Held in The Litchfield Room, Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday
21st March 2024 at 7.00 pm
PRESENT: PCs. N. Knott (Chair), P. Shaw, D. Robottom, A. Ward, R. Parker, H. Bourne-Taylor (left at 7.45 pm to attend another meeting), C. Glendinning, N. Peart, C. Millar, DC Andrew Beaney and CC Geoff Saul (left at 8.10 pm to attend another PC meeting)
APOLOGIES: Cllr. M. Gomm and DC A. Wilson
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Beth Sinclair, clerk
Cllr. Knott welcomed everyone to the meeting and welcomed Beth back.
Cllr. Shaw thanked everyone who has helped during the past few weeks,
in particular Cllrs. Knott and Glendinning.
Cllr. Millar declared an interest in Item 9, Planning Applications, Whiteways Technical Centre.
The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 22nd February 2024 were circulated, agreed and signed by Cllr. Knott.
23. Matters arising:-
- Sports Club – Renewal of Lease – Cllr. Ward reported that the draft lease has been forwarded to the Sports Club for consideration. Cllr. Knott had arranged for Maxwell Douglas to obtain a map of the land. Cllr. Shaw explained that the new draft lease will be for 25 years with a yearly rent of £5.00. There will be a break clause every five years in favour of the club in case of such situations such as the Covid 19 pandemic. Cllr. Knott raised a concern that the sports club still requests membership as stated in the Ensign magazine – Cllr. Ward will speak to the club about this. If the club wishes to take advantage of the S106 monies for equipment, it needs to be accessible for all residents at no cost.
- TVERC (Thames Valley Environmental Records Centre at Oxfordshire County Council) – This report had been circulated to all members and to the Eco Group. Cllr. Shaw attended an OALC meeting on biodiversity – there is now an obligation for Councils in respect of biodiversity. Matters of biodiversity now needs to be considered when responding to planning applications and the annual grass cutting etc. Biodiversity needs to become an item on the agenda on a quarterly basis, the Parish Council needs to draw up a Nature Recovery Plan and define some actions. Any land owned by Councils needs to have a biodiversity plan regarding the land.
Cllr. Knott thanked Cllr. Shaw for attending the OALC meeting and reiterated that Mr. Cave from the Eco Group is also attending a meeting on 21st March at the District Council on biodiversity. The Parish Council had undertaken work with Enstone Parochial Church Council to encourage wildflowers in the graveyard and cemetery. The Parish Council has agreed to “No Mow May” and The Drive will not be cut for several months in order to aid biodiversity.
Cllr. Bourne-Taylor asked DC Beaney how Parish Councils can encourage biodiversity through planning applications. She explained that there is currently at National campaign to make swift bricks compulsory across the whole of England.
- Litter Picking Weekend – 2nd & 3rd March – Cllr. Knott thanked Cllr. Shaw for organising a very well-attended weekend. Thirty-five people helped with the litter picking. Cllr. Shaw explained that far more rubbish was collected compared to last year. Most alarming were the number of discarded empty wine and spirit bottles everywhere, particularly the Lidstone Road and the B4022 & B4030.
Cllr. Shaw has arranged for all the bags of rubbish to be collected by WODC. He queried with the District & County Councillors whether the discarded road signs can be reused? These signs were often left by private contractors.
Cllr. Knott commented that there was fly tipping again along The Green Lane – DC Beaney will look into this further.
- The Old Mont Abbott plaque – Cllr. Knott has contacted the agents of the Ditchley Estate, requesting that the plaque be repainted where needed.
- New bench Cleveley Road – A local builder has offered to build a new base for the bench free of charge and has been thanked for this. This work will be undertaken after which the PC will arrange for the new bench to be fitted.
- Emergency Plan – This has now been updated and Cllr. Gomm was thanked for this. The clerk will put the plan onto the parish website.
- New noticeboard – Enstone – Two quotes have been received. Cllr. Glendinning recommended the noticeboard from “noticeboards online” and this was unanimously agreed. The second quote had contained insufficient information. The clerk will check the cost of an aluminium noticeboard and circulate the cost to all members.
- The Harrow – There have been further complaints about noise disturbance in the early hours of the morning which have been reported to WODC. A report from the Officers at WODC is awaited.
- Dog poo bin, Church Enstone – DC Beaney reported that the bin will be reinstated behind St. Kenelm’s Church and is part of WODC’s work programme.
- Lidstone Road – Cllr. Knott updated the Council regarding frustrations with the lack of support from Highways at the County Council who advised the Parish Council which solar panel to purchase but will not take responsibility for its upkeep and maintenance. The company who supply the equipment have reported that the equipment needs to be adopted by Highways. CC Saul will contact Highways for further clarification. The company do not take responsibility for the erection of the sign and this would fall to the members of the Parish Council. Cllr. Millar has also offered to help with this.
- The Quarry – Cllr. Millar updated the Council regarding proposed questions for Smiths who have bought the land. The Parish Council unanimously agreed with these. Mr. Cave from the Eco Group was also thanked for his help. There is concern of contamination into the River Glyme. The clerk will forward emails, received several years ago, from the Environment Agency to Cllr. Millar.
- The Green Gym – The Parish Council agreed to pay £30.00 towards the recent works at Enstone Corner. In relation to the pond at Gagingwell, it transpires that this might be privately owned. Therefore, future maintenance needs to be undertaken by the owners.
- Cling Clang Farm – Cllr. Knott has contacted Highways for advice on entrances being made out onto the road.
24. Public Discussion:-
- One Way Signs at the Village Shop – Several signs have yet to be erected by Highways and the sign saying “Not suitable for HGVs” needs to be reinstated.
- Manor Farm – The owner has reported that he is in the process of repairing the wall and apologies for the delay.
- FixMyStreet – Several works have not yet been carried out by Highways – these include the knocked down bollard at the chicane in Church Enstone and the Coxs Lane sign which was stolen has still not been replaced. CC Saul will contact Highways.
- “Super Users” – Cllr. Saul explained that training is available for volunteers willing to report pot holes, repairs that are needed, signs that need cleaning etc. to the County Council. The clerk will put this into the Ensign magazine.
25. County Councillor’s Report:-
- Pulhams’ Bus Company is starting a new service from 31st March – the 801 which will commence from Chipping Norton and travel to Moreton in Marsh, Stow on the Wold, Bourton on the Water and finish at Cheltenham. This will be a regular bus route. The clerk will put information into the Ensign magazine.
26. District Councillors’ report:-
- DC Beaney reported that District Council has drawn up a balanced budget. The council tax will increase by £5.00 for Band D properties.
- The green waste bin licence has increased to £50.00 per annum.
- There is now more of a police presence in Chipping Norton.
West Oxfordshire District Council:-
- The Great British Spring Clean – Cllr. Peart reported that he and Mr. Ian Cave from the Eco Group had visited Enstone School which also organizes its own litter picking dates and puts information onto a Facebook Group. Cllr. Peart agreed to contact local businesses e.g Heythrop Park, Soho Farmhouse, the Airfield Industrial Estate to ask for help in keeping their areas free of litter and was thanked for this.
- Council renews its commitment to support local farmers and to help make local food available to local people – Noted
Oxfordshire County Council:-
- Temporary Traffic Regulation Notice at Gagingwell from 10th May to 14th May – Noted
- London Oxford Airport Airspace Change Proposal – Cllr. Knott has contacted the Directors at Enstone Sport Flying for advice. Cllr. Millar explained that the proposal is for the expansion of larger aircraft and the subsequent increase in carbon emissions. Cllrs. Knott and Millar will liaise and respond on behalf of the Parish Council and were thanked for this.
- OCC – Customer Experience Strategy – Cllr. Knott was unable to attend this event on 20th March at the County Hall in Oxford.
Parish Council – Correspondence:-
- Report from Chairs’ Meeting with OALC – Cllr. Knott attended this via zoom and explained that salaried staff’s annual appraisals need to be documented and kept on file. Noted.
- Parish Transport Representatives’ Meeting – Cllr. Robottom attended this County wide meeting via Teams. There were five presentations including the bus and rail network with a 2040 plan underway. Fewer car journeys is key with improvements required for the local bus and rail networks. More volunteer drivers are also needed. Since Covid the number of passengers travelling on buses has increased and is now at pre-covid levels. However, people who have bus passes and those who are most vulnerable are now not using public transport. Cllr. Robottom will circulate the power point presentation.
- OALC – February’s Update – This was circulated to all members. Cllr. Knott explained the importance of these useful updates to newer members of the Council.
28. Planning Applications:-
- Oathill Lodge, Enstone, R3.0022/24 – Change of use from C3 dwellinghouse to C2 small children’s home for up to four children with external alterations to the fenestration and steps; erection of a roof extension and demolition of existing outbuilding. No objection
- Orchard House, 2 The Square, Church Enstone, 24/00409/HHD – Erection of two storey and first floor extensions to detached garage to create office above. No objection – The Parish Council suggests that the applicant installs swift boxes and bat tiles to aid biodiversity and also consider sustainable heating. This is to aid biodiversity.
- Whiteways Technical Centre, 24/00556/FUL – Erection of first floor extension over existing single storey R and D Building to create a new plant room with external staircase access and installation of new external plant on a raised platform. No objection
- Alpine Racing Team – W/24/0019/PRMA – Licensing Application Consultation – No objection
Decisions Received:-
- Broad Close, Little Tew Road, Church Enstone – 19/01398/HHD – variation of conditions – Approved
- Unit 1, The Coalyard, Gagingwell, 23/03255/S73 – Variation of condition 5 – Approved
- The Old Coalyard, Gagingwell, 23/03378/PN56 – Change of use from commercial to residential property – refused due to lack of information
29. Finance:-
a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-
- Clark’s Salary £1,014.10
- NEST Pension Scheme (er) £30.42
- NEST Pension Scheme (ee) £40.56
- Vodaphone £18.16
- Stationery £21.98
- Quarterly Office Allowance £78.00
- OALC Membership £268.08
- Green Gym £30.00
- Maxwell Douglas £164.34
b) Year End Risk Assessment
- The Financial Risk Assessment for 2024/2025 was circulated to all members prior to the meeting. It was agreed to delete the risk regarding the Sports Club’s rent as this is now only £5.00 per year.
- The review of internal auditor procedures was agreed by the Parish Council.
- The accounting procedure for 2024/2025 will be “receipts & payments”
- It was agreed to appoint Astral Accountancy as internal auditor for the 2023/2024 accounts.
30. Dates of Next Meetings:-
- Thursday 25th April
- Thursday 16th May – Annual Parish Meeting
- Thursday 23rd May – Annual Council Meeting, to be followed by Parish Council Meeting
- Thursday 27th June
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.50 pm.
There was a presentation made to Cllr. Richard Parker who was finishing as Parish Councillor after 25.5
years on the Parish Council. The Chair thanked him for all his hard work over the years.