
2024 May Minutes

EPC Minutes Uploaded on June 3, 2024



Held in Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday

23rd May 2024 at 7.00 pm

PRESENT: PCs. P. Shaw, C. Glendinning, N. Peart, M. Gomm, C. Millar, H. Bourne-Taylor, DCs Alex Wilson, Andrew Beaney (7.20 pm) and four residents.

APOLOGIES:  Cllrs. Knott (holiday), Ward (work), Robottom and CC G. Saul (work)

IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs Beth Sinclair, clerk


There were no declarations of interest


The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 16th April 2024 were circulated, approved and signed by Cllr. Shaw.


  • Sports Club – Renewal of Lease – ongoing – the clerk had chased this up and awaiting a response.
  • Parish Councillor Vacancy PC Millar agreed to write an article for the Ensign magazine.
  • Meeting with the Parish Hall – After discussion it was decided that the Parish Council needed a Business Plan from the Parish Hall and then a meeting will be arranged. This item will be taken off the agenda for the time being.

44. Public Discussion:-

  • The clerk announced the recent sad death of Marilyn Ivings who had been a member of the Parish Council for many years and also Chair.   The Parish Council sent its condolences to the family and the clerk will circulate details of the funeral in due course.
  • 20s Plenty Signs – the County Council are due to install the signs in June.  Cllr. Glendinning requested that an article be put into the Ensign magazine asking residents to respect the new speed limit.
  • Cllr. Glendinning queried whether the Eco Group might be interested in obtaining a grant from TOE.   Noted.
  • The clerk reported that the Uplands Committee at WODC is meeting on Tuesday 28th May to discuss the planning application at Enstone Airfield.   It was agreed that Cllr. Shaw would attend the meeting to address the Parish Council’s concerns regarding flying regulations as there was distinct lack of clarity in the Planning Officer’s Report.   Cllr. Shaw will also query the ambiguity of how this application will affect neighbouring residents in the future.   A resident from Church Enstone also agreed to attend and speak at the meeting.   The application was due for approval.
  • A resident attended the meeting concerning the ongoing difficulties with parking outside the village shop.  Everyone wants the shop to succeed but it is becoming more difficult for neighbouring residents to park.  The resident queried whether the five additional spaces approved in the outline planning application regarding land at Chapel Lane could be secured for these residents and they would pay an annual fee?   DC Andrew Beaney explained that there will be a full planning application in due course when this could be discussed – that the Parish Council could consider requesting to take ownership of the five spaces and residents pay the Parish Council an annual fee.  Cllr. Millar will also speak to the applicant to clarify whether any further parking could be made available when drawing up the full planning application, to relieve the current situation.

45. County Councillor’s Report:-

  • Cllr. Saul had sent apologies.

46. District Councillor’s report:-

  • There were no updates to report other than those listed below.


West Oxfordshire District Council:-

  • Council pledges over £500k to community organisations – Noted
  • Business Matters – Newsletter – Noted
  • West Oxfordshire Alliance continues the partnership administration at West Oxfordshire District Council – Noted

Oxfordshire County Council:-

  • Parish Transport Representatives Meeting – the next meeting takes place via Teams on Tuesday 16th July and the clerk will clarify if Cllr. Robottom is able to attend.
  • New Engagement Team – DC Wilson explained that his colleague at OCC is organising site visits with Town & Parish Councils.  It was agreed that the Parish Council will draw up a list of items that need discussing with Highways and report these at June’s meeting before a site visit is arranged.
  • Local Nature Recovery Strategy – The questionnaire had been circulated to the Eco Group for completion by 7th June.   Noted.
  • Oxfordshire Council’s Charter – There is a new Charter and the Parish Council awaits further information on when this can be signed.
  • Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Consultation – Noted

Parish Council – Correspondence:-

  • Enstone Quarry – Cllr. Millar reported that he and Cllr. Knott had met with Smiths for a site visit.  This had proved most useful and Smiths will keep the Parish Council updated on all matters relating to The Quarry with full engagements from both parties.  Cllr. Millar queried possible contamination occurring when the boreholes are dug and how this is monitored.  Cllr. Gomm queried the traffic management when exiting the quarry and turning left with the need to cross over Woodford Bridge.  Cllr. Millar had circulated previous information regarding possible river contamination to Smiths for information.  Cllr. Millar was thanked for all his work on this.
  • Draft Biodiversity Action Plan – Mr. Cave from the Eco Group addressed the Parish Council on the draft plan.  This is following the new Environment Act to improve biodiversity.  He was thanked for producing a very well-written report with actions to consider and outlined the Parish Council’s responsibilities.  After discussion, it was agreed that Cllr. Peart will circulate the document in a shared Google format so that all PCs can make comments before further discussion at June’s meeting.                                                               

Cllr. Peart will collate the comments made and produce a summary. DC Beaney explained that there is only one District Councillor responsible for the whole County on biodiversity and to ensure that Enstone PC makes comments when the Local Plan is out for consultation concerning issues such as swift boxes in all new planning applications.   During the last consultation, only 250 responses were received.  The consultation regarding the Local Plan is due to be circulated in June 2024.  DC Beaney will also circulate the Article 4 Developments within the Parish.

  • Enstone Relief in Need Charity – The Trustees of the Charity will be attending June’s meeting to discuss the report that had been circulated at the Annual Parish Meeting.  There are real concerns regarding the possible sale of the allotments.
  • Enstone Playing Fields Association – Following Annual Parish Meeting when it was explained that a survey is required which will cost circa £1,500.00 it was agreed that the clerk will contact the Chair and request further information on who carried out the survey.  Cllr. Millar will then obtain similar quotes before a decision is made on the funding for this.
  • New WhatsApp Group – The recent parish questionnaire relayed many comments about residents not having information on what is occurring around the Parish.  Cllr. Peart and Mrs. Rachel Hunt, webmaster, held a meeting and explained the new concept of a Community WhatsApp Group and how this would work.   It was agreed that Cllr. Peart will circulate information to all PC members and organise for several PCs and residents to test this out.   Cllr. Peart and Mrs. Hunt were thanked for all their work on this.
  • D-Day – Following the last meeting, Cllr. Glendinning queried whether a financial contribution could be made to the Royal British Legion but this was opposed.  Noted.
  • Heythrop Park – Cllr. Peart and Mr Ian Cave from the Eco Group had met with the Managers at Heythrop Park regarding improved communication for residents and employers at Heythrop Park.   It was agreed that they attend the next meeting on 27th June.  Cllr. Peart was thanked for organising this.
  • Overgrown hedgerows and vegetation – Cllr. Glendinning requested that the annual article be put into Ensign concerning overgrown vegetation onto public rights of way and pavements.   Noted.
  • Cleaning of signs – Cllr. Glendinning was thanked for all her work taking photographs of many signs that need cleaning around the parish.  It was agreed that she would circulate these photographs to Mr. Hunt, for a quote.   
  • Quote for signage, Cling Clang Lane – Improved signage along Cling Clang Lane was discussed.  A quote had been received for two new signs and Cllr. Gomm will check the state of the current posts that the signs are on.   It was agreed, in principle, to fund these signs.
  • Community First Oxfordshire – Newsletter – This was circulated to all members.  Noted.
  • OALC – April’s Update – This was circulated to all members.  Noted.

48. Planning Application:-

  • 2 Braybrooke Close, Enstone, 24/01123/HHD – Erection of a replacement porch – No objection
  • Upper Farm, Cleveley, 24/00854/HHD & 24/00855/LBCInternal & external alterations to main house and outbuildings, including two storey extension and proposed roof lights to main house.  Erection of a carport and conversion of dovecote into plant room with the addition of a heat pump and landscape proposals – This planning application was discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting on 16th May and is fully supported with the recommendation to install swift bricks.

Decisions Received:-

  • Land Parcel South East Of Manor Field (Cling Clang Lane), Church Enstone, 24/00880/PIP – Refused
  • Orchard House, 2 The Square, Church Enstone, 24/00409/HHD – Approved

49. Finance:-

a) To agree the following accounts for payment:-

  • Clerk’s Salary                                        £1,014.10
  • NEST Pension Scheme (er)                    £30.42
  • NEST Pension Scheme (ee)                    £40.56
  • Vodaphone                                                  £18.16
  • Stationery (£11.99 + £4.69)                    £16.68
  • Noticeboards Online                           £4,270.32
  • WODC, election costs 2023/24           £200.00
  • Thomas Fox                                            £1,013.40
  • Astral Accountancy                                 £360.00
  • Enstone Parish Hall, Senior Teas           £24.00
  • Community First Oxfordshire                 £70.00
  • Gallagher Insurance                                 £660.09
  • Cllr. C. Glendinning, expenses                 £48.01


  • Bank Interest to 31.3.24               £332.31
  • OCC, Grass Cutting Grant            1,023.77

b)  Astral Accountancy – Internal Auditor’s Report for 2023/2024 – There were no queries to  report.  Noted

c)   To approve & sign Section 1 – Annual Governance Statement 2023/2024 – The Annual Governance Statement was approved by the Council and signed by Cllr. Philip Shaw and the clerk at the meeting.

d)  To approve & sign Section 2 – Accounting Statements 2023/2024 – The Council approved the Accounting Statement which was duly signed by Cllr. Philip Shaw at the meeting.

50. Dates of Next Meetings:-

  • Thursday 27th June
  • Thursday 18th July
  • Thursday 15th August

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00 pm.  Cllr. Shaw thanked everyone for attending.