DRAFT MINUTES – (Click here for pdf version)
Planning Meeting held on Thursday 25th May 2023 at
6.30 pm at Enstone Parish Hall
PRESENT:- Cllrs. N. Knott, P. Shaw, R. Parker, A. Ward, T. Gilbert, C. Glendinning, M. Baggaley, DCs A. Wilson & A. Beaney and four members of the public (Cllr. D. Robottom attended at 6.50 pm)
APOLOGIES: Cllr. H. Bourne-Taylor
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs. B. Sinclair (clerk)
Planning Application:-
- Land at Manor Farm, Chapel Lane, Enstone, 23/01121/FUL – Formation of new field access onto A44
Cllr. Knott welcomed everyone to the meeting.
- The applicant explained the reasoning behind the planning application and the need for a new entrance onto the A44. It was felt that tractor movements would be difficult along Chapel Lane, with the new one way system being installed. It was explained that the one way system is only being implemented outside the village shop.
The Parish Council made the following comments:-
- It would be more dangerous exiting and entering onto the A44 as the farm vehicles would need to swing onto the wrong side of what is already a busy road.
- Due to the danger of the proposed new access, further traffic calming measures along the A44 would be requested, should the application be approved.
- Could a smaller tractor be used with the current access in Chapel Lane.
- Traffic will be dealt with by the Highways Department.
- It is a matter for Highways to undertake a site visit and to consider traffic calming measures.
Two residents attended:-
- Concern was raised regarding the safety of pedestrians along this stretch of road, particularly with children during the school run. The kerbs are all at different sizes which makes the pavement dangerous.
- Both residents were also paramedics and explained their concerns regarding the dangers of this possible access onto the A44.
- There is poor drainage at this area.
Three Parish Councillors voted for the application (on the understanding that traffic calming measures are put in place); Three Parish Councillors voted against the application; One Parish Councillor abstained.
The Chair explained that the a site visit from Highways would be recommended as its response to WODC.
The residents and applicant left the meeting.
Further discussion took place and it was agreed that as it was a split decision vote, under the Standing Order Regulations, the Chair has the casting vote. The planning application was, therefore, opposed.