
2023 Annual Council Meeting Minutes

EPC Minutes Uploaded on June 3, 2023

DRAFT MINUTES(click here for pdf version)

Annual Council Meeting of Enstone Parish

Held on Thursday 18th May 2023 at 7.00 pm at Enstone Parish Hall

 for the purpose of transacting the following business:-

Present: Parish Councillors N. Knott, P. Shaw, T. Gilbert, R. Parker, 

A. Ward, M. Baggaley and DCs A. Wilson & A. Beaney 


APOLOGIES: PCs H. Bourne-Taylor, C. Glendinning & D. Robottom

IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Beth Sinclair, Parish Clerk

Following an uncontested election, all Parish Councillors present signed their 

Declaration of Acceptance of Office forms, witnessed by Mrs. Beth Sinclair, Parish Clerk

236. Election of Chair (Cllr. P. Shaw Chaired)

All Councillors unanimously agreed that Cllr. Knott be re-elected as Chair of Enstone Parish Council.  Cllr. A. Ward proposed and Cllr. R. Parker seconded.  Cllr. N. Knott agreed to remain as Chair and was thanked for all her hard work and dedication as Chair.


237. Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Cllr. N. Knott signed the Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Chair.

Cllr. Knott took the Chair from here.

238. Election of Vice Chair

All Councillors unanimously agreed that Cllr. P. Shaw be re-elected as Vice-Chair of Enstone Parish Council.  Cllr. A Ward proposed and Cllr. R. Parker seconded.  Cllr. Shaw accepted the position and was thanked for all his hard work during the past year.

239. Vice Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office 

Cllr. P. Shaw signed the Vice Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Vice Chair.

240. Register of Members’ Interests & Return of Election Expenses

The clerk reminded all Councillors that these forms need to be returned to the Monitoring Officer at WODC by 6th June.  

241. Parish Councillor Vacancy following departure of Cllr. P. Johnson

This was discussed and it was agreed to advertise in Ensign, seeking a resident from Church Enstone, Radford or Cleveley.

242. Appointment of TWO members to carry out quarterly independent checks of 

the Council’s Financial Records:

It was agreed that all members check these on a quarterly basis at the

  Parish Council Meeting.  It was also discussed and agreed that Cllr. Glendinning checks the bank statements against invoices paid.

243. To Appoint a Planning Sub-Committee:

It was agreed all members of Council form the planning sub-committee.

244. To confirm Santander and Barclays’ bank signatories

                  • Santander – On-Line Banking commenced March 2019 

245. To Appoint a Committee to receive Notifications covering complaints about 


Chairman, Vice-Chairman, one other member and Clerk will form this committee.

246. To appoint Councillors to check through the draft minutes

Clls. Knott, Glendinning & Shaw will continue to check the draft minutes.

247. Review of Parish Council Meetings

At the previous Parish Council Meeting, Cllr. Gilbert commented that some meetings went on for too long.  The meeting had involved a planning application and many residents from Church Enstone attended.  Cllr. Knott explained that the Parish Council is not able to know how many residents will attend meetings, particularly in relation to planning matters.  The Standing Orders state that for Developments, a separate Planning Meeting is organized.  After discussion, it was agreed that residents must be able to discuss their concerns.  The meeting will be Chaired effectively to ensure that questions and comments are not duplicated.


The meeting concluded at 7.25 pm.