Click here for more information and free guide : The bright flashes and loud bangs...
Well Being
Visit St Kenelm’s, Church Enstone, and experience a great outdoor space
St. Kenelm’s (from Rosy Nixon) In 2023, a no-mow policy was implemented at the churchyard in St. Kenelm’s, allowing the area to flourish naturally. As a result, there has been a remarkable...
West Oxon Community Support Newsletter – Autumn 2023
This Autumn Community Newsletter can be found by clicking on the link below: The Newsletter provides...
Parish Council Open Morning – Saturday 16th Sep – Parish Hall 10am-12pm
This is an informal and friendly opportunity to meet your councillors. Come and have a cuppa and chat about ... Any concerns and queries you have See what the council has been up to Find out...
Celebrations in Enstone for the Coronation of HM King Charles III on 6 May
CELEBRATE THE DAY IN ENSTONE – OPEN TO ALL Get together with friends and bring a picnic to: Parish Hall – Open 10.30am – watch live events on the big screen, enjoy refreshments, cake,...
Age UK Strength and Balance Exercise Classes – Enstone Parish Hall
Come along to Enstone Parish Hall on Wednesdays, 14.15 to 15.15 and take part in exercises tailored to you by instructor Louise Barns. It is only £5 per session and you will feel energised after....
The Enstone Incredible Duck Race – A Quacking Success
Despite the awful rain the race went ahead on the 31st March. Great support of welly clad school families and locals went to the river bank to cheer the ducks on as they...
Ensure your children are immunised – at home or at school
Oxfordshire School Aged Immunisation Service (SAIS) are a dedicated team of highly skilled professionals who deliver vaccinations to children aged 5-16yrs (Reception to Year 11) in schools and...
The Enstone Incredible Duck Race – 31 March
At 2.30pm on Friday, 31 March, half way up Heythrop drive over 200 Ducks will start an incredible race heading downstream towards Enstone. Bring the kids to watch the ducks paddle their way through...
All Stars & Dynamo Cricket for Children
Oxfordshire Cricket are reporting that there are some exciting sessions that are happening at local cricket clubs in your area. Local cricket clubs across the county run an England Cricket...