Enstone Parish Hall Management Committee
Date: Mon 18th March 2024
Place: Litchfield Room @ 7:00PM
Present: Karen Williams, Rachel Hunt, Martin Juckes, Amanda Robinson, Freda Seath, Andrew Lee
Item |
Action |
1. Apologies: Ron Bridger, Sharon Hutchinson, John Vincent |
2. Minutes of last Meeting Record of Proceedings from 5th Dec 23 discussed. |
3. Cleaning and Maintenance. RB provided a comprehensive report on maintenance activities, of particular note: Car Park Drainage – This has been manually cleared of silt but given the large amount of rainfall this winter it is felt that the requirement to enlarge the drain be revisited. It was agreed that RB can approach the company who carried out the clearance work be approached to requote for the work. Green Bin Licences – it was agreed to only purchase one licence for 24/25. |
RB |
4. Financial report AR gave a brief update on financial situation, there are a significant number of bookings bringing in revenue but looking forward we need to generate more income. |
5. Communications Strategy Post Parish Survey Following on from the Parish Survey it was agreed that further work is required to explore what the Parish wants from the Hall and how we can link to the Church, Sports Club, School and other societies. AL and RH agreed to discuss with the Parish Council representatives D Robotham and M Gomm. |
RH & AL |
6. Events Programme Although further work is required on aligning the Parish requirements for the hall it was agreed to go ahead with a limited entertainments programme for the next couple of months: Film Night – 27th April – MJ to look into reasonably priced film for an evening Film Night. Quiz – KW to use her contacts to provide a quiz night in May Summer event to coincide with the Horticultural Show on 27th April, maybe a dog show within the confines of the PH grounds. |
7. AOB AGM – AL noted the requirement for an AGM, date agreed as 13th May 24. MJ to provide minutes from previous AGM for reference. RH raised issue of outdated Fire Safety Risk Assessment (FRA) and associated issues with briefings and fire safety equipment checks: FRA needs completing and uploading to website. MJ and RH to complete Fire Equipment safety checks (Extinguishers, Alarms & CCTV) – are they being carried out, where is the documentation (Safety Log?). AR and RB to liaise and report back. Employee pay review – No increase in KW, RB and AR pay over last 3 years, committee to review and discuss suitable increase. Picture Frames for PH Hall opening ceremony, MJ to procure. |
MJ MJ & RH AR & RB All MJ |
8. Date of Next Meeting AGM 13th May @7PM. |