Held in St. Kenelm’s Church, Church Enstone on Thursday
25th April 2024 at 6.30 pm
PRESENT: PCs. N. Knott (Chair), P. Shaw, A. Ward, C. Glendinning, N. Peart, M. Gomm, DCs Andrew Beaney & Alex Wilson, CC Geoff Saul and 38 residents.
APOLOGIES: Cllrs. C. Millar (Covid), H. Bourne-Taylor (Covid) and D. Robottom (away)
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Beth Sinclair, clerk
Cllr. Knott welcomed everyone to the meeting
There were no declarations of interest
- Enstone Airfield North, Banbury Road, Enstone, 24/00686/FUL – Erection of detached, single and two-storey viewing/instruction facility, including associated offices for staff and flying school users, WC facilities and garage for fire and rescue vehicle. The applicant attended the meeting to listen.
- A resident spoke in support of the planning application explaining that residents need to support family businesses and it would make the area tidier.
- A resident spoke objecting to the planning application. Although the proposed building would make the facilities more attractive, it will likely increase flights. There is still uncertainty around boundary issues and concerns about increased air and noise pollution. Planning restraints on the North airfield strip are long overdue and need to be put in place, should this application be approved. Further increases in flying will reduce the attractiveness of village life, going against the WODC Local Plan.
- The Parish Council discussed the application:-
- There is uncertainty surrounding access and clarification is required on whether or not the access goes out onto The Green Lane – that access does not belong to the applicant. A site visit from Highways is required.
- Although local businesses should be supported, there are significant points that are unclear and unresolved such as access rights across the area, the land dispute is still unresolved, and utilities are not fully available on site. How much traffic will be involved on a day-to-day basis?
- There is no objection to the look of the proposed building.
- Will the area become busier with more flights? It is unclear whether it will attract more flights so a decision cannot be made without this information. It cannot be assumed that a new office means that there will be increased flights.
- Should the application be approved, further controls on flights will be required in line with the other airstrips. The airstrip is currently regulated by a Certificate of Lawfulness approved in 2004.
The following voting took place:-
- Residents in favour = 3
- Residents against = 26
- Residents against on emails who had sent apologies = 5
- Abstentions = 5
Parish Council:-
- In favour = 1
- Against = 5
- LAND PARCEL SOUTH EAST OF MANOR FIELD, CHURCH ENSTONE, 24/00880/PIP – Permission in Principle for the construction of one single-storey two-bedroom stone dwelling. The applicant was not at the meeting.
- No residents were present who supported the application.
- A resident spoke objecting to the application giving reasons that there is no need for a house on that piece of land, it is of historic interest and that it would set a precedent if the application was approved as the additional 27 plot owners could apply for dwellings to be built. There were biodiversity issues should the land be converted into dwellings.
- Cling Clang Lane is a narrow lane and how would utility vehicles, oil tankers, and bin lorries be able to access the area? The Highways Department needs to be involved.
- The Parish Council discussed the application:-
- It is outside of the curtilage of Church Enstone and cannot be justified with the OS2 and H2 planning policies of WODC’s Local Plan.
- There would be limited sustainability – there are no shops in Church Enstone the only amenities being the Crown Inn and St. Kenelm’s Church.
- The only public transport is the Bartons Bus service which operates once a week in and out of Church Enstone.
- There are no footpaths along Cling Clang Lane.
- There is insufficient information regarding water supplies. Thames Water needs to be consulted.
- Should the 28 plots become dwellings, there would be no benefit to Enstone Parish with regards to S106 monies as these are individual dwellings.
- With regards to the National Planning Policy Framework, No. 83 states that to promote sustainable development in rural areas, housing should be located where it will enhance or maintain the vitality of rural communities, especially where this will support local services – there are no services available in Church Enstone apart from a pub and St. Kenelm’s Church. No. 84 states that planning policies and decisions should avoid “the development of isolated homes in the countryside unless there is an essential need for a rural worker, the development would represent the optimal viable use of a heritage asset, the development would re-use redundant or disused buildings and enhance its immediate setting or would involve the subdivision of an existing residential building. None of these apply. No. 103 states that existing open space should not be built on unless the space is surplus to requirements. Again, this does not apply.
The following voting took place:-
Residents in favour = None
Residents against = 35
Abstentions = 1
Parish Council:-
In favour = None
Against = Six (unanimous)
The Chair welcomed Mr Westerman and Ms Powell to the meeting who gave a presentation
on the possibility of affordable housing in Enstone, adjacent to Clay Hill Close. This would
be in conjunction with the affordable housing contribution from the S106 monies on the
Mullin Project, previously allocated to Great Tew. It is felt that Enstone has a greater need
geographically and is in a more sustainable location. Those residents eligible would have
family members already living in the village of Enstone so, for example, employees at Soho
Farmhouse would not be eligible.
The Parish Council voted unanimously in favour of this and thanked Mr Westerman and
Ms Powell for attending. They will now conduct a housing survey within the parish, contact
the current land owner (Green Square Accord) and liaise with the District Council’s housing
officers who deliver affordable housing. Following this, a further meeting with the Parish
Council will be organised.
The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 21st March 2024 were circulated, approved and signed by Cllr. Knott.
33. Matters arising:-
- Sports Club – Renewal of Lease – Ongoing
- The Old Mont Abbott plaque – Ditchley Estate has agreed to repaint the plaque
- Parish Councillor Vacancy – Ongoing
- Pavement, Coxs Lane – It was agreed that this was not financially viable at the current time. The clerk will put an article in the Ensign magazine
34. Public Discussion:-
- Residents have queried when the 20 mph signs will be erected in Enstone. CC Saul explained that the illumination works have now been completed and the work should be carried out at the end of May/beginning of June. The clerk will put this into the Ensign magazine.
- Cllr. Glendinning requested that the bus shelter windows be cleaned and this was agreed. Cllr. Glendinning will also identify which road signs need cleaning.
- Cllr. Peart has registered the Parish Council onto the Plantlife website, at the request of the Eco Group, confirming that the Parish Council has agreed to this year. The clerk will put this into the Ensign magazine.
- Cllr. Glendinning reported that the verges parallel to The Paddocks along the A44 have been missed by the contractors. The clerk will report this.
35. County Councillor’s Report:-
- Cllr. Saul updated the Parish Council concerning the Windrush Valley HGVs Steering Group which is in the data collection phase. The aim is to reduce the volume of traffic along the A44 and to audit what is the proportion of HGVs using these routes as through traffic and those HGVs that are delivering to local businesses within the area. This work should be completed by Spring 2025.
36. District Councillor’s report:-
- DC Alex Wilson has applied for re-election on 2nd May and was thanked for his support and everything he has achieved for Enstone Parish.
- The Harrow Inn – DC Wilson updated the Council following further concerns from residents. The owner of The Harrow had also contacted the Parish Council and was invited to attend the meeting. The Licensing, Planning and Environmental Officers are all monitoring progress at the Harrow Inn.
West Oxfordshire District Council:-
- Council to launch new guide to help local communities support nature and wildlife in their area – Noted
- PCC & District Council Elections 2nd May 2024 – Noted
- More Affordable Housing in West Oxfordshire – Noted
- Westhive/Crowd Funding – Noted
- Asthall Leigh demonstrator event highlights nature recovery efforts to Town and Parish Councils – Noted
Oxfordshire County Council:-
- Flood Risk Management – Funding – Noted
Parish Council – Correspondence:-
- Enstone Quarry – In the absence of Cllr. Millar, Smiths will be invited to the next meeting on 23rd May.
- Japanese Knotweed at Enstone Corner – The Chair will try and locate the owners of this land.
- Bench, Cleveley Road – A local builder has already offered his labour free of charge and it was agreed that the Parish Council will fund the cost of the materials for the new bench plinth and disposal of the existing bench. This will be circa £200.00.
- New Noticeboard with the Enstone Logo – It was agreed to add the Enstone Logo which would be a no further cost. The clerk will order the noticeboard.
- Parking at The Village Shop – The shop owner and several residents had complained about cars parked over the parking limit and a resident had also requested double yellow lines along The Drive. The Chair reported that no enforcement officers at County level are available to visit Enstone to monitor parking outside the village shop or where there are double yellow lines. It was agreed not to proceed with this request.
- Gallagher – Pre-Renewal Insurance Questionnaire – This had been circulated to all members and there were no amendments to be made.
- Meeting with Enstone Parish Hall Management Committee – The Chair of EPHMC has requested a meeting with the Parish Council and the clerk will suggest Thursday 16th May at the Annual Parish Meeting.
- Thames Valley Police & Crime Commissioner – the latest newsletter was circulated to all members.
- OALC – March update – this had been circulated. There was information on how to record apologies for absence. Noted
- D-Day – 6th June 1944 – After discussion, it was agreed not to spend taxpayers’ money on D-Day celebrations.
38. Planning Applications:-
- Land at Quarry Farm, North of Green Lane, Chipping Norton, Great Tew, MW.0041/24 & MW.0042/24 – Section 73 application to continue the development permitted by planning permission no. MW.0133/23 (extraction of limestone and deposit of imported clay and mineral scalpings to achieve agricultural restoration and conservation habitat creation) without complying with condition 2 (extraction and restoration end date) and condition 22 (exported material) to give a further four months to complete mineral extraction and restoration. No objection
Decisions Received:-
- Appeal Decision: Land At Chapel Lane, Enstone – 22/00838/OUT – Allowed
- Southcombe Farm, Oxford Road, Southcombe, 24/00287/FUL – Withdrawn
- Oathill Lodge, Enstone, R3.0022/24 – No objection
- Whiteways Technical Centre, Enstone, – Approved
- Land South West of Radford Farm Buildings, Radford, 23/03341/FUL – Approved
39. Finance:-
a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-
- Clark’s Salary £1,014.10
- NEST Pension Scheme (er) £30.42
- NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £40.56
- Vodaphone £18.16
- Stationery £17.98
- Ensign Magazine £600.00
- HMRC, Employer NI £94.42
- OALC, Training £132.00
- Parish Hall, rent £64.80
- Parish Hall, senior teas £120.00
- St. Kenelm’s Church, Hire of Church £50.00
- Signway, Lidstone Rd £1,415.66
- Society of Local Council Clerks £183.00
- WODC, 1st Precept £21,220.00
b) Quarterly Statement of Affairs to 31.3.24 – This had been circulated to all members of the Parish Council before the meeting and approved. Cllr. Glendinning was also thanked for checking the Quarterly Statement of Affairs to 31.12.23.
- Official notification from Moor, External Auditors, to submit the Authority’s return 2023/2024 had been received. Noted
40. Dates of Next Meetings:-
- Thursday 16th May – Annual Parish Meeting
- Thursday 23rd May – Annual Council Meeting, to be followed by Parish Council Meeting
- Thursday 27th June
- Thursday 18th July
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50 pm. Cllr. Knott thanked
everyone for attending.
Mr Ashley Rogers was thanked for helping with the opening and closing up of the church on behalf of the Enstone Parochial Church Council.