
Enstone Parish Council Planning Applications Discussion

Enstone Parish Council’s next meeting takes place on Thursday 25th April at 6.30 pm in St. Kenelm’s Church, Church Enstone when the two following applications will be discussed first:

1. Land and Building (E) 439518 (N) 226211 Enstone Airfield North, Banbury Road.  Erection of detached, single and two-storey viewing/instruction facility, including associated offices for staff and flying school users, WC facilities and a garage for fire & rescue vehicle.  24/00686/FUL (there has been an extension to the date for sending comments to 26.4.24).

Enstone Parish Planning - 24/00686/FUL - Airfield

2. Land Parcel South East of Manor Field, Church Enstone.  Permission in principle for the construction of one single-storey two-bedroom stone dwelling.  24/00880/PIP

This relates to Cling Clang Lane and the field leading down to the planks.

Enstone Parish Planning - Site: Cling Clang Lane

To log onto the planning portal, please go to and type in the Application Number where full details can be seen.