DRAFT MINUTES (Click here for pdf version)
Held in The Litchfield Room, Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday
28th July 2022 at 7.00 pm.
PRESENT: Cllrs N. Knott (Chair), P Shaw, P Johnson, A Ward, T Gilbert, R Parker,
M Baggaley, Mrs H Bourne-Taylor, DC A Wilson, CC G Saul.
Cllr D Robottom arrived at 7.10pm.
2 members of the public.
Minutes Cllr C Glendinning
APOLOGIES: DC A Beaney, Mrs Beth Sinclair – Parish Clerk
Cllr Knott Welcomed everyone to the meeting.
70. DECLARATION OF INTEREST AND MEMBERS’ REGISTER OF INTERESTS:- there were no declarations of interest.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 23rd June, having previously been
circulated and read, were approved and signed by Cllr N Knott.
72. Matters Arising:-
Handyman – complete – file.
* Remembrance Sunday – complete – file. Cllr Gilbert will purchase a wreath at the
appropriate time.
*Sports Club lease – ongoing.
*Community Speed Watch – place camera on Lidstone Road – complete – file.
*Litter Bins – the overflowing bin by the shop has been reported by Cllr Glendinning. She
has also requested that this bin be re-sited next to the bus shelter. It is an environmental
health issue with dog waste being placed in a bin next to the shop.
*Cllrs Baggaley and Bourne-Taylor have completed forms for WODC – complete – file.
* Eco Group – The PC has made a grant of £150 to the Eco Group. This will be disbursed
as and when the Group present invoices to the Parish Clerk – complete – file.
* Maintenance of the bus shelters – this will be advertised in the Ensign – ongoing.
* Plaques for Trees – Cllr Shaw will decide on the appropriate wording and arrange
for the purchase of 3 plaques. One for ESSC, one for the school and one for the Parish
Hall – complete, – file.
* The Paddocks – trees. The residents have now undertaken this work – complete – file.
73. Public Discussion:-
Cllr Knott had received a complaint about the overhanging trees on The Drive and has
reported them to fix my street.
Cllr Knott has been notified that the spring in Lidstone will be dealt with by Highways in
29 houses, land south of Oxford Road. Whilst driving past this development, Highways
identified two entrances into this plot. Highways are checking that this is permitted.
A note of thanks to Tony, Debbee and Maddy will be placed in the Ensign in recognition ofthe contribution they have made to the parish.
Quarry Close – a new resident has moved in to Quarry Close. They have five vehicles, including a large camper parked outside plus a skip from which debris is overflowing. The residents have emailed Cottsway without success. CC Saul offered to speak to Cottsway on the matter when he meets with them next week.
74. County Councillors report:- CC Saul reported on cycle ways – currently Chipping
Norton is going through the process of preparing its own cycle and walking plan. They are
focussing initially on the centre of Chipping Norton. There is no funding but it might set a
route. If, at a later stage, funding is available or S106 monies Enstone could apply for its
own route. Cllr Baggaley offered to attend the next Chipping Norton meeting.
75. District Councillors report:- DC Wilson reported that the new administration is setting out it priorities for the future and has opened this up to the public.
WODC is looking to centralise more of its operations. Currently it has three sites, Elmfield, Welch Way and Wood Green. It is likely that WODC will cease using the Elmfield building. It will be refurbished and let it out to other businesses.
A site visit will be organised for the Chapel Lane planning application. He asked if there was anything specific that should be noted. At the Uplands meeting on the 25th July, Jason Tait claimed that the PC meeting, at which this application was discussed, was hostile to him. Cllr Knott reported that she was verbally accosted by a member of the public after the meeting on the 25th.
Cllr Ward recalled that the lack of parking and the difficulty of vehicles getting around Chapel Lane was raised at the PC meeting.
76. Correspondence
West Oxfordshire District Council:-
* Town and Parish elections 2023 – noted.
* New Administration – Wood Green District Council Chamber to be refurbished to make it
more user friendly and hybrid meetings will also be employed to reduce the number of
members having to attend in person.
* Business matters – local news and information – noted.
Oxfordshire County Council:-
* Winter Preparedness – the PC has been asked to check which salt bins need re-filling. Each village/hamlet will prepare a list and location of its salt bins.
* TTRO (T10294) Temporary road closure and No Waiting – Church Enstone, B4022 Banbury Road – noted. To be posted on the website.
Parish Council Correspondence:-
* Recruitment of Clerk/RFO – four applications have been received. A working party of Cllrs Shaw and Johnson has been agreed with Mrs Beth Sinclair to attend the interviews, as an observer. Cllr Johnson will arrange a date for each of the candidates to attend for in terview. Cllr Shaw will work on the person specification and job description.
* Updated Code of Conduct – The PC have adopted this new Code of Conduct and a copy will be placed on the website. Cllr Glendinning volunteered to attend the training on the 30th September.
S106 funds request re recreation facilities. Cllr Gilbert agreed to contact ESSC and the
Playing Fields Association to obtain quotations for any new facilities.
Are cycle routes eligible for recreation funding – to be looked into.
- OALC update and AGM draft minutes – Cllr Knott attended this virtual meeting. One of the speakers was the Treescape Project. There is a report in the OALC newsletter.
- Cllr Glendinning raised the matter of PC reserves, one of the subjects covered in the June update. This will be looked into more at budget time
* Mullin Automotive Museum – Cllrs Knott, Shaw and Glendinning attended the meeting on the 12th July. Cllr Shaw gave an update – the meeting was to set the Terms of Reference. The meeting was hosted by Jessica Stewart (Chair) (Comm Comm UK) and Michael Ergatoudis on behalf of the Mullin Team; several local organisations and Parish Councils were also in attendance. Peter Mullin has been replaced by the American billionaire Entrepreneur, Ron Burkle, as principal investor. Ron Burkle bought a majority share in Soho House in 2020. A second meeting was set for the 6th September. The reserve matters must consider the impact of the construction traffic; transport and the impact on the local infrastructure. The plan now is to enlarge the museum and have smaller houses. Cllr Knott has set up a working party of 4 parish councils. A Tourism Forum should be considered to include Heythrop and other organisations in the area. The application must go in by the 4th November. There are no S106 monies applicable as the houses are not classed as residential but holiday homes, which do not attract S106. Cllr Bourne-Taylor expressed a wish to attend the next meeting.
* Pedestrian Safety concerns Oxford Road – The parent of a resident had written to ask if a metal fence could be erected along the section of footpath on the A44, going down the hill towards the turning into The Drive. It is a very narrow path and not considered appropriate because the footpath would be made even narrower with a fence along it. The PC is very focussed on traffic calming and is looking to introduce 20mph throughout the parish. An application to this effect has been submitted to OCC. The village also has a Community Speedwatch group but does need more volunteers.
* Junction, Worths Garage – A resident had enquired if some safety measures could be
introduced at the crossroads near Worths Garage. She has been sent the correspondence from Highways explaining why this is not feasible.
* Speed limits on the Charlbury Road – Following an enquiry from a resident Highways have been asked if it is possible to move the 30mph sign to beyond the Coxs Lane/B4022 junction. They have agreed this is possible and could be done when the 20mph application goes through.
* Traffic Calming for 2022/23 – Cllrs Ward, Johnson and Bourne-Taylor will form a working
group. Cllr Gilbert asked if the PC could provide funding for the dry stone wall along the ESSC field which is in need of repair. It was agreed to add this to the agenda in August.
* Hoar Stones – Cllr Knott attended a meeting with the agent on the 28th July (today). Ditchley do not wish to transfer the Hoar Stones to Enstone. They have permission from ‘Historic England’ to undertake work on the trees; many of the holly branches need removing. Ditchley are undertaking a great deal of environmental work on the estate. QR codes will be introduced to the walking routes so visitors can identify the breed of cattle and sheep and also what wild flowers are planted. Cllr Johnson asked if Ditchley would consider a ‘permissive route’ between Enstone and Charlbury.
* Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment (TOE) – Cllr Bourne-Taylor volunteered to fill out the
online questionnaire.
* Heythrop Park, Official Opening Ceremony, 5th October. Cllr Knott had been asked to suggest a local dignatory to participate in the opening ceremony. She had put forward DC A Beaney and the Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire. Cllr Parker will write to the Heythrop management and say the PC is astounded that they have not been invited as they are the parish in which Heythrop stands and also the PC that has made all the arrangements and accommodated Heythrop in their planning application including holding a public meeting.
77. Planning Applications:-
*Land East of The Drive, Enstone, 22/01514/FUL – no objection.
*Uplands Committee, WODC, Land at Chapel Lane – site visit to be arranged.
* Uplands Committee, WODC, Church Enstone Hall, Little Tew Road meeting on
22.8.22 -no one volunteered to attend this meeting. The PC had already expressed
its views on the planning portal.
Decisions Received:-
* Convent Cottage, Radford, 22/01202/HHD – Erection of single storey extension to create additional bedroom and garden room with spa room and storage beneath, enlarge reception room and provision of terrace above and formation of lobby, boiler room and bin store. Erection of first floor extension with dormer window to create further additional bedroom with en-suite, together with the installation of two further dormers to allow access to first floor terrace. Formation of swimming pool and associated works – Refused (PC had no objection)
* Lime View, Bicester Rd, Enstone, 22/01325/HHD – Proposed rear extension, one and half storey including new gable roof and loft accommodation. Landscaping works to front and rear of property – Refused (PC had no objection but awaiting details re: re-routing of footpath)
* Cleveley Mill, Cleveley, 21/04059/FUL & 21/04060/LBC – External alteration comprising the replacement of windows and doors, the installation of new window and door openings and landscaping works – Approved
78. Finance:-
a. To agree the following accounts for payment:-
Santander Account (normal parish account):-
*Mrs Beth Sinclair £637.45
*NEST Pension Scheme (er) £19.12
*NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £25.50
*Chase Benefice (book of condolence) £40.94
*OALC, training +++ £264.00
*Enstone Parish Hall, rent £85.50
*Thomas Fox, Parish Hall £163.80
*Thomas Fox, verges & graveyard £919.80
*Cllr. C. Glendinning, expenses £47.77
*HMRC, April to June, National Insurance
(employee & employer) £117.69
*Enstone PHMC, grass cutting £250.00
*Enstone PCC, grass cutting £250.00
b. Statement of Affairs to 30.6.2022, accounts & bank balances – PC to agree and approve please – Approved
12. Dates of next meetings:-
*Thursday 25th August 7 pm – Parish Council Meeting.
*Thursday 22nd September 7 pm – Parish Council Meeting.
The meeting concluded at 8.40 pm.