Draft minutes
ENSTONE PARISH COUNCIL for a pdf version click here
Held in The Litchfield Room, Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday
16th February 2023 at 7.00 pm.
PRESENT: PCs. N. Knott (Chair), P. Shaw, P. Johnson, R. Parker, A. Ward, M. Baggaley,
H. Bourne-Taylor, T. Gilbert and DC A. Beaney.
7 Members of the public also attended.
Cllr Glendinning taking minutes
APOLOGIES: CC G. Saul, DC A. Wilson, Cllr D. Robottom, Mrs Beth Sinclair, Parish Clerk
Cllr. Knott welcomed everyone to the meeting.
There were no declarations of interest.
The minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 19th January were circulated prior to the meeting, read and approved by Cllr. N. Knott.
140. Matters arising:-
* Heythrop Park – awaiting details of offers to residents in the New Year – ongoing
* Christmas Tree – Cllr Gilbert confirmed that he would start work on this by June of
this year
* Cloudy IT – under consideration – ongoing
* Damaged Walls – ongoing
* Harrow Inn – DC Wilson and PC Ward will meet with the residents to discuss their
* Litter/poo bins – the Clerk will write to the new owner of the shop property. The
PC will recommend to WODC that the litter/poo bin by the noticeboard be moved onto the Green nearer to the bus shelter.
* Lay-by on A44 towards Chipping Norton – the wheelie bins have been removed and now litter is being thrown onto the ground.
141. Public Discussion:-
– Mrs A Rowsell attended the meeting to present her budget for the celebration of
Coronation of King Charles III. The PC thanked Mrs Rowsell for preparing this and
agreed a donation of £1,500 towards the event
– Cllr Bourne-Taylor reported that builders, working on the building site on the A44, are parking their vehicles on the Green. They will be asked to park on the building
– Litter pick – Cllr Shaw will place a notice in the Ensign about the annual litter pick
in March and ask for volunteers.
– Hoar Stone – Cllr Knott will follow this up with the Ditchley Estate.
– Cllr Knott had received 3 photos of footpath clearance on the airfield and
there was concern that work had started on the Mullin project.
142. County Councillor’s report:- CC Saul was not in attendance.
143. District Councillors’ report:-
* DC Beaney reported that WODC had now held their budget meeting.
144. Correspondence
West Oxfordshire District Council:-
* Council introduces new four year plan to improve West Oxfordshire – noted
* West Oxfordshire District residents will need photo ID to vote in the local
elections in May – noted
* A letter from the Secretary of State for DLUHC regarding the coronation of His
Majesty King Charles III – noted
* £623,831 to prevent homelessness in West Oxfordshire – noted
Oxfordshire Council Council:-
* Parish Planting – noted that two trees are to be planted in Enstone on the Green
triangle at the A44/B4030 junction
* Annual Emergency Planning Unit Town and Parish Survey 2023 – Cllr Johnson
will review and update the Enstone plan
* Enstone Footpath no. 18 (part), Public Path Diversion & definitive map and
Statement Medication Order 2023 – noted
* TTRO (T11632) Temporary Road Closure, Middle Barton, Westcote Barton, B4030
Enstone Road – noted
* TTRO (T11630) Temporary Road Closure, Gagingwell, road from Gagingwell to
Radford bridge – noted
* TTRO (T11622) Temporary Road Closure, Enstone, B4022 Banbury Road – noted
Parish Council – Correspondence:-
* Sports Club – updates – ongoing
* The Mullin Project – still awaiting costings from James Wright (OCC Highways) for
the footpath along the B4030 from the A44/B4030 junction. Suggestions for the
S106 monies included flashing signs on the Tew/Banbury Road (B4022), Church
Enstone. The PC recommend a new transport assessment is undertaken before
the S106 monies are allocated
* PC Handbook – defer until March meeting – ongoing
* Parish/Town Council elections in May – noted
* Enstone Parish Hall – Hire Charges from 01.03.2023 – noted
* Cleanslate – a donation of £100 was agreed by the PC
* Public Transport Representatives Meeting – Tuesday, 21st February – Cllr
Robottom usually attends these but he is away at present. No other Cllr was
* OALC – January Update – noted
145. Planning Applications
* Site in Church Enstone – the purchaser of this site attended the meeting to introduce himself and his partner and explain some of his ideas for this piece of
land, situated in the centre of Church Enstone. He is a designer of Passive Houses
and is intending that this will be a Passive House. He is currently having various
surveys undertaken. The house will have 3/4 bedrooms be 2 storeys and have solar
panels. It should be net zero and have minimal environmental impact. He is looking
into the type of materials to use – possibly a timber frame with timber cladding and
Decisions Received
* Appeal Decision: Secretary of State – The Nordibank, Lidstone – Appeal dismissed (from thatched roof to slate roof)
* Glyme Bank, Lidstone, 22/02693/FUL – Refused
* Rose Cottage, Church Enstone, 22/03153/HHD & 22/03154/LBC – Approved
146. Finance:-
a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-
* Mrs Beth Sinclair (£953.26 – £38.13) £ 915.13
* NEST Pension Scheme (er) £ 28.60
* NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £ 38.13
* Vodafone (mobile 1 month) £ 16.00
* Enstone Parish Hall (senior Teas) £ 50.00
* Community First Oxfordshire £ 70.00
* Warner Leisure £1,000.00
* Soho House UK Ltd £1,000.00
b) Statement of Affairs to 31.12 2022 – noted. The Parish Clerk was thanked for
preparing this.
147. Dates of next meetings: –
* Thursday, 23rd March
* Thursday, 20th April
* Change of dates – finance meeting now 2nd November and not 9th November
December 14th – no rooms available – possibly the Church.
Dates of 2023 Meetings:-
❖ Thursday 16th February,
❖ Thursday 23rd March
❖ Thursday 20th April
❖ Thursday 4th May – Elections
❖ Thursday 18th May (Annual Council Mtg & PC mtg)
❖ Thursday 25th May – Annual Parish Meeting
❖ Thursday 22nd June
❖ Thursday 27th July (I can’t make 20th July, sorry)
❖ Thursday 24th August
❖ Thursday 21st September
❖ Thursday 19th October
❖ Thursday 2nd November – Finance Meeting (not 9th)
❖ Thursday 23rd November
❖ Thursday 14th December – no room available at Parish Hall
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.25pm. Cllr Knott thanked everyone for