Important update This is a regular update about initiatives and campaigns to share with communities. Below are summaries of our current campaigns. The information you need to communicate these...
Care Services
Ensure your children are immunised – at home or at school
Oxfordshire School Aged Immunisation Service (SAIS) are a dedicated team of highly skilled professionals who deliver vaccinations to children aged 5-16yrs (Reception to Year 11) in schools and...
West Oxfordshire Community Infrastructure – Have Your Say
West Oxfordshire Community Infrastructure page You can find out more about what is meant by community infrastructure and how the Council goes about securing benefits for local communities when...
Age UK Oxfordshire – Benefits Information Campaign – Pension Credit
It is estimated that over 4,000 older people in Oxfordshire are not claiming the Pension Credit to which they are entitled, equating to a staggering £8.2m in unclaimed entitlement locally....