Held in The Litchfield Room, Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday
27th July 2023 at 7.00 pm
PRESENT: PCs. P. Shaw (Vice Chair), C. Glendinning, D. Robottom, R. Parker, H. Bourne-Taylor, DC Andrew Beaney, CC G. Saul and nine residents
APOLOGIES: PCs M. Baggaley, M. Gomm, N. Knott, A. Ward, T. Gilbert and
DC Alex Wilson
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs. Beth Sinclair, Clerk
There were no declarations of interest declared.
- The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 29th June were circulated prior to the meeting, read and approved by all Members and signed by Cllr. P. Shaw.
Land & Building (E) 439518 (N) 226211 Enstone Airfield North, Banbury Road, 23/01569/FUL
- Six residents attended the meeting to address their concerns regarding this planning application. The concerns raised were safety, noise pollution, an increase in unrestricted air traffic movements, a second control tower, which is considered unnecessary, as there is already a control tower, and could result in confusion for pilots. It was noted that many comments supporting the application were from people who lived outside the parish.
- The Parish Council discussed the application and noted the concerns raised by
several pilots at the airfield. They took note of the letter from the Director of Oxfordshire Sportflying Ltd., who addressed safety concerns and pointed out several anomalies in the planning application. It was, therefore, unanimously agreed to object to the planning application and to ask the Planning Officer to obtain a report from the Civil Aviation Authority.
- The Parish Council did, however, support the need for new staffing facilities to replace the existing ones which are considered inadequate.
- Mr. Ian Cave and Mr. Mark Weaver attended the meeting to seek the Parish Council’s endorsement for the above scheme. The scheme would enhance the community fabric of the parish, support people by providing a safe, social space to meet others and be environmentally friendly by providing a creative, friendly and productive way to recycle or repair items. The scheme would be based on the structure and guidance provided by the Men’s Shed Association. The Witney Shed is regularly used and also takes referrals from Oxfordshire Mind. The items made can be sold to generate a self-funding group that can provide tea, coffee, cake and equipment to keep the Shed running.
- The Parish Council fully endorses this proposal and Cllr. Bourne-Taylor will work with Mr Cave & Mr Weaver further to obtain further information and a possible site for the Shed to be placed. The scheme will be excellent for people’s mental health and well-being and for those who are out of work.
- The Eco Group will return to a Parish Council meeting later in the year.
- A resident attended the meeting to discuss her concerns over the use of weed control and the pesticides that are used. What are the future initiatives with WODC and the County Council in relation to such environmental issues. She had specifically requested that no weed control is sprayed outside her property but weed control had been used recently. DC Andrew Beaney has contacted Ubico for further information. PC P. Shaw explained that such questions will be put to residents in a questionnaire this Autumn (weed control, grass mowing, etc).
190. Matters arising:-
- Cloudy IT – PC Robottom will obtain further information.
- Damaged wall & bollards outside Enstone School – OCC had not yet undertaken repair of the wall and bollards. PC Shaw expressed to CC Saul that this work needed to be completed before the start of the new academic year.
- Cottesway Housing – overgrown hedge at Woodford Close – DC Beaney is in contact with Cottesway Housing over who own this particular hedge.
- Overgrown Vegetation – Highways have limited time to prune back the hedges along the A44. PC Glendinning has a named contact who will report back to OCC.
- PC Handbook – ongoing
- CPRE Meeting – The clerk attended this online meeting and the presentation was circulated to all members of the PC.
- Sovereign Housing – DC Andrew Beaney is having difficulty contacting Sovereign Housing after safety concerns were reported in one of its houses in Enstone. Ongoing
- Discarded hedgerows/wood – following the car accident opposite Worths Garage, where a car had ploughed into a resident’s garden, the discarded vegetation is still lying on the corner at the junction. DC Andrew Beaney has arranged for this to be collected and was thanked for this.
191. Public Discussion:-
- A resident from Church Enstone wished to publicly thanks DC Andrew Beaney for his help and support in relation to the planning application at The Square, Church Enstone, which was refused at the Uplands Committee. His opening remarks set the tone for how the vote was cast in that the planned building was not in keeping with the area.
- PC Glendinning requested that a comment be put into the Ensign magazine asking that residents keep to the speed limit and this was agreed.
- PC Bourne-Taylor updated members on all the positive remarks regarding the churchyard and its new conservation-minded management by Enstone Parochial Church Council. Three complaints had been received and it was agreed that the mowing will now continue in the new cemetery. Several parishioners have spoken to PC Bourne-Taylor on how peaceful and beautiful the effect of not mowing there has been this summer. Enstone Primary School visited the cemetery, organised by Cotswold Natural Landscapes and the children saw orchids and collected grasses. The Eco Group is helping to clear up the rubbish pile and work on a new noticeboard. A new bench is being donated by the widow of Revd Tony Moore and will be placed in a spot where there is a beautiful view across the churchyard to the church. There are now over forty plant species and a butterfly survey is being carried out. PC Bourne-Taylor and Rosie Nixon were thanked for their hard work with this project.
192. County Councillor’s report:-
- 20s Plenty – CC Geoff Saul reported that this will now be discussed at Cabinet on 7th September.
- A44 Corridor Travel Plan/Adkins – This report on this is due in the coming weeks.
- Freight Area Weight Restriction – This report has been delayed until September.
193. District Councillors’ report:-
- DC Beaney had no further updates regarding WODC.
194. Correspondence:-
West Oxfordshire District Council:-
- Nature & Climate community action gets the Greenlight – This information has been passed onto the Eco Group and the clerk will put the information onto the website.
Oxfordshire County Council:-
- Councillor Priority Funding – CC Saul explained that to apply for monies, an application form will need to be completed. The deadline for requests is November 2024.
Parish Council – Correspondence:-
- Sports Club Updates:-
- PC Robottom to arrange the meeting with the Sports Club regarding its business plan with PCs Ward, Baggaley and Gilbert.
- The Parish Council agreed with the report from Nicholsons and the clerk will contact the Sports Club to arrange for the work to be undertaken at the expense of the Sports Club
- Following the meeting with the Sports Club, the Parish Council will arrange its own meeting to discuss the Lease.
- An email had been received from Mr Roger Taylor, Wellmans Solicitors, regarding the lease explaining that Parish Council members are not allowed to be members of the Sports Club. Should any member wish to be a member of the Sports Club, then that Parish Councillor is unable to be involved with any discussions.
- S106 monies for recreation – DC Beaney explained that if the Sports Club wishes to apply for monies, WODC would need information on the Club’s Income & Expenditure in order for any requests to be approved.
- Although the current lease expires in September 2023, under the Landlord & Tenant Act 1954, this lease continues as it is, until changes are made.
- Employment Law update – The clerk and PC Shaw are working through the requirements of the Council regarding Health & Safety measures working from home and contractual obligations. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
- Parishes Together – PCs Shaw and Gomm attended a meeting in Charlbury to establish how neighbouring parishes can work together on topics such as permissive footpaths (Ditchley & Cornbury); Energy Efficient Homes, organizing a “Rivers” Day and using the Basecamp Digital Platform. It was also noted that the Charlbury Solar Panel Farm project awards grants to encourage biodiversity.
- Cherwell & West Oxfordshire Local Police Area – An email had been received from Superintendent Jen Hogben. Noted
- Bus shelter opposite Worths – It was agreed to obtain quotes for painting this.
- Staggered Sign – Worths Junction – OCC had circulated details explaining why this sign was not needed at the junction. Noted
- Parish Questionnaire – Autumn 2023:-
- PC Glendinning and the clerk will work together on the next questionnaire.
- All PCs encouraged to look at the previous questionnaire and formulate questions for Autumn’s questionnaire/survey
- It was agreed to hold a “Come and meet your Parish Council” on Saturday 16th September from 10.00 am until 12.00 pm, with your views. After this, the questionnaire can also include residents’ questions and circulated to the parish. Responses will be required before the Finance Meeting on 3rd November.
- The Parish Council is keen to receive ideas on how the S106 monies for recreation can be used for the benefit of the parish and this can be included in the questionnaire.
- Panels outlining what the PC has achieved since the previous questionnaire will be displayed in the Parish Hall on the 16th September.
195. Planning Applications
• Land and Building (E) 439518 (N) 226211 Enstone Airfield North, Banbury Road, 23/01569/FUL – Erection of detached, single and two storey, air traffic control facility, including associated offices for staff and flying school users, wc facilities and garage for fire and rescue vehicle – PC objects to this planning application.
• Whiteways Technical Centre, Enstone, 23/01714/FUL – Demolition of an existing single storey timber clad gymnasium building. Construction of a two storey extension to the existing two storey ESO building, including undercroft car parking, roof mounted plant and photovoltaic panels, ground level external plant area, alterations to the existing building envelope to form roof access, rooflights, windows and doors; and associated works including construction of an earth bunded drainage infiltration basin in the southern section of the site. The extension is to contain improved replacement gymnasium and welfare facilities, office space, laboratories, storage space and operational consolidation – No objection
• Land South West of Radford Farm Buildings, Radford, 23/01227/FUL – Erection of an agricultural workers dwelling with associated works – PC objects to the location of the proposed building but is in support of the reason for the building.
• Fairytale Farm, Oxford Road, Southcombe, 23/01803/FUL – Erection of theatre and kiosk building along with construction of a detached toilet block – No objection
Decisions Received:-
• Land at Manor Farm, Chapel Lane, Enstone, 23/01121/FUL – Approved subject to conditions
• Leys Farm Cottage, Little Tew Road, Church Enstone, OX7 4HU – Approved
196. Finance:-
a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-
- Mrs Beth Sinclair £942.56
- NEST Pension Scheme (er) £28.60
- NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £38.13
- HMRC, NI contributions £94.42
- OALC, training £156.00
- R.T. Paget £1,100.00
- Mr Julian Watts £442.00
- Thomas Fox £919.80
- Parish Hall, rent £91.80
- NetWise UK £396.00
b) Statement of Affairs to 30.6.2023 & Accounts – These were circulated to all members prior the meeting, checked, verified and certified as correct. Cllr. Glendinning will check all the information relating to the income & expenditure from 1.4.23 to 30.6.23 as part of the internal control process and was thanked for this.
c) Budget Review Meeting – This will be arranged in the Autumn
197. Dates of next meetings: –
* Thursday 17th August – Parish Council Meeting
* Saturday 16th September 10.00 am to 12.00 pm – Come and meet your Parish Council
* Thursday 21st September – Parish Council Meeting
* Thursday 26th October
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.45 pm. Cllr Shaw thanked everyone for