – Approved
• Lime View, Bicester Road, Enstone, 22/02944/HHD – Proposed rear extension – Approved
• Forge Cottage, Church Enstone, 22/02825/HHD – Erection of single storey extensions. Alterations to include the construction of two rear dormers and conversion of garage to games room with first floor above (part-retrospective) – Approved
136. Finance:-
a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-
• Mrs Beth Sinclair (£953.26 – £38.13) £. 953.26
• NEST Pension Scheme (er) £ 28.60
• NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £ 38.13
• Vodafone (mobile 1 month) £ 15.00
• HMRC, NI Contributions £ 117.69
• Plaques, Queen’s Platinum Jubilee £ 114.60
• OCC, B4030 traffic calming £3,000.00
• Enstone Parish Hall, Rent £ 72.00
• Currys, printer & 3 yr warranty £ 63.00
• Mrs B Sinclair, NI contributions (ee) £ 41.37
• Enstone Parish Hall (webmaster honorarium) £250.00
b) Statement of Affairs to 31.12.22
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20 pm. Cllr. Knott thanked everyone for
137. Dates of 2023 Meetings:-
❖ Thursday 16th February,
❖ Thursday 23rd March
❖ Thursday 20th April
❖ Thursday 4th May – Elections
❖ Thursday 18th May (Annual Council Mtg & PC mtg)
❖ Thursday 25th May – Annual Parish Meeting
❖ Thursday 22nd June
❖ Thursday 27th July (I can’t make 20th July, sorry)
❖ Thursday 24th August
❖ Thursday 21st September
❖ Thursday 19th October
❖ Thursday 9th November – Finance Meeting
❖ Thursday 23rd November
❖ Thursday 14th December