PARISH OF ENSTONE (For PDF version click here)
Draft Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held
In Enstone Parish Hall on Thursday 12th May 2022 at 7.00 pm
PRESENT:- Four Parish Councillors, DCs Alex Wilson & Andrew Beaney, CC Geoff Saul and four residents.
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs B. Sinclair, Clerk to the Council
APOLOGIES. Apologies for absence had been received from PCs R. Parker, A. Ward, D. Robottom, N. Knott, Enstone School, PCSO Helen Keen and Enstone Relief in Need Charity
Cllr. P. Shaw welcomed everyone to the meeting.
397. Minutes:-
- The Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on Thursday 22nd April 2021 via zoom, having previously been circulated, were agreed and signed by Cllr. Philip Shaw. No Annual Parish Meeting had taken place in 2020 due to the Coronovirus Pandemic.
398. Matters Arising:-
- There were no matters arising.
399. Vice-Chair’s Report – Cllr. P. Shaw
- Following the covid pandemic, face to face meetings resumed in June 2021. PC Toni McMillan was Co-opted in June 2021 and resigned in December 2021 as she moved away from the parish. CC Hilary Hibbert-Biles retired in May 2021 and CC Geoff Saul was elected and welcomed to the meeting. DC Nigel Colston retired in May 2021 and Alex Wilson was elected and welcomed to the meeting. The Parish Council thanked CC Geoff Saul and DCs Wilson & Beaney for attending PC meetings and being so supportive. Members of the PC and clerk continue to attend various training events organised by OALC and there is now a monthly Chairs’ meeting, organised by OALC which has proved to be most useful.
- Traffic Issues – This continues to be a major priority for the Parish Council and the following work has been completed:-
- Solar powered Speed Indicator Devices installed at Gagingwell
- New “Enstone” signs on entering the village, solar powered speed signs in Enstone and new “wig wam” signs at the school. The PC wishes to thank PC Carole Glendinning for all her hard work with these projects
- Volunteers are required for the reintroduction of community speedwatch, following cessation of these during the pandemic.
- The PC is exploring the implementation of 20 mph on the roads in the built-up areas within the Parish, with support from OCC. A community meeting was organised as well as an on-line survey of residents. The survey showed clear support for the 20 mph speed reduction.
- The Parish Council supported the Windrush Valley Traffic Action Group that had called for Burford HGV restrictions being overturned – PC Glendinning was thanked for attending these meetings and updating the PC.
- OCC had repainted the white lines throughout the village.
- Work on Improving the local environment – The PC is supportive of numerous environmental initiatives from OCC and WODC regarding climate change e.g. electric charging points and tree planting. Discussions to solve parking issues at and around the school and the cessation of vehicles parking along the verge on the A44 continue.
- Litter Picking Weekend – Over 25 local volunteers helped in March – there was a vast amount of rubbish collected but the support from the District Council was rather disappointing. The collection of all the rubbish bags took a while to resolve.
- Climate Change discussions – these developed into the successful Enstone Eco Group – a bumblebee border was implemented at the Parish Hall (financed by the PC) and hedgehog signs put in place.
- Ditchley Estate – The PC continues to work with the Ditchley Estate to improve and clean up around the Hoarstones.
- The Green Gym – undertook work at the B4030/B4022 junction and also the pond at Gagingwell.
- Litter Bin Audit – WODC replaced the separate dog waste and litter bins with one larger bin. This was not without local controversy – the Parish Council is disappointed that there was no consultation at Parish & Town Council level before WODC implemented this scheme.
- Planning Matters – The PC continues to examine and comment on planning applications throughout the year.
- Supporting local organisations – Donations were agreed to Cleanslate (£50.00), Chipping Norton Theatre (£100.00), West Oxfordshire Citizens Advice (£200.00), the Ensign Magazine (£450.00) and Volunteer Link Up (£50.00). A presentation by Community First Oxfordshire had also been organised.
- Community Projects:-
- Enstone PC contributed £5,000.00 towards the repair of The Planks
- The PC was delighted to see the refurbishment of the playing field and wishes to thank the Enstone Playing Fields Association for all its work with this.
- Discussion are ongoing with regards to S106 monies ear-marked for recreation – this is in relation to the housing development opposite the Artyard Café.
- Queen’s Jubilee – Enstone PC co-ordinated meetings with local organisations for a community event on 4th June.
- A Christmas Tree on The Green will be organised by December 2022.
- Other Matters:-
- The Parish Council met with Gigaclear regarding the roll out of fibre broadband in Enstone.
- PCSOs in Chipping Norton – The PC has contacted MP Robert Courts regarding four PCSOs only having one vehicle between them. There had been an unsatisfactory response from Thames Valley Police.
- Caravans & litter on The Green Lane – The PC worked with the County & District to resolve the problem of travellers and of rubbish accumulating on The Green Lane.
- Warner Leisure – Meetings took place in relation to planning applications and traffic control at Heythrop Park.
- Thames Water – The PC worked with Thames Water regarding the ongoing problems associated with the sewage pumping station.
- The Paddocks – The PC supports the residents of The Paddocks regarding the unsuitable galvanised fencing.
Vice-Chair Philip Shaw thanked members of the Parish Council for their commitment and involvement on behalf of the parish. Particular thanks were expressed to the Chair, Nikki Knott and Beth Sinclair, the clerk and RFO for their dedication and energy over the past year.
401. Finance Report – Mrs Beth Sinclair, Responsible Financial Officer:-
- The Clerk reported that the certificate of audit had been received for the 2020/2021 accounting year and that no queries had been received from either the internal or external auditors.
- The audit process for 2021/2022 is in progress, the Parish Council having appointed Astral Accountancy as Internal Auditor and Moore continues to be the external auditor.
- Quarterly financial checks continue – these are verified and agreed at Parish Council Meetings.
- All the required documents have been put onto the website in relation to the Financial Regulations Act for Local Authorities and thanks go to Mrs Rachel Hunt for her help with this.
- The remaining monies in the Parish Hall account, totalling £14,215.90, have been transferred to the Parish Hall Management Committee (the Parish Council sought advice from the OALC regarding this). This bank account is now closed. The PHMC will use these monies solely for the refurbishment of the hall.
- As at 31st March 2022 the balance of the accounts totalled £30,395.71 in the Santander Account.
- The clerk thanked the Parish Council for its continued hard work to serve the residents of Enstone Parish.
402. District Councillor’s Report – DC Andrew Beaney:-
- DC Andrew Beaney thanked the Parish Council for all the work it does and Nigel Colston for his eight years of service as District Councillor and welcomed DC Alex Wilson.
- Budget update – there will be a £5.00 increase for a Band D house
- Covid Update – Covid grants totalled circa £50 million since 2020
- Refugee Update – There are circa 400 homes to support 950 Ukranians in Oxfordshire (99 homes in West Oxfordshire).
- Afghan Settlement Scheme – this is going well and growing
- Planning Update – Planning Officers are now back at full strength; backhouse support is being expanded; there are continuing issues with lack of enforcement officers; planning applications have increased by 40 per cent.
- National Park Plan – The plans have been stopped
- Local Plan – An update will commence this year.
- Climate Update – the WODC’s climate campaign is going well – car charging ports have been installed and biodiversity is on the increase.
- Community Grants – WODC still fund these.
- Car parking throughout West Oxfordshire remains to be free of charge.
403. County Councillor’s Report – CC Geoff Saul:-
- County Council elections in 2021 led to the formation of the Oxfordshire Fair Deal Alliance, a new administration for Oxfordshire, forged around a shared commitment to nine priorities. These include addressing the climate emergency, tackling inequality and promoting the health and well-being of all residents. The new Council inherited significant problems:-
- The disruption of Covid; central government funded spending power halved; increasing cost of adult social care and children’s services; underfunding of key capital projects; underfunding of maintaining Highways. There are two key actions:-
- Transport & Travel – To encourage cycling and walking and to increase safety in our towns and villages. OCC is investing an £8 million programme to make 20 mph the new normal in residential areas across Oxfordshire.
- Investing in a bid with bus companies for electric buses to serve Oxford City.
- Investing in active travel to include Local Cycling and Walking Plans – this includes Chipping Norton.
- Undertaking a strategic rail feasibility study to include the possibility of double tracking the North Cotswold Line.
- Investing in social care to support the most vulnerable and tackle inequality – Investing £5 million in the Supported Homes Fund; investing £6 million to build two new children’s homes in Oxfordshire.
- New Youth Service – This project is underway with the recruitment of 22 dedicated youth workers across the County.
404. Thames Valley Police:-
- No report received
405. Reports from the following Parish Organisations:-
(a) Enstone Parochial Church Council – Revd. Mark Abrey sent his apologies
(b) Enstone Relief in Need Charity – Margaret Sawyer attended the meeting; there are still difficulties with lack of water at the allotments. It was explained that this was not a matter the PC can resolve and that residents contact the ERNC. A few residents who use the allotments had unanswered questions from ERNC.
© Enstone Show – Anita Rowsell – The show takes place on Saturday 20th August from 1.00 pm.
- There will be a dog show; Mabel, the old coach from Worths will be on show; there will be a climbing wall for children; Graham Garden will open the show; T-cups; gym club; morris men; there will be prizes supplied by Warner Leisure and other local businesses.
(d) Enstone Sports & Social Club – Anita Rowsell – Anita gave an update on all the current activities.
-The Jubilee Celebrations will be held at The Sports Club on Saturday 4th June from 2.00 pm. There will be a BYO picnic with the bar open for tea and coffee; the Parish Hall will display memorabilia from the village; there will be a competition for the best Queen’s Portrait, organised by the school. The Parish Council was thanked for funding all the prizes. Seventy-five trees had been purchased in recognition of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and an article will be published in Ensign regarding the distribution of these.
-The Sports Club & Parish Council are working together regarding the renewal of the Lease which expires in September 2023.
(e) Enstone Playing Field Association – The new equipment had been installed and has proved to be most successful.
(f) Enstone Primary School – Apologies had been received.
(g) Enstone Parish Hall – PC Paul Johnson – Despite the Covid restrictions over the past two years, the Hall had not made a loss – this was due to Government grants.
-With the funds transferred from the Parish Council to the PHMC, these will be used to upgrade the kitchen to include more storage; general decorations; install blinds.
-A Jubilee Book of Remembrance for residents to describe their memories of the Queen over the past 70 years will be kept at The Parish Hall.
(h) Enstone Eco Group – Margaret Sawyer – The group now has eight members. The group has been involved with:-
-The Litter Pick on 19/20 March
-The Everyday Wild Event on 10th April
-Potting of the 75 birch wands, funded by the Parish Council
-The Eco Group wished to thank PC Philip Shaw and Hannah Bourne-Taylor for their support and involvement.
-The group liaises with other ecological groups in surrounding towns.
-During May, the group will contact the school to find out how they can support their environmental work
-A website has been set up and regular updates put into the Ensign magazine.
-At the Enstone Show, the Eco group will be arranging for people with electric cars and bikes to talk to residents about the advantages of these.
-Other ideas for debate include heat pumps & insulation; solar panels; building of ponds; eating better; reducing waste
406. Public Discussion:-#
- Celebrations for the Queen’s Jubilee on 4th June was discussed further.
- The idea of an Enstone to Charlbury cycling path was raised – this will be discussed further at the next Parish Council meeting. Ditchley Park Estate will be contacted.
- The planning application for Land at Chapel Lane had been received. It was agreed to hold a Planning Meeting in the School Hall on Wednesday 8th June 2022 and the clerk will organise this.
407. There being no further business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting at 8.15 pm.
______________________________ Chair