Held in The Litchfield Room, Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday
29th June 2023 at 7.00 pm
PRESENT: PCs. N. Knott (Chair), R. Parker, T. Gilbert, A. Ward, P. Shaw, C. Glendinning, DC Alex Wilson, DC Andrew Beaney, CC G. Saul and five residents – two residents attended for one Co-option Vacancy
APOLOGIES: PCs M. Baggaley, D. Robottom & H. Bourne-Taylor
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs. Beth Sinclair, Clerk, Mr. Martin Cummings, Alpine Racing
There were no declarations of interest declared.
The minutes of the Annual Council meeting & Parish Council Meeting held on 18th May & Planning Meeting held on the 25th May 2023 were circulated prior to the meeting, read and approved by all Members and signed by Cllr. N. Knott.
Co-Option of Parish Councillor:-
Two residents attended the meeting with the intention for one of them being Co-opted onto the Parish Council. Each resident demonstrated their reasons for becoming a Parish Councillor and the wish to be involved with the community. A vote took place, the result of which 4:2 for co-opting Mr. Mike Gomm onto the Parish Council. Mr. Gomm duly accepted, signed his Declaration of Office Form and joined the meeting. Both candidates were thanked for attending.
A resident interrupted proceedings throughout the meeting questioning where all the residents were and why were they not attending meetings? He complained that there were no paper copies of the Agenda and other paperwork available for residents. It was explained that all residents are invited to meetings and information is circulated monthly in the Ensign magazine, the website and noticeboards. It was explained that this was a Parish Council meeting to which residents are invited to attend and can discuss items under the “Public Discussion” part of the agenda. It is not a “public” meeting for general discussion.
Presentation: Mr. Mike Cummings – Alpine Racing
Mr. Cummings attended the meeting to give a presentation of the new car, to be called “Enstone” – it is The Alpine Allo S, Enstone Edition. Enstone Parish Council unanimously supports this initiative and thanked Mr. Cummings for attending. Mr. Cummings also explained that Mr. Ryan Reynolds & Mr Rob McElhenney are two of the new celebrity investors, part of a consortium investing in the company. Enstone PC is honoured that Alpine Racing is part of Enstone Parish.
180. Matters arising:-
- Cloudy IT (Cllr. Robottom had sent apologies for the meeting)
- Damaged wall & bollards outside Enstone School – CC Geoff Saul will chase this repair as it is a Health & Safety concern.
- Xmas Tree update – It has been confirmed that OCC does not own the land and the Green is not registered with Land Registry. It was agreed to place a Xmas Tree on The Green this year.
- Cottesway Housing – overgrown hedge at Woodford Close – a further resident had contacted the clerk. DC Andrew Beaney confirmed that a site visit was taking place on Monday 3rd July.
- Litter/dog waste bins – The missing bin along Chapel Lane will be reinstated. It was agreed not to replace the bin along The Drive that WODC removed when replacing the bins for join litter and dog waste. A resident suggested that the Parish Council funds poo bags, next to each bin.
181. Public Discussion:-
i) Burst Water Main – At the back of The Harrow – Thames Water is in situ repairing this.
ii) Weed Control – A resident has complained that the recent weed control carried out may have killed bees at her property. This weed control has been carried out twice a year for many years.
iii) PC Glendinning reported that the pavement along the A44, at The Paddocks, towards the centre of the village is completely overgrown – the clerk will contact Highways and the Management Committee of The Paddocks regarding this. An article in the Ensign requesting residents to prune back overgrown vegetation over pavements and bridleways will be done. The vegetation is also vastly overgrown at The Old Post Office.
iv) PC Glendinning suggested that an article in Ensign requesting residents to respect the speed limits.
v) PC Parker explained that with the recent traffic accident at the Worths Junction when a vehicle had ploughed into somebody’s garden, the Police had cleared the area but the cut down trees have been left on the corner of the junction. PC Glendinning will send photographs to CC Geoff Saul, who will report this.
vi) PC Gilbert reported that the overgrown vegetation along the bridleway at Cleveley has still not been cut back – this was reported to Highways in September 2022. The clerk will contact OCC.
vii) The clerk had circulated an invitation to a meeting with CPRE (Countryside Protection of Rural England) on Monday 10th July regarding solar farms and other initiatives. The clerk agreed to attend this online meeting.
viii) A resident from Wootton attended the meeting, inviting Enstone Parish Council to work with Councils from Wootton and Woodstock on how Councils are addressing the climate emergency and large planning developments. It was suggested to also invite the Eco Group and Encon. The resident will contact the clerk with further information.
182. County Councillor’s report:-
- 20s Plenty Campaign – A Cabinet Decision regarding Enstone Parish Council’s 20s Plenty Campaign initiative will be decided on 20th July. Following discussion, the clerk will email CC Geoff Saul on 30th June with its comments following the report sent by OCC. It was agreed that the 20 mph should be increased at Gagingwell to include all the houses, not just in the main village. It was disappointing to read that the A44 will not be included in the 20 mph Campaign and the OCC will review this (OCC is in discussion with bus companies who are concerned about keeping to its times if the 20 mph includes Enstone).
- Report from OCC – CC Saul circulated an update for all members on OCC’s achievements. These included the 20 mph scheme; Climate Emergency; Inequality; Health & Wellbeing priority; Carers & Social Care; Transport; Nature & Green Spaces; Creating opportunities for children and young people; Vibrant and participatory local democracy; Working with local businesses and partners and Migration Support.
183. District Councillors’ report:-
- DC Andrew Beaney gave details of a new scheme on enforcement, to include fly tipping.
- DC Andrew Beaney confirmed that planning permission had been approved for Land at Manor Farm, Enstone, with certain conditions including liaising with the School to ensure that agricultural vehicles do not use the entrance during certain times for Health & Safety reasons.
- DC Alex Wilson gave details of the District Council’s Grant Fund Scheme and how to apply.
- DC Alex Wilson explained that there are now live updates on the WODC website concerning Botley’s Solar Farm.
- Oxford’s train station will be closed from 29th July to 6th August.
- The Harrow – the enforcement team had attended and the building work has stopped. The Harrow is now only open on selected days.
184. Correspondence:-
West Oxfordshire District Council:-
- Consultation Report for Local Plan – Noted (this is for the new Local Plan)
- Town and Parish Council Biodiversity Survey – PC Glendinning completed this on behalf of the PC.
- Shared Prosperity Fund – Market Towns asked for improvement ideas – Noted
- Have your Say on Air Quality – This relates to Chipping Norton. Noted.
- Cost of Living Community Grant – Noted
- Maintenance of the Jubilee Trees – the clerk will ask the Eco Group to see if they could look after the Jubilee Tree which was planted on The Green at the Bicester Road/A44 junction.
- District Council chamber to be updated to make new community space – Noted
- New approach to Developer Contributions – This is in relation to new housing developments. Noted.
Oxfordshire County Council:-
- TTRO (T12096) Temporary Road Closure, Enstone, Cleveley Rd, 14-18 August
- TTRO (T12104) Temporary Road Closure, Enstone, B4022 Banbury Road, 25.9.23 – 6.10.23
- Application to record a Bridleway and investigation into wider route of Green Lane, Enstone, Ref:03586 – Noted
- Enstone Byways Open to All Traffic Nos. 65 and 66 Modification Order 2023, ref 03586 – Noted
- Community Tree Care Volunteers – Enstone PC will ask the Eco Group,
- Parish Transport Representatives’ Meeting – Enstone PC will send apologies
- 20s Plenty – Consultation – As discussed above. In addition, a discussion concerning extending the 30 mph to include Coxs Lane, along the Charlbury Road took place. The Parish Council would need to fund this at a cost of £2,000.00 (maximum). The additional signage would include six new locations for new 30 terminal & repeater signs (two on the B4022, two on the approach prior to the Hoar Stone and one repeater sign on each approach to the new 20 mph signs). The PC unanimously agreed to funding this and the clerk will contact Highways to confirm the costs. A saving of £3,500.00 in legal costs will be made as this will be part of the 20 mph work.
Parish Council – Correspondence:-
- Sports Club – A meeting with the solicitor takes place on Friday 7th July with PCs Knott, Ward, Gilbert, Gomm & Robottom. It was agreed not to fund the repair of the stone wall as the quotations ranged from £13K to £23K. Items to address are Membership of the Sports Club v residents who do not wish to be Members being able to use the Sports Club; how much is a Peppercorn Rent; Maintenance of all four of the boundaries in return for a peppercorn rent; The license for selling alcohol.
- OALC – Employment Law Training – this will be discussed at July’s meeting. May’s update – this was circulated to all members. AGM Monday 3rd July – Enstone PC will send apologies.
- Signage Westbourne House – Information had been received from OCC regarding “Private Access Protection Road Markings” – this would cost £168.00 – the clerk will contact the resident informing them how to proceed with this request.
- Traffic Calming – “Dangerous Crossroads” sign at the Worths Junction. The clerk will contact Highways with this request.
- Meeting with Neighbouring Councils – This has been arranged for Thursday 17th July at Charlbury. PCs D. Gomm and P. Shaw are able to attend.
- Parish Questionnaire 2023 – The clerk suggested repeating the Parish Questionnaire, last done in December 2020 to ask residents’ views on grass cutting for the 2024 season, weed control etc. It was agreed to carry this out in September. PC Glendinning will circulate the 2020 questionnaire/responses.
- Correspondence from Robert Courts MP – A response regarding concerns about the Mullin was received in early July, two months after the initial email was sent. Noted.
185. Planning Application
• 7 Cleveley Road, Enstone, 23/01191/S73 – Variation of condition 2 (amended plans) of planning permission 21/04076/FUL to allow design changes (erection of 2 detached dwellings with associated parking and provision of new vehicular access to service existing and new dwellings) – It was agreed to inform WODC about the continued concerns around parking
Decisions Received:-
• 39 Cleveley Rd. Enstone. 23/00761/FUL – Change of use from residential to residential/business use along with the erection of a log cabin for dog grooming business – Approved
• Glebe Barn, Little Tew Rd, Church Enstone, 23/00608/HHD – Proposed extension to existing garage to provide ancillary accommodation – Approved
186. Finance:-
a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-
- Mrs Beth Sinclair £1,016.43
- NEST Pension Scheme (er) £28.60
- NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £38.13
- Vodafone £18.16
- Thomas Fox, 2 of 7 (verges, churchyard etc)£919.80
- Thomas Fox, Parish Hall£163.80
- Cllr. P. Shaw (Coronation expenses)£765.44
- Website, Honorarium£250.00
- OALC, training (Employment Law)£72.00
- Complete Weed Control£360.00
- Thomas Fox, 3 of 7£919.80
- Tower Mint Ltd, Coronation coins£550.20
• OCC, Priority Fund £1,000.00
b) Budget Review Meeting – It was agreed that the clerk would organize a Budget Review Meeting with Cllrs. M. Gomm, C. Glendinning, P. Shaw and R. Parker.
187. Dates of next meetings: –
* Thursday 27th July – Parish Council Meeting
* Thursday 17th August – Parish Council Meeting
* Thursday 21st September – Parish Council Meeting
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00 pm. Cllr Knott thanked everyone for